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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I'm not at all sure that the offensive scheme had anything to do with the horrid basic QB skills shown by both Davis and LeFevour.
  2. And how many playoff games won in the past three years? And where does the defence stand against other defences?
  3. At some point in every athlete's career, the fire goes out.
  4. If you don't come here for trivia, then why are you here at all? LeFevour did it well, but I suggest we do a lot better for less than a one-trick pony.
  5. Agreed- status quo is just not good enough. Much as detest I Chris Jones, he is reasonably astute when to comes to football, neither Calgary nor Edmonton are likely to get worse and Wally in Vancouver is still mostly Wally, so the Bombers had better hit the ground running. If the Bomber defence is as poor as it has been for the past three years, we will be boned again.
  6. By no means am I well versed in football skills, but it seems to me that the same ability to take a handoff cleanly would be almost identical to taking a snap from center. Moreover, if a running back cannot read blocking off a snap, how the heck could he read blocking well enough to stay employed as an RB, period.
  7. There is every reason to believe that neither Davis nor LeFevour are worth keeping. If we need a short-yardage threat, why can't one of our fullbacks learn to take a snap and plough straight ahead or make a cut off-tackle?
  8. Or " feminine logic". ( I hope the wife doesn't see this)
  9. Three of five O-linemen aging out of their jobs cannot be very reassuring for a QB- Dyakowski and Clark were barely good enough last year and Labatte is almost there as well. Sask's receivers are darned good, but if Collaros has come down with a case of the yips, the odds are against him. Their defence will probably be OK, so overall I would bet on a .500 season for the Greenies. None of it will be Jones' fault, of course.
  10. With the Riders' creative financial management of the salary cap, does it really matter?
  11. Avs playing better than the Jets. Is the rest of the team waiting for Buff to carry the day? If so, it ain't gonna happen.
  12. yup, but it looks like the Jets have been jolted awake
  13. Morrissey just had the stick pulled out of his hands and the Avalanche scores. Jets better wake up right now,
  14. Jets have not been sharp in this game and it just cost them a goal. Colorado looks like they want the game more.
  15. I think we are mostly tending towards depression. Time to change the title of the thread to "Why the Frack is O'Shea Keeping Hall?".
  16. Done properly, it could be profitable, not to mention the PR boost.
  17. And now.....welcome to HOGMANAY!!! Enjoy.
  18. He could probably find enough under his sofa's cushions.
  19. Montreal can trade for Collaros conditionally upon Collaros renegotiating his contract to an incentive-based one. That's been done before.
  20. Those who have not travelled in other countries have no idea of the pitfalls there, In South Korea, for example, if a woman tells a cop that a foreigner looked at her in a way that made her uncomfortable, that inevitably will lead to a conviction (the Koreans are xenophobic), a fine of $10,000 or more and/or several years in jail. Plus an international record as a sexual criminal.
  21. Isn't that what Facebook and Twitter are for?
  22. You could well be correct, and we will not know if Loffler can adapt his game until the bullets fly again, but there were too many times when the opposing receiver was unaccounted for and free to run where he chose.
  23. Maybe, but to me it looked like the soft zone and man coverages were largely to blame.
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