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Brandon Blue&Gold

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Posts posted by Brandon Blue&Gold

  1. 1 hour ago, ddanger said:

    Some people have complained about Neufeld in this thread. I think he got burned once for a bad sack.....didn't see much of his play was he bad??

    I was wondering the same thing.  I was at the game so I didn't have the benefit of HD replays.  Up until the 2 or 3 sacks in the 4th quarter I thought the Oline was solid.  Nichols had time and was barely touched until the 4th. The few times I actually focused on Neufeld he looked fine.  I know that one sack certainly appeared to come from Neufeld's man.  What about the rest?  I was just impressed he didn't hurt himself :D.

  2. 54 minutes ago, Ducky said:

    Trouba was going to play LHD with Buff so how would he bump Myers down is what i was thinking while listening to the interview.

    I mention that because it goes to Trouba's excuse about being buried behind 2 RHD and not getting the usage he wants, and then of course when given the chance to be 1LHD he balks at that too.  If he was truly serious about staying in Winnipeg but wanting to stay on the right side, you'd figure he could discuss it with the coaches and then bust his ass in camp and claim what he feels he should have.  But he won't.  He was already getting good minutes and would have gotten more PP time this season.  He wants out.  And has wanted out for a while.  Nothing was going to appease him.  That's my take from the H & L interview. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Good interview. Lawless flat out asked if the jets were allowed to tender an offer. He asked it twice and agent said we aren't negotiating

    so there it is. Trouba won't even allow the jets to make him an offer. 

    Hustler asked If trouba would report if he was made RHD and agent got pissy. There is nothing that will keep him here 

    rememeber that story about troub wanting $7m? I bet that was leaked by another team that the agent was talking to.... 

    Bye bye trouba. Wrong kind of character for what the Jets are building. Never sad to see a guy like that go. 

    Just listened to it now.  You summed it up nicely.  I liked Lawless' point where he seemed baffled Trouba wouldn't even come to camp and try to bump Myers down the depth chart, something I think Trouba could certainly have done.  The agent's pissy response aside, I thought that was pretty telling.  Wasn't even going to try and compete.  Trouba was done with the Jets the second the season ended.  Kept a pretty good poker face too all summer, not giving anything away to Wiecek. (although how perceptive is Wiecek really?)

    Good talent but at 22 years old if you're this much of a pain in the butt to the Jets, time to move on.  We have other options and will probably get some good talent back in the eventual trade.

  4. If we could accept prospects Philly looks like the best option.  Sanheim, Hagg, Morin, and of course Provorov are good young Dmen.  But does Philly even have the cap space to offer Trouba what he wants?  Judging by that NHL Cap website they don't.  Would have to take back a big chunk of salary.  Of course I'd prefer a guy like Lindholm, Murray or even Ristolainen, young but experienced. 

    There's no rush though for the Jets here.  Letting Trouba sit means Morrissey gets his chance to shine and Postma can get more ice time too.  I'm ok with seeing those two get more opportunities.  Just keep Stuart in the pressbox and we should be ok for the short term.


  5. 45 minutes ago, J5V said:

    What I liked and give MOS a lot of credit for is that this team maintained it's composure and mental toughness and came roaring back to scare the living begeebers out of Calgary. Down 24-0 they never gave up. That reflects well on the coaches and players.

    Of note is that we didn't have Andrew Harris. He might have made the difference is this one.

    Calgary got away with many egregious holds that were inexplicably not called. I mean grab on and tackle holds that were simply allowed to happen.

    We put Messam out and limited his effectiveness all game. That had to happen for us to have a chance. Good job.

    Calgary, like us, have players that make plays, especially on offense. When McDaniels went down other Calgary receivers found ways to make plays. Paredes kick reminded me of the last second kick that lost us the game against Edm last year. BLM is a **** but he is a damned good QB. Play makers.

    Medlock did not have his finest performance. Neither did Adams.

    The end result was a narrow Calgary victory. Yes we could have found a way to squeeze it out but Calgary left a lot of points off the scoreboard in that first half. They could have really blasted us. End result, as much as I hate it, was probably just. The better team won.

    Agreed. Noticed a couple obvious ones not called. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Mark H. said:

    Did some digging - No yards does not apply on a dribbled ball. They made the correct call.


    So if that Calgary guy had touched it before Adams it would have been a penalty since he wasn't onside? And the olineman that kicked it gets rushing yardage? I'm guessing this is a leftover from Football's rugby roots. 

    Again, if Adams had just fallen on it there would be a much less confused BB&G sitting on his butt in Westman. ?

  7. 1 hour ago, Mark H. said:

    Not a theory at all, that's the rule for a dribbled ball, which is what the call was. You have to be onside in order to recover a dribbled ball, which was negated when Adams touched it

    The way Forde was talking about it when it happened he was thinking it was an actual kick where no yards would apply. Trying to recall the play, when it touched Adams there was a Calgary player within 5 yards. Since there was no flag I assume the Calgary guy was onside when the OLineman kicked it? Otherwise shouldn't a flag have been thrown? Or does a "dribbled ball" not allow for no yards to be called? Just as long as long as an offside player doesn't touch it first. 

    Basically Adams should have just fallen on the ball. Oh well.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

    If he hadn't touched it, it would have been no yards. The players who recovers for the 'dribbling team' has to be onside. 

    Duane Ford just shot that theory down. Only considered a kick if it had gone out of bounds (according to Forde). If Calgary had touched it first they would have been penalized, but we touched it and did Calgary a huge solid. Adams should have just fallen on it. 

  9. I didn't expect a win but had hopes. This is pathetic so far. Leaving the middle of the field wide open letting the Stamps receivers get open all day. Nichols and the offence look intimidated and out of sync. And what the hell Johnny Adams? Just fall on it for !@#$'s sake. Maybe they can make it respectable in the 2nd half.

  10. Silly question here.  For all the blather from Rider Nation about the $$$ they bring in and how they're "propping the league up", does the CFL actually get much of a cut, if any, from CFL teams' merch and ticket sales?  I assumed that teams keep what they make with possibly a % going to the league from merchandise.  Does anyone know how it actually works?

    I know the big league money maker is the TV contract.  As someone pointed out on this site earlier TSN wouldn't have pumped big bucks into the contract if there weren't good viewer numbers across the league and sponsers wanting their ads to be seen nationwide.  Don't think Saskatchewan by themselves would have TSN giving a damn.

  11. 22 hours ago, wbbfan said:

    have to be cautiously optimistic. Weve been playing banged up against banged up squads. When/if teams are healthier things could change. It could be for the better or worse. We certainly cant keep up the turn overs like we have. But we could be a ball hawking group. 

    We're quite banged up ourselves (Rec, OL, DB, S).  Just means our backups are doing a better job than the other teams we've played.  Kudos to the coaches and scouting department (and of course the players themselves).

  12. On 8/13/2016 at 11:10 PM, kelownabomberfan said:

    yeah I have to say that it isn't a coincidence that the offense started playing better once Mr. Bond came on the scene.  And that happened with the emergence of Mr. Loffler as our new star safety giving us the roster flexibility.  Would Willy be doing as well as Nichols if he had three Internationals starting from day one instead of Pat Neufeld at tackle?  That is an interesting question.

    No doubt the Oline improved once they started 3 Internationals.  Which coincided with Nichol's first start, lucky him.  But a lot of the sacks Willy has taken over the years are on him (taking too long to progress through his reads, getting happy feet, not recognizing the blitz, not throwing the ball away, etc) and not the Oline.  Nichols does a better job of getting rid of the ball and avoiding the pressure than Willy has over the past couple of seasons.  Even when he does get sacked, I have faith that Nichols is taking it to protect the ball and not because he messed up or didn't see it coming.  I don't have the same faith in Willy these days. But I hope Willy can figure it out when and if his chance comes again.

  13. On 7/29/2016 at 0:00 PM, Goalie said:

    Believe that was Hardrick but... Pat Neufeld on twitter was asked about that one and said something quite interesting, said that it was slide protection and the receiver who was supposed to "slide" to that spot went to the wrong spot. 

    No it was Bond, in the 3rd quarter.  You're thinking of the 1st half.  That was Hardrick and Neufeld was probably right in that a receiver was on the wrong side for the block.

  14. 1 minute ago, Nash00 said:

    It was nice to see Bond step in and play well. I'm hardly an authority on o-line play but he looked pretty good to me when I payed attention to him. Hardrick always seems so pumped for his teammates too after plays, good energy.

    Credit where it's due, Shayon Green put the tackle on skates and backed him into Reilly to impede his follow through on the Frederick INT.

    Nice to see Westerman absolutely plaster Reilly to the turf in the 4th quarter. More please.

    Frederick can ball. Made some nice tackles, the one on the bubble screen pops out in my mind and obviously had a nice break on the ball for the INT. Loffler and Fogg had nice games as well.

    Was Adarius wearing his old Bomber jersey under his Eskimos one? He was bobbling passes all night, easy ones too.

    Nichols had a nice game, a few hiccups and one wonders how the game could have turned if the EDM CB doesn't drop the INT on that 2nd and long duck that Nichols threw up to Adams but all in all better play at the QB position than we have received thus far.

    I must have Bomber PTSD because I can't shake the "How are we gonna blow this one" feeling, even in the dying minutes of the 4th quarter last night. A few more complete efforts like this one and we may escape the wilderness and go into September with a real shot at the playoffs.

    :D You and me both with the ptsd. Wasn't willing to admit victory until the clock hit 0:00.

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