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Posts posted by basslicker

  1. On ‎2016‎-‎12‎-‎10 at 0:12 PM, The Unknown Poster said:

    Anyone that says "act like a man" shouldn't be critical of anyone else for gender anything. I mean really.... 

    the issue isn't the responsible well trained gun owners. That's where the debate always falls apart. Because responsible gun owners don't care if irresponsible untrained unskilled or criminals have guns as long as they get to too. That's the problem. 

    Any proof of that?  All gun owners I know are very respectful and are caring people.

    A lot of arguments of anti-gun people are very condescending and false generalizations.


    Also, when 'acting like a man' is a bad thing, you will see the fall of civilization as we know it. It means doing the right thing and protecting what's important.  What's wrong about that?

  2. On ‎2016‎-‎12‎-‎10 at 1:20 PM, Goalie said:

    Ya. Assault rifles are certainly not needed 

    And the U.S. does regulate assault rifles.  I believe they had to have been legally purchased prior to 1986 and there are some other restrictions.

    Fully automatic guns are regulated.  You need a special licence and background checks.

    And no, an AR15 is not an assault rifle.


  3. 4 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Yes, by my logic.  Most people dont have Wills from the time they can drive, but we drive every day and take that risk.  The odds of needed a gun to defend yourself is rare.  Far too rare to simply allow the masses to arm themselves with increasingly powerful weapons with little to no training in how to use them, little to no training in dealing with stressful & emotional situations, little to no training in self defense & first aid.  its like giving a child a tank to drive.


    Have you been to a fire arms class?  They are very strict in their teachings on safety and respect for the tool.

    And increasingly more powerful weapons?  Are you even aware of what you're allowed to have in Canada.

    And you're gender virtue signaling is disgusting.  Are you up for a job at Buzzfeed?

    To me, the most dangerous thing about firearms in Canada is the misinformation and fear mongering of A: the firearms themselves and B: the average person who owns (LEGALLY)

    Criminals don't count, because they don't register their firearms.

  4. On ‎2016‎-‎12‎-‎07 at 11:08 AM, 17to85 said:

    and how much time do those 4 penalties add to the game? half a minute? They gotta set the ball after a kick regardless, all that gets added in terms of time is the time for the official to turn on his mic and call the penalty so it's really insignificant. All the time wasted on frivolous challenges is a bigger concern than penalties on a return. 

    It's not so much the time it takes, it's the mere fact that so many penalties are called in a CFL game, it's embarrassing.

  5. On ‎2016‎-‎12‎-‎08 at 8:28 AM, Logan007 said:

    OMG, did you actually just use that as an argument?  He nudged some gal and she flipped out.  Are you one of those cry baby NDP?

    And FYI, I'm not a JT fan.

    Hahaha, I am in no way an NDPer.   Just pointing out that Justine isn't the 'sunny ways' guy he claims to be.  He's an immature man-child who can't hold his emotions in check.

  6. On ‎2016‎-‎12‎-‎07 at 9:06 AM, The Unknown Poster said:

    This is such a wrong mentality.  Firstly, do you believe every crime deserves the death penalty?  Because the "dont mess with cops, dont get shot" is silly.  Is running from a cop, "messing with"?  Are you really saying evading police is a death penalty case?  Let's not even factor in mental illness that can cause people to react aggressively or that as humans, people can react poorly in the moment.  Not deserving of death.

    How often do armed intruder's threaten your kids?  If we armed everyone to help them in the rare event they were confronted by an armed intruder, we'd need more crime scene clean up crews to mop up the blood from the times those guns are used to shoot others, not armed intruders. 

    The paranoia that people are out to get us so we need to arm ourselves is silly.  The fact a time might come when you call 911 and need the police to help you does not mean we should all be armed so we dont need the police at all.  That's not even an argument worthy of debate.  If this is the sum total of your reasoning to have guns, then the anti-gun people have already won.

    No one needs guns.

    So by your logic, the rarity of the possibility of being threatened with death means we shouldn't be prepared for the time when we do need to protect our loved ones?

    I'm not saying live scared, but you can live safe.  And no, I don't want to kill anybody, but when a good man's family is threatened, don't be surprised when he acts like a man.

    And yes, I have been in a situation where people I lived with (roommate, not family) were threatened with death by a crazed man who broke down our door, and no, I didn't have a gun.

  7. On ‎2016‎-‎12‎-‎03 at 2:07 PM, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Especially in the US where some States have legalized the carrying of guns & self defense laws. Back here, if there's someone acting irrationally aggressive towards you on the road then stay in your car, use your smart phone & call 911. Don't challenge them. If the other driver speeds off then get the license plate before calling police.

    And thank you Pierre Trudeau for making Canada into the country where we're supposed to run away from all danger.

    Anyone remember the badasses in Winnipeg who chased down an armed suspect who had just shot a guy at a bus stop on Main street?  Now those are brave people.

  8. Don't mess with cops and you won't get shot, most of the time.  The majority of the shootings that the loonies at Black Lives Matter cry about are justified police action. 

    I wish Canada had open carry laws and allowed us to defend ourselves.  What a joke society we live in that we cannot protect our family's lives and well-being.  Armed intruder threatening your wife and kids?  Better call the cops so they can arrive in time to mop up the blood. 


    People don't like praying or guns, but when trouble comes you'll be praying to Him to send a man with a gun to help you.  I'd rather be that man protecting my family.

  9. 2 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    Yes, JT is a tool- what's your point? 

    My Point was: Harper was a terrible PM. Not JT>SH

    Just a simple mans simple comparison.  Tis all.  So we agree that politicians are politicians?  haha

    I'd just rather a man of strength who gives Canada a strong image internationally (and giving the corrupt UN a big middle finger), then one who bends knee to communist dictators.

  10. 20 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    and when you say moving you mean not moving because the returner just takes a knee and doesn't go anywhere right? At least in the CFL you get the opportunity for a return every play which is well worth the few seconds it takes to call a penalty and set the after the infraction. 

    I mean moving, as in cutting out at least 4 penalties per game.

  11. 22 hours ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    He was a top notch bully- shitty Prime Minister though.


    Really unsure how the regressive conservatives reconciled their loss of freedoms and privacy while supporting the bloating of the government under Harper's "watch".

    Haha, yeah and the Princess is just that right?  A princess. 

    One who elbows female MPs, silences dissent in his party, employs double standards on applying the law to his MPs, refuses to let the people decide if they want electoral reforms, stifles debate in the house of commons..............etc

  12. On ‎2016‎-‎11‎-‎27 at 0:11 PM, The Unknown Poster said:

    Pretty big news as Canada becomes a joke around the world. That's what happens when you elect a childish empty suit. Don't blame me, I voted conservative lol

    Too many young brainwashed people have no idea of what evil looks like.

    Just look at all the educated fools wearing Che Guevara shirts.  The man was a murderer, racist (a real one), imprisoned gays and banned music.  He was also buddy-buddy with the Castros.  That's right, go buy your anti-capitalist hero Che shirt..........available at a multi-national corporate clothing store near you......sheep.


  13. On ‎2016‎-‎12‎-‎05 at 9:37 AM, 17to85 said:

    get out. Just get right out of here with talk like that. Refs might suck at calling no yards but it is so much better than the ******** fair catch nonsense that I'll live with it. 


    No yards is a joke.  There are way too many penalties in the average CFL game.   The no yards automatic penalty is a complete joke.  Bring the fair catch in and get the game moving. 

  14. 2 hours ago, blueingreenland said:

    The NFL has full time refs and their officiating is, at times, BRUTAL! Would full time refs improve our product? Maybe slightly at best. One thing that needs to improve, besides all the challenges, is that "ref in the sky", the ref in the booth. He was supposed to correct the mistakes, but the guy did next to nothing.Waste of a salary if you ask me.

    The NFL refs are not 'full time'.  They are discussing making them full time. 

  15. 16 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    You mean Southern Ontario. Or Bombarier in Montreal. Where all the votes are. It doesn't help anyone else. Everything costs more. At the same time bring in policies to kill the oil industry out west with all the jobs that go with it as the Liberals don't need the west to gain power. Typically Canadian, instead of becoming competitive on the world stage the maufacturing sector relies on government subsidies or policies like a low dollar to keep them competitive when they can't do it on their own. Manufacturing is shrinking anyway as companies become more global like the auto industry. Jobs are leaving for Asia & Mexico. 

    NAFTA hurts normal citizens and only benefits the very large corporations who save on labour costs. 

  16. On ‎2016‎-‎11‎-‎21 at 8:39 PM, wbbfan said:

    the support came back in full force during the 01 era run and the swaggerville era short lived as that may have been. Its not the cumulative effect. Its the current teams momentum and the diversity of the sports market. 


    Winnipeg has long had a reputation for not being good at integration. Not just for immigrants and different ethnicity groups but even canadians moving from other parts of the nation.  Its a cultural problem driven by the blue collar low brow broke af nature of the area. Would love to see an out reach program for migrants to get a bunch of tickets to go as a group with some of the friendly blue fans who can show em the game and our team. 

    Really dude?  Idiotic statement of the week.

  17. On ‎2016‎-‎11‎-‎18 at 10:59 AM, Fan Boy said:

    I hope the Jets are not a real reason for lack of fan support as they seem to be entering an up stage in the cycle. I am not a hockey fan having never played the game but I notice the team seems to be better with a hot shot rookie. I just hope that the inevitable excitement does not eat away any further fan support from the BB than it already has. 

    If the Bombers lose more fan support, it's more likely attributable to the lack of a championship is 26 years more than anything.

  18. On ‎2016‎-‎10‎-‎11 at 10:52 AM, Taynted_Fayth said:

    lol yup....  tho, wasn't there supposed to be a live action Voltron? how the hell did Power Rangers come out faster

    As if we needed more proof that Hollywood is where creativity goes to die, we get a Power Rangers movie and word that Dicaprio is working on a Captain Planet movie?  I was hoping it was a joke.....but I forgot that Leo IS the joke.

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