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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Damned if the Argos aren't going to give this game away. Hope the Bombers are watching.
  2. Immediate ejection would be the best answer.
  3. Mocking Maas for his decisions is fair game. Mocking him for his physical appearance is crossing a line.
  4. As bad as Fajardo is, Kelly is not looking that much better. Still anybody's game.
  5. Okay, now its getting scary. bombers are on a roll. and the Ticats are hobbled and an overall crappy team. I'm getting a baaad feeling about this....
  6. Why is he still in the league? He is not particularly good or young and seems to be a disaster waiting to happen.
  7. Don't forget to use your sarcasm font when appropriate.
  8. Over at Riderfans, cold, stark reality has set in for those with a functioning cerebral cortex. They are in the third (depressive) stage of grieving and sliding towards accepting that their team sucks, has sucked for a long time and will continue to suck for a long time.
  9. Blue Bombers sign Oliver Martin, who caught NFL preseason passes from QB Nathan Rourke By 3Down Staff -September 12, 2023 The Winnipeg Blue Bombers have signed American receiver Oliver Martin. The six-foot-one, 200-pound target went unselected in the 2023 NFL Draft but signed with the Jacksonville Jaguars soon thereafter. He made three catches for 17 yards during the preseason and caught a two-point conversion from former CFL quarterback Nathan Rourke. Martin made 25 catches for 405 yards and two touchdowns over three collegiate seasons at the University of Nebraska (2020-22). He reportedly ran a 4.53-second forty-yard dash at his pro day along with a 41-inch vertical jump and an eleven-foot, two-inch broad jump. The 24-year-old had previous stints at Michigan and Iowa before transferring to the Cornhuskers. He caught 11 passes for 125 yards and one touchdown with the Wolverines in 2018 before making five catches for 28 yards and one touchdown with the Hawkeyes in 2019.
  10. Desperation time. Maybe he got a whole lot better after he was cut.
  11. I am not defending Maas or Maccochia, but the pool of potential head coaches was pretty poor at that time.
  12. The problem with the inconsistency the Bombers have shown on occasion this year is that the potential is there for them to drop a deuce in the playoffs. That concerns me. If its just one player or one aspect of the game, the other parts can compensate. When the whole team takes the day off on the wrong day, the season is over.
  13. At some point, the team realized that Fajardo was never going to lead them to the promised land and essentially gave up, taking their frustration out in dumb penalties.
  14. As bad as the TiCats are, the Larks are trending downward and it has become glaringly obvious that Fajardo is not the answer, in spite of the beatings he has taken. Just a question of time before he gets injured again and gone for the year.
  15. Well, that ought to turn the season around for the Larks.
  16. Not looking for reality there- just a shot of schadenfreud.
  17. TSN has been polishing turds for a long time now and has it down to a science.
  18. Oliveira's problem in the past was his momentary hesitations when he was about to hit the line. Probably a combination of lack of experience and confidence whiche seems to have overcome.
  19. Yes, until a smart coach with the right players revives it and wins a lot of games. Then it will be in fashion again.
  20. Which will make zero difference. O'Day, and Dickenson have painted themselves into a corner and their options are functionally nil. They can change a player or two but that is simply rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
  21. Especially with the Riders while they are getting their collective butt kicked up and down the field.
  22. It's a lot easier to ***** about the reffing and nonexistent Bomber O-line and D-line dirty play than admit that the Rider organization need to be cleaned out and the rooms fumigated. In this forum we have a few management apologists, but the Rider fan forum has a lot of people there completely divorced from reality.
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