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White Out

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Everything posted by White Out

  1. ya well you can't really talk past the fact we have the 2nd worst D in the league. Behind only the TiCats, a trainwreck the CFL hasn't witnessed in years. Our D stinks, the way we deploy Hurl stinks and Hurl himself stinks. Don`t give yourself an aneurysm defending a very mediocre player.
  2. Before what gets out of hand? Nichols MOP-esque season?? The guys 17-6 as a Bomber starter since taking over from Willy last July, and you want to start seeing what Davis can do? Do you not realize how bad an opinion this is?
  3. Even there you're subtly suggesting both are a problem, the o and Nichols and the D. Let me blunt about this, this team has one glaring issue: too many points scored. Our d is what stands between us and a championship.
  4. You think Nichols should be going into games with a short leash? That's a remarkably bad opinion. Even for the internet. Congratulations.
  5. And as of this writing no team has allowed more points against than us. Do you want to have a fancy record or do you want to win a championship? You don't win a championship with this D.
  6. Some folks are just desperate, and I mean desperate, to "out" Nichols as a mediocre QB. Nm the fact we now have the highest scoring O in the league and statistically worst D in the league. It's Nichols and the O's fault! I sometimes wonder if Tom Brady played here how many people would want to see the backup. No team has scored more than us, and no team has allowed more points than us. But please, let us keep deliberating what the issue here is. Holy. ****, Cmon Bomber fans, I expect better from a fanbase like ours. We should be more tuned in to the blatantly obvious on the field in front of us
  7. We're one of, if not the highest scoring team in the league. nice try tho.
  8. What does Hall think is the best case scenario week to week? Hope for the O to sore 30+ points every game? Bend don't break only works if you dont surrender 40 points on a near weekly basis, We're giving up 32 points a game on average. That's not how you win a Grey Cup, and that's all that matters to me right now.
  9. This is probably the softest D I've watched in decades a Bomber fan. I'm flummoxed. Owsh Walters and Hall (edit woops thats a bit embarrassing) had the off season to try and plug holes but it looks like it's the same old same old: not enough consistent pressure and incredibly soft coverage. It's just infuriating. So what are some immediate things the coaches can do to try and make this D, arguably as bad or maybe worse than Hamilton's, closer to middle of the pack?
  10. Can't wait for tomorrow. Going to grill some steaks with my Rider friend and hopefully watch the Bombers destroy the filthy Riders. We've turned a corner as franchise; these are games we should expect to win.
  11. Fully expecting a win. Nichols is a different breed of QB than what were used to. He's a big gamer, a winner. He wont throw heart wrenching picks late in the game like Willy did in the Banjo Bowl. We're the better team, **** Regina. Go Bombers.
  12. That's a real **** opinion if you ask me. hah! Jokes.
  13. If there's no other reason to like Nichols, the fact he is 4-0 against the Riders is plenty for me
  14. Why do I hate the Riders? Is it because of their puke green ugly jerseys? No. Is it because they play in a **** hole province? Not really. I don't have to go there. Is it because they've won 4 cups in 100 years? No that's hilarious. Is it because their team name is also the name of a popular brand of condom? Also funny. I hate them because since the mid 2000's when that loser franchise had a small taste of success their obnoxious, beer swilling, toothless, cousin *******, uneducated, sweat pants with good shoes wearing, racist, inbred, penis breath fans became the most insufferable brand of malcontents in the sporting world. They make Raider fans look classy and put together. This team has just come off 2 horrible years with a handful of wins between both seasons, and has now JUST pulled themselves to a .500 record. And yet look at all the beaking their fans are doing. It's incredible. It's actually astonishing how tone deaf they can be, and the lack of self awareness is so pervasive. The Bombers are 17-5 since Nichols took over last summer and most fans including myself are still very cautious and careful not to count chickens before they hatch. Yet these mongrels are breaking their necks to start erecting Chris Jones statues in that outhouse of a city called Regina. I hope the Bombers beat the Riders by 400 points and Chris Jones rides off on his ******* motercycle during the 3 minute warning back to Tennessee and settles in a nice little cottage on ol' Rocky Top. What a prick. Him and his garbage fans deserve each other.
  15. Lol Nichols could win a grey cup and be grey cup MVP and still people would find flaws. Sports!
  16. Another brilliant performance. Reilly, BLM, Nichols. Those are the leagues best.
  17. Everyone minus Roc "Dumpster fire" Carmichael is right. Harris and Nichols are going to deliver this team a Grey Cup.
  18. Sorry but got to call you out on this one. We lost to bc because of Nichols? The D gets a pass for allowing 45 points?.??
  19. I mean, 1990 was a long time ago man. I would have loved a "fluke" Grey Cup a few years ago in BC. Or Toronto.
  20. I would agree with the view that any success this team has it will be in spite of their coaching, not due to it. That's Hall and Lapo, not just MOS.
  21. as it stands according to the CFL standings (and not including defensive scoring, which will play a role i guess) we have the the most points scored in the league and most points allowed in the league I guess we can hope that some injuries getting healed on D will help, but there's def something wrong with our defense and MOS/Hall really need to get to work.
  22. But... He engineered the game winning two scoring drives?
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