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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Maybe he had some growing up to do. Some of us take a bit longer than others.
  2. I certainly hope the Bombers feel a lot of pressure here. Two sub-par performances in a row is bad enough, but three would be very bad.
  3. Don't think Waters will be collecting pogey for too long.
  4. We damned well better win tomorrow night or Rider fans will be chortling for days.
  5. Okpalaugo wasn't as impressive in his first two games as I had hoped. Maybe Jeffcoat will step up.
  6. I am not certain we have the horses to get into a footrace with the Argos. We had better hope that Ray doesn't find his rhythm or our defence finds another gear.
  7. We also have an O-line and defensive tackles that are all-stars. Once you get past that...
  8. Yup. Hall put Bass in a position where he was a fish on a bicycle and then let him go because he didn't shine.
  9. Heresy! where is the Spanish Inquisition when you need them?
  10. The Stamps rose to the challenge when they lost what- 6 starters and still kicked the Bomber butts. Lets see how much grit this team has.
  11. Captain Obvious speaks: This afternoon, O'Shea said that Wild will be out "for a while". The hill got a bit steeper.
  12. Not that we wouldn't want him back, but Muamba has not been the player he was when he left us. He's not even the best Canadian linebacker in the league any more.
  13. I am going to make a bold prediction: Carmichael is so vulnerable and Ray is so deadly a passer that, if Carmichael starts and plays the game, we will lose. Hurl is still a liability but he can be compensated for a lot easier than an inept d-back.
  14. God help us if Ray gets time and Carmichael and Hurl are still starting.
  15. Much easier to release Bass once caught.
  16. I wish I could be more confident about the Toronto game. Its axiomatic that if you are consistently bad, the problems can be identified and fixed. But if you are inconsistent as all get-out, that is a lot harder to remedy. The sea-change that Trestman and Popp have brought about for the Argos proves that coaching is the cause of inconsistency, and the past two games have raised some serious doubts.
  17. So far Knox has not been a starter on defence, although he has shown flashes, and Bass was darned good as an outside linebacker but mediocre at best in the middle. Overall, our scouting has been poor.
  18. There are probably nymphomaniacs who put up more resistance than Hall's defence sometimes does.
  19. Except for the teams which haven't lost. Calgary and Ottawa, I believe.
  20. While we're on the subject, the Bomber slogan this year is "playing for the W". What have they been playing for until now? A "T" or a "L"?
  21. Not that far away? Maybe, but so far there are a lot of concerns about the offence, the defence and the coaching. Its not one thing, its several things for two consecutive games now.
  22. And whose job is it to make sure the O-line is schooled on how to pick up blitzes?
  23. Its looking more and more like its not all on the players, though a few of them really stank last night. Almost everyone in the media and many in this forum have pointed the finger at the lack of adaptation in the second half. The same thing happened against the Riders last game but they were inept enough that we got away with it...barely.
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