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Brandon Blue&Gold

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Posts posted by Brandon Blue&Gold

  1. 1 hour ago, JCon said:

    It's not as engrained as everyone believes. I lived there. I remember the telethons to save the team. I remember years where no one in the province cared about the Riders.

    If they lose, for a long time, it will be the same. As it is anywhere with losing clubs. They're not immune to it.

    They have a solid, wonderful fan base, but a lot of "fans" are only interested while they're winning.

    To be fair, you can say that about a number of fan bases. Including ours.

  2. Louisiana has the "Stand your Ground" law. It sounds like that may be why the shooter was released. But if the witness's claims are accurate how can you claim self defense when the victim was unarmed and apologizing, then after shooting him down proceed to stand over him, talk @#$& and shoot twice more? That's an execution plain and simple. I really hope the investigation isn't over. This is so wrong. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Dr. Blue said:

    Portage & Main

    Polo Park: 5.4 km 13 min

    IGF: 13 km 21 min



    Polo Park: 9.3 km 14 min

    IGF: 15 km 20 min


    Garden City

    Polo Park: 10 km 20 min

    IGF: 18 km 33 min


    North Kildonan

    Polo Park: 12 km 22 min

    IGF: 18 km 30 min


    East Kildonan

    Polo Park: 13 km 25 min

    IGF: 23 km 29 min


    East St. Paul

    Polo Park: 31 km 29 min

    IGF: 40 km 32 min



    Polo Park: 15 km 30 min

    IGF: 25 km 25 min


    St. Vital

    Polo Park: 18 km 27 min

    IGF: 6 km 11 min


    St. Boniface

    Polo Park: 13 km 24 min

    IGF: 12 km 18 min



    Polo Park: 210 km 2h 13min

    IGF: 227 km 2h 17min


    These driving times are not that different. Also not in the middle of nowhere, there are plenty of restaurants and bars in the area. Middle of nowhere would be on the ex grounds.  

    Is one of the big factors that there is more free parking at Polo Park?

    As it's been mentioned, Winnipegers don't like change and year 1 @ IGF was a horrible first impression.

    Yeah those 4 minutes really all the difference for me lol. After that first year IGF has been a breeze for parking and coming/going. Any of you Winnipeggers need some tips this out of towner (and his retired father) would be happy to offer advice ?.  We got a damn fine stadium. The location is fine (good for the U of M Bison too). This complaining has been going on for over 3 years. Please stop.

  4. On 22/11/2016 at 6:36 PM, SpeedFlex27 said:

    You mean Southern Ontario. Or Bombarier in Montreal. Where all the votes are. It doesn't help anyone else. Everything costs more. At the same time bring in policies to kill the oil industry out west with all the jobs that go with it as the Liberals don't need the west to gain power. Typically Canadian, instead of becoming competitive on the world stage the maufacturing sector relies on government subsidies or policies like a low dollar to keep them competitive when they can't do it on their own. Manufacturing is shrinking anyway as companies become more global like the auto industry. Jobs are leaving for Asia & Mexico. 

    Yes where all the votes are, and coincidentally most of the population of Canada. So it benefits (or used to depending on your pov) a lot of people.  Globalization is reality these days. Like I pointed out it allows us cheaper cars and TVs. Does it cost us manufacturing jobs, yes it does no denying that. But many experts agree NAFTA has been a benefit to Canada. I can't argue your point on oil because you're right, we are being very shortsighted on how we're handling that part of our economy. 

    In the end what would you prefer? Free trade and international trade agreements with cheaper goods and more choice, or tariffs and protectionism with higher costs but possibly more manufacturing jobs? Tough choice. Of course if we went the latter route we'd probably have a tough time exporting since other countries would throw tariffs right back at us. Globalization is the reality. I don't think we could escape it even if we tried. Be interesting to see if Trump can. I really doubt it. 

    The reality it we're a huge country short on population and big on natural resources. Our manufacturing base  is never going to be very impressive even at the best of times.


  5. On 19/11/2016 at 3:20 PM, Mark F said:

    Did I say I admire Putin? Or that i think he has done anything worthwhile? Don't think so.

    I said he's no threat to us.

    The European and American war mongers are trying to go back to the cold war, cause they  make a lot of money off of war, building and selling weapons systems (one cruise missile costs one million dollars)

    hence they have to find a  Russian to demonize. It's Putin.

    Russia/Putin is not a threat to anyone in Europe, or North America. I mean no threat whatsoever. If you want to ask the people in Syria who is killing them, there is a wide assortment of people and countries to choose from. Russia is one, so is USA, so is Saudi Arabia. Crimea is almost one hundred percent Russian, was part of Soviet Union till early fifties when Khruschev "gave" it to the Ukraine.

    Ukraine is not doing so well these days either. 

    I don't buy the propaganda  that we're fed... that when we bomb it's good, and when someone else bombs it's evil.


    The Russians are testing the boundaries of our Arctic territories. Have been for years. This will probably lead to a dispute in the near future. And I'm guessing we aren't going to get much backing from a Trump led U.S. 

    It's not Ukraine or Syria level threats but I'd say Putin is someone we need to watch closely, for our own selfish reasons let alone how he affects the rest of the world.

  6. On 18/11/2016 at 10:37 PM, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Does anyone really know if NAFTA & these other international trade deals have made our lives better or worse? I just see jobs going to Mexico or China & the Phiullipines. Meanwhile you can't ship beer from one province to another among other things. I wish we'd take care of our own country first before trying to be wunderkinds on the world stage all the time & have everybody like us.

    One simplistic way to look at it... you like being able to afford a flat screen tv, a smartphone, a good car for under 25 grand, and doing all your shopping at Walmart on the cheap? If your answer is yes then yay international trade agreements.

  7. 17 hours ago, J5V said:

    Maybe all of the ones YOU want.

    With the game on the line MOS didn't trust his players or his OC to get him the 4 yards needed to have a realistic chance of winning. He had so little faith in them that he preferred to try a 61 FG in a dome, which had never been done before, in a playoff game, with the entire season on the line. 

    He didn't have a choice. He couldn't blame any player. He took that opportunity away from them. He unbelievably parked them all on the bench at third and four. Medlock has never made a 61 yard FG in a game. His range is 57 yards, something he had told O'Shea. So he couldn't blame Medlock and he couldn't blame the rest of the players. He took it all on himself to hope for a miracle instead. Stupid, stubborn, and willing. 

    At least now when the 13th man thing comes up Lapo can say, oh yeah, well what about O'Shea!

    Why would LaPo have to answer for the 13th man incident from Grey Cup 2009?  He ran the offence for the Riders and had nothing to do with that screwup.  Kavis Reed ran their special teams so it would be on him, and I think I recall him taking responsibility for it.  The only reason to associate LaPo with that is the TSN cameras catching his reaction to the penalty.  And frustration doesn't equal culpability. 

  8. Unlike previous years not too much needs to be done for next season.  Improving on this year is certainly doable.  Assuming Nichols comes back the offence should continue to improve with stability at QB, OL and OC for the first time in a while. On D we have a very good group of DBs, the LBs could maybe use an upgrade at MLB but otherwise are in good shape, but the D line needs to find a better DE opposite Westerman and a suitable replacement for Cummings if he goes to the NFL for a while.  We gave up a lot of passing yards this season and more pressure from the front 4 is needed.  At the draft we need 1. WR (replace Kohlert/Richards)  2. DL (eventually replace Shologan unless Butcher is good to go next season)  3. OL (because it's the CFL lol and I assume we move on from Neufeld) then BPAs.  And of course keep on scouting new talent to push or even improve upon existing players.

    Re-sign O'Shea despite (my opinion anyways) his error in trying the FG last game.  He's a solid HC and is getting better each season.  Worth bringing back and I bet the players would love it.  Replacing Hall would be nice if Thorpe or Steinauer would come here but if not another year of Hall wouldn't be the worst thing to happen (I hope).  And re-sign Walters, this shouldn't even be in doubt.

  9. 1 minute ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Hutch is here because, in part, every team needs to have a goalie exposed in the expansion draft.  Helle isnt eligible and neither is Pavs.  So Hutch is it.

    I think the options you mentioned are all too expensive for the Jets' needs.  If the Jets were cup contenders, perhaps they'd see the value in a veteran back up.  But since they arent really cup contenders, continuing to grow and develop with their young goalies is likely the way they will go.  If they felt they needed a veteran back up, they would have kept Pavs with the Jets.

    Good points.  And this might be a better topic next season when we're past the expansion draft and the expectations for the Jets are higher.  Especially if our goaltending is still a question mark. 

  10. The way they're playing right now, I don't want Copp and Petan going anywhere.  As for Stafford, I'd say he's become expendable.  And since he's in his final contract year we may as well get something for him. 

    Not sure if there's any realistic options out there but a goaltender upgrade might be a good move, whether to backup Helle or to continue easing Helle into the starting role.  I'm not sure the Jets are quite there yet as a contender but until our goaltending stiffens up we're gonna be on the outside looking in no matter how good our forwards and D are.  Hopefully someone from our current roster of goalies can finally nail down the job but if not are there options via trade out there?  Are guys like Miller, Fleury, Bishop etc viable options?  I know it's probably too much $$$ for what they actually bring and we'd get bent over in a trade for any of them but I'm just spitballing here.  Better options?  Or will any one of Helle/Hutch/Comrie step up consistently?

  11. There was a play last night on MNF.  Giants receiver running down the sidelines and the ball is thrown to him, it's a 20+ yd pass.  The ball is overthrown, missing the receiver's hands.  Two steamboats later the Bengals DB plows the Giants receiver from the side, never slowing down or veering away when he certainly could have.  There is no flag from the refs and no reaction from the fans, coaches and commentators.  I know this was the NFL and not the CFL but they have arguably tighter rules concerning hits to defenseless players. 

    Loffler had maybe a second to lessen his contact and he did somewhat by turning his head and he never left his feet.  I don't see how Loffler could have avoided the hit and penalty or not I'm glad he followed through.  It was a good football play to me.

  12. Shaun King's twitter feed is sharing a lot of horror stories happening in the States. Lots of incidents involving race. And just to be clear I am just as disgusted by the alleged Trump voter being attacked as I am by all the racist incidents being done by "Trump" supporters. This damn election has done its damage and it may only be starting. 

  13. 2 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    Here's a site to turn the stomachs of Social Justice Warriors everywhere:

    But who is Trump pointing at?  Why Obama's over-joyed staffers, of course, who are so happy to see a peaceful transition of power....

    HA HAA HAAA HAAAA HAAA I can't stop laughing at this picture.... :)


    EDIT - I can't seem to post pictures anymore.  What's that about?

    It's probably their reaction to seeing the man that will be firing them in two months. I can't imagine Trump will retain much if any of Obama's White House staff. I'd be upset too in their position. 

    Also going from Obama  (who by many accounts is a good man in person) to Trump  (who has yet to disprove his vile reputation) would be a tough pill to swallow I'd imagine.

  14. 4 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    and its the over-the-top sanctimonious nonsense like this that is in large part to blame for why Clinton lost.  People were tired of the name calling.  A "Cruel vengeful bigot" - really?  Until he had the nerve to run against the establishment, no one had ever called Trump a bigot.  That word gets abused by the left so much, it's lost all meaning.  "Don't agree with everything we say??  Then you are a BIGOT!!"  "Don't agree the entire environment is going in the toilet??? DENIER!!"  These issues aren't binary, and reducing them to binary means you end up with people getting angry.  And that means they will want change.

    Sarah Kendzior has been one of the best reporters during this entire election cycle. Much more informative than the cnn/fox/msnbc fools. Don't dismiss her fine work because of one slightly overwraught article.

  15. 1 hour ago, JCon said:

    No, I'm in 234.

    For the most part, we're a pretty quiet section. We get loud for the defense and chat amongst ourselves but we don't rant and rave. That is, except for this one individual.

    He's mostly just trying to get attention but sometimes he crosses the line with his language. I try to ignore it, so that my son does not pick up on it, but sometimes it gets bad. Saturday, was one of those days.

    My Dad sits either in or beside your section. But he's pretty peaceful so probably not him that's ranting, I hope ?.  

    Couple of loud ones here in 205 but they're more humorous than annoying. 

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