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Brandon Blue&Gold

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Posts posted by Brandon Blue&Gold

  1. As a Wheaties fan it was nice to see Ryan Pulock play an NHL game in his home province and his 3rd NHL game ever.  First of many I hope.  

    And just a reminder for the Hamonic trade/not trade discussions, the cap hit for Hamonic is just under 4M while guys like Myers and Enstrom are over 5M.  If the trade ends up being one of them for Hamonic, whatever you thought of Hamonic's game thursday night (off night or not, I thought he played fine) his ability combined with his term and $$$ would make him a very welcome addition to our blueline.  Even if it meant losing one of Myers or Enstrom.  Or even Trouba (although I think a Trouba/Hamonic pairing would be fantastic for the Jets).

  2. 10 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    If he deserves one, yes. I had this convo with my dad yesterday on our way to see triple 9, other then possibly will smith in concussion, what other black actor had a real strong lead role in 2015 worth nominating?

    Idris Elba and Michael B. Jordan did well in their respective films. (Creed not Fantastic 4 lol)

  3. 22 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    There was a rumor going around i saw yesterday Jays involved in a 3 way trade that would land us Red's Jay Bruce inexchange for sending Michael Saunders to the angels apparently fell apart due to Saunders health thats too bad. Bruce isnt a world beater but a solid Left handed batter that good on both sides of the ball

    It was one of the Jays' minor league players not Saunders, apparently, that had the health issue.  Saunders was my first thought too.  

  4. A guy on the Blackhawks SB Nation page did an article on what the Hawks should trade for Ladd.  He seems to think Shaw along with their 1st and/or a prospect would be doable.  Obviously just a blogger's opinion but would that be a fair trade?  I don't know a great deal about Shaw (other than when we play him or watching a few Hawks playoff games) but if this trade happened I'd be pretty happy with it.  Shaw is a good player with that right amount of sandpaper and skill.  




  5. Maybe another NI OL (Norman?) and/or Int OL for depth.  Assuming Fuller is healthy and not looking at the NFL he would give us some good size at receiver.  Couple of DEs still out there but maybe we're already set as BlueBallz pointed out (just not Peach).  Other than that not much realistically left for us in FA.  We did a very job on Day 1 covering our needs.  The rest can be covered at the draft and from scouting.  Which I know is no guarantee given our past track record but maybe this year we get it right.  Fingers crossed.  


    Who named them "Eskimos" (the Inuit peoples) in the first place?  Was it them or a subsection of them?  Or was it a bunch of white scientists many years ago?  And were the Edmonton Eskimos specifically named after the people from the North?  If so, and the people that the EE are named after find that term offensive, then maybe a new name should be considered.  I know I'd be annoyed if people from other countries kept referring to us Canadians as "British North Americans"  and naming their sports teams that term no matter how much we tried to correct them  :lol:.


    I get the EE have a long and glorious history as the Eskimos, but the RedBlacks have moved on from the Rough Riders quite nicely.  Maybe the EE could move on too.  

    White scientists?  From the 15th/16th century?  I don't know how many "scientists" actually lived in Canada during that time.


    In any case, no one really knows, but there's a few theories.  From Wikipedia:


    "Two principal competing etymologies have been proposed for the name "Eskimo," both derived from the Innu-aimun (Montagnais) language, an Algonquian language of the Atlantic Ocean coast. The most commonly accepted today appears to be the proposal of Ives Goddard at the Smithsonian Institution, who derives it from the Montagnais word meaning "snowshoe-netter"[11] or "to net snowshoes."[1] The word assime·w means "she laces a snowshoe" in Montagnais. Montagnais speakers refer to the neighbouring Mi'kmaq people using words that sound very much like eskimo.[12][13]

    In 1978, Jose Mailhot, a Quebec anthropologist who speaks Montagnais, published a paper suggesting that Eskimo meant "people who speak a different language".[14][15] French traders who encountered the Montagnais in the eastern areas, adopted their word for the more western peoples and spelled it as Esquimau in a transliteration.

    Some people consider Eskimo derogatory because it is widely perceived to mean[11][16][15][17] "eaters of raw meat" in Algonkian languages common to people along the Atlantic coast.[1][18][19] One Cree speaker suggested the original word that became corrupted to Eskimo might have been askamiciw (which means "he eats it raw"); the Inuit are referred to in some Cree texts as askipiw (which means "eats something raw").[18][20][19][21]

    In 1977, the Inuit Circumpolar Conference meeting in Barrow, Alaska, officially adopted "Inuit" as a designation for all Eskimo peoples, regardless of their local usages.[citation needed] The Inuit Circumpolar Council, as it is known today, uses both "Inuit" and "Eskimo" in its official documents"





    I don't know.  Looks pretty pale to me.  :lol:


    But you are right.  No one really knows for sure.  

  7. Who named them "Eskimos" (the Inuit peoples) in the first place?  Was it them or a subsection of them?  Or was it a bunch of white scientists many years ago?  And were the Edmonton Eskimos specifically named after the people from the North?  If so, and the people that the EE are named after find that term offensive, then maybe a new name should be considered.  I know I'd be annoyed if people from other countries kept referring to us Canadians as "British North Americans"  and naming their sports teams that term no matter how much we tried to correct them  :lol:.


    I get the EE have a long and glorious history as the Eskimos, but the RedBlacks have moved on from the Rough Riders quite nicely.  Maybe the EE could move on too.  


    I think I will go back to checking out Noam's view on this is.

    Once again, attack the person, but don't even address the message. What else is new around here.

    Here's Rex Murphy on the Syrian situation. I expect Rex to get the same treatment.


    Yes, let's get Noam's take on everything. Can't wait, though I already pretty much know what he's going to say.


    Rex's take was alright.  Pragmatic and reasonable.  Doesn't really take a firm stand but this isn't really a black or white topic.  




    Oh yeah that's awesome! This is from the same lady who gave us:

    The difference, my friends, between Israel and the Arab world is the difference between civilization and barbarism. It's the difference between good and evil [applause].... this is what we're witnessing in the Arabic world, They have no soul, they are dead set on killing and destruction. And in the name of something they call "Allah" which is very different from the God we believe....[applause] because our God is the God of love.



    Also, she didn't really answer the girls's question in the video.


    I think I will go back to checking out Noam's view on this is.


    Watching the video you could tell the lady was just itching for someone to ask a question that was somewhat in the ballpark of the topic she wanted to discuss.  And while she made some decent observations from an historical POV, her tone was loud and almost bullying.  The girl that asked the original (and innocuous I would add) question didn't deserve that.


    And you're right WBFB, the lady didn't actually answer the question.  





    I like Manibertans! Not too shabby.....the girlfriend, while born and raised Calgary, is actually full-blood Manitoban. Parents are from Sandy Lake and Brandon, and all family from there. So our house, in terms of decor, is basically a shrine to The Bison. Bombers, Jets stuff everywhere, and plenty of pictures of "back home".... 


    Definitely Manibertans....


    No Wheat Kings merch?  :o :o :o :o :o        :lol:

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