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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. The quantity isn't the issue, nor is whether or not THC is harmful. The pending legalization for personal use is irrelevant as well. Carter had to know that he is an alien in Canada with permission to be and work here under condition. The Rider fans are contorting themselves to justify Carter and simultaneously crying and wringing their hands about the unfairness of it all. There are a few sane posters there, but it is a hilarious hissy-fit overall.
  2. Since it took about three months after the season was over to decide that Davis was not good enough a QB to be worth keeping, I guess it is going to take a lot longer for O'Shea to decide about Hall- another 12 months or so ought to do it. If O'Shea is committed to wet-nursing Hall, it could take even longer.
  3. DWI charges are hybrid- both a summary and a criminal offence. Summary offenses are provincial charges and in Manitoba fall under the Highway Traffic Act, but the criminal charges are federal and must be changed by Parliament. Alberta may change their equivalent of our Highway Traffic Act, but since the criminal charge fall under federal law, I'm not sure how that is going to work there. Provinces govern driver and vehicle licensing so if convicted, you could still go to jail but still keep your license.
  4. FYI: I am not sure if your statement about police having a great discretion deal of discretion about charging drivers who blow over .08 is accurate. For one thing, you can be under .08 and still be charged/convicted, and the same applies if you are not even behind the wheel . Refusing to provide a breath sample is also an offence. Being wrecked on other MAS's is also going to get you in trouble.
  5. Good to hear that Ekakatie is serious about being a pro athlete, but if O'Shea has to spoon-feed Hall, what is the point of having Hall around? Hall is not a fuzzy-cheeked rookie any more, and if he hasn't figured out how to run a defence, he never will.
  6. The real question is how stupid and/or stoned do you have to be to think you can carry an illegal substance through international customs and get away with it? Legalities aside, that has to take major league stupidity. Or thinking that you can get away with anything because you're "special".
  7. This was pretty much inevitable. Carter's personality is such that rules don't apply to him. I hope the league will come down hard on the arrogant twit, because the Riders will probably come up with some kind of excuse to absolve Carter.
  8. To the surprise of almost nobody. Any bets on him being picked up by another team? Didn't think so.
  9. And I suspect that both careers will be as memorable in the CFL.
  10. The possibility of a Konar-Reed-Leggett linebacking trio makes me positively giddy.
  11. Maybe the offer reflects what the Cats see as his value and potential. Talent is not enough- we've seen a lot of talented players arrive with great fanfare and implode.
  12. Checked the Rider and 3downnation websites but no mention there.
  13. Oooh, oooh, oooh. My nipples are hard...
  14. Geoff Gray was interviewed today on 1290 radio- doesn't sound likely to be here any time soon.
  15. Yes, because urinary incontinence is no fun.
  16. A bit off current topic, but has it been posted that former Stampeder QB Jerry Keeling departed this mortal plane last week?
  17. Konar seemed to have the physical size and skills as well as what used to be called "a nose for the ball"- a kind of spidey sense. I hope that Walters throws good money at him.
  18. The bottom line is that if you do not have diminished capacity and sign a contract, you are bound to it. Period. Even if the contract is horribly lop-sided, you are bound to it, and it happens all the time. If the Argos want to create some goodwill, that is their prerogative to void the contract, but then a precedent has been set that other players can reference in a tort suit. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
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