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White Out

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Everything posted by White Out

  1. Don't know why that was necessary. I recognized things were getting out of hand and withdrew from the discussion.
  2. I'm going to push away from the keyboard until game day because this is going south so fast and I don't want to be a part of this stupid arguing anymore. Go Bombers.
  3. You only like it because he's not willing to say the Bombers are as bad as others are, and, he's not calling for MOS's head. That's your line in the sand. Others have posted far more topical posts with a lot more content and reasoning, but because they want MOS gone and changes made you've decided "not good enough, too negative"
  4. So right back to, might as well shut down the forum? This is another appeal to authority. Well, Mr White Out, who the **** are you say anything? You aren't the Gm, Walters is. You aren't on the BOD. Your opinion doesn't matter, and even if you were right, it wont change anything. Boring boring boring. Get over yourself and your blue glasses. What you seem to fail to understand is people ARE discussing whats wrong but you just dont like how upset people are. Get over it.
  5. That's not a fallacy. A fallacy would be a strawman, appeal to authority, and many other common fallacies that are tpyically pulled out by the cheerleaders on this site. I think what you meant to say is that its a red herring. And you know what? Who knows. The Bombers have never been competitive since this site has been active.
  6. Honest question. What in the **** do you want us to talk about then? How sweet the jerseys are? Maybe we can get a 12 page thread going about how awesome our kicker is whenever he gets the tap on the shoulder to kick a field goal. Get real
  7. I don't want to take it down a notch, to be honest. I'm responding in the same levels to the original post. Don't take offence. wasn't directed at you. See that's simply not the case though. People have been discussing the pitfalls of this team and what needs changing. What 17to85 was whining about (sorry but correct word) is that people aren't focusing enough on the good things. I mean, that's such a laughable comment. This team is a total dumpster fire and we're supposed to be discussing things that are going right? Even at 50-50 content that's an insane proposition. What realistically has gone well this year? I mean, honestly? We have a great kicker now but that's being over shadowed by MOS refusing to use him, or botching time management with Willy to get him on the field. I realize it's not fun talking about all the problems we're enduring but when it's raining people talk about the rain. We aren't going to stand around in a hail storm and talk about how beautiful the sun surely is under the clouds. No, we're doing to talk about the damage to our cars and houses and how shitty the weather is as a way of collectively dealing with it all.
  8. ..and? Seriously whats your point? People are bitching. You want them to talk about the good things? What ******* good things? That Iron Mike might soon be fired? The team is a joke and is the laughing stock of the league. I was driving to work a couple days ago in the morning in Calgary and the sports guys were cracking jokes about the Bombers. Not how bad we were that one day, about how we're an annual free space on the bingo card and a total joke of a franchise. There's being a fan, and, then there's burying your head in the sand. What a ******* joke. You can sit there and enjoy the building caving in around you and comment on how lovely the colour of the tiles match the debris, but some people want to talk about actual events going on.
  9. Toxic sentiments- Well, what do you expect? The Bombers have been so bad for so long, do you really expect good natured joking and happy talk? Really? Rash decision- This is MOS's 3rd year as coach and Walters has been here, 4? 5? Hardly rash. Trigger finger- Yes. It`s getting about time to fire someone.
  10. I sometimes wonder if there's just a giant troll job happening on me right now. After watching Willy since he came here, and his abysmal first 2 games where he only got anything accomplished in the 4th when the other team had geared down... to read some people's account of his play and his abilities is jaw dropping. I mean, I honestly am wondering if its just a case of blue goggles. Willy, unlike Pavelec, is a likable guy and we all want him to succeed. He's a polite, well spoken man who I think would be an incredible ambassador for out team and city. But I can put that aside and look at his play and see major issues. He simply doesn't have the ability to read a defense that you have to have at this level if you aren't a mobile QB. Willy isn't mobile, and, he can't get the ball out fast. That's a recipe for disaster. It's incredibly convenient and easy to just throw ones hands up in the air and clack away on the keyboard about how bad our O line is, but that's a red herring. Put Willy behind the best offensive line in football and they'll still apply the same tactic: blitz Willy and take away his primary receiver. Done. He's shown a baffling inability to check down his receivers properly for someone who's nearly 30 and been in the league for years. I feel like people who voted him 14th or lower are being dicks, but if you have Willy anywhere outside the 6 to 9 range you're equally trolling or kidding yourself.
  11. Harris was very effective against Montreal, and his 3rd quarter production alone got the Montreal D to back off of Willy. He had a terrific game. In Calgary he barely touched the ball in the first half. I think he had around 7 or 8 carries in the 1st half. That's it. He's average 4.43 yards per carry. Our running game, when used, has actually been pretty fine. Compared to our tire fire of a passing game it looks like the Dallas Cowboys of the 90's. Further, there's a massive difference between run blocking and pass blocking anyways. Even if Harris was getting good run block support it wouldn't help anyones case against Willy. So really what I'm driving at is, 1) Harris has been fine and compared to Willy amazing, and 2) It doesn't mean anything to compare rushing and pass blocking anyways
  12. I think you're drastically over stating the issue of our O line. Willy is as much a problem with the O line as the scheme and players themselves. If opposing defenses know that the qb theyre going up against is a bad reader of D and a slow decision maker they`re going to make life very difficult for that qb
  13. What a dumb post with logical fallacies to boot. No one here is saying it's 100% on Willy. This is the kind of mind numbing garbage posting that really brings down the level of the forum.
  14. We should extend Drew Willy to another 3 years at 450k. Got to lock up that talent.
  15. It's a terrible comparison. End of story. Glenn had a proven track record but was perceived as not being able to win the big one (which technically he hasn't). Meanwhile, Willy can't even get to .500. I don't know what your trying to suggest here. Are you saying that Willy will suddenly "find himself" at another team and go from the 13th best Qb in the league to a top performing guy? No, I'm not afraid of that happening at all. Not one bit.
  16. how many CFL qb's come in new and set the world on fire, and, once opponents get game tape on them they come crashing down to earth? it happens every year. the only difference here is that willy had so much hype built into him by our media and organization some people still cant separate the man from the myth. glenn has been consistent his whole career and is a winner. everything willy isnt.
  17. I assume you mean Kevin Glenn. Going to go ahead and point out a few problems with that comparison. 1) Glenn had a very good win to loss ratio with the Bombers 2) Glenn took us to a Grey Cup and barring a fluke broken arm would have delivered it to us 3) Willy hasn't demonstrated in any way shape or form his 3 years he's been here with us that he's a starting QB. You can't pay someone 400k a year to be the leagues 13th best QB.
  18. I knew it was our fault. God damn, we should all be fired.
  19. Where were you hearing this? Can you cite actual players saying this who aren't Blue Bombers? Otherwise, who cares? Someone joins our team and says "I want to play for coach" it's just typical pleasantries. And lets say that some how MOS has built a reputation of being a players coach, what results has that netted us?
  20. If you're responding to me, I mean he was inexperienced when we decided to make him our coach.
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