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Posts posted by basslicker

  1. Here is a good debunking video of some of the bigger climate change myths. 

    And yeah, Steven Crowder tries to add humour, but he also backs up everything he says with references and sources.  More than can be said about most other celebrities and fake-scientists. (I'm looking at you Bill Nye, the 'I'm not an actual Scientist-and I have-no-Phd' guy)




  2. On 27/08/2016 at 11:13 AM, Mark F said:

    how bout responding with something other than an insult?

    hi, climate is science, not politics, and is neither left right nor center.


    How bout explaining why someone who thinks the earth is hollow is worth five seconds of my time?

    it's cute how you say climate is not politics.    it's all about politics.  you dont that think some people are getting rich from the 'green' movement?  

    they make you pay more for less and even for nothing.


    step 1: convince the people they're evil and killing the earth.


    step 2: create a carbon tax to solve the made up problem and take away more freedom for the 'greater good'. all the while lining the pockets of the elite. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    Tim Ball

    William Happer

    Anthony Watts

    Of course now cue the Desmog blog cut and paste smearing of all three of these guys, or the idiotic "denier" word being pulled out of someone's arse as the standard response to anyone who dares question the narrative.  Anyone who dares question the man-made climate change myth in the scientific community is immediately black balled by the PC gang and the lies about where their motivations lie (always always "Big Oil" apparently) are invented.  Just total garbage.

    there are more skeptics that  the msm wants to tell you.


    ever hear that nasa says the ice is growing in antarctica?

  4. I agree, well said.


    I went to check out RF after seeing this thread....and wow hahahahahahahaahahahahahaha

    Those guys are delusional haha.   The idiotic posts about the commish and Jones are ripe for comedy.   Although I will say some of them are taking their fines as justified.  Some were complaining they league should have warned them first, too bad.

  5. On ‎2016‎-‎07‎-‎21 at 0:09 AM, Floyd said:

    Cruz is playing for the 2020 nomination...  only guy deep-sixing his career this week is Chris Christie

    I can't believe Cruz even spoke at the convention... Trump treated him like garbage.


    I thought it was more of a soviet reference.

  6. 1 hour ago, bearpants said:

    I would argue Matt Nichols' TD drive was not garbage time... a 2 score game with 8 mins left in the CFL is easily attainable... of course, when your offense in generally incapable of any scores that makes it tough....

    Also, I was impressed with the Canadians in the secondary after the injuries.... I'd like to see us start Loffler at safety and Morgan or Jones at field corner (I don't remember who was playing there last night)...

    I agree the Nichols TD was not garbage time.  We were down by 8 with 7mins left after that.  In the CFL, 16 points down with almost 10 mins left if plenty of time.


    Our D gave a us a chance to win by hanging tough for most of the 2nd half.  It's a credit to Hall for changing on the fly.

  7. On ‎2016‎-‎06‎-‎24 at 11:36 PM, iso_55 said:

    So, he pisses off the EU. The man is a total  jackass.

    Anyone who pisses off the EU is ok in my books.

    The EU is the superstate-in-the-making the Germans always wanted.  Slowly they are making it into a socialist union....now where have I heard those words put together before..........

  8. 1 hour ago, Mr Dee said:

    The Stamps (1-1-1) have been dripping with post-bye success over the past decade or so, winning 12-straight games since 2005, and averaging 37.6 points in the process. - Scott Mitchell

    Calgary 4-0 in the new IGF stadium..TSN

    Then there's Messam. Since the current regime took over, he has faced us 7 times.
    Rushing an average of 10 times a game.
    For 548 yards.
    Last game 16 rushes for 137 yards 8.56 yards a carry. (Doug Brown)

    85% of fans polled believe Calgary will stomp the Bombers.

    Is there a better reason to pick the Bombers to win?
    There's just one hitch. No, not even one hitch. I mean, don't use those putrid hitch passes we've been trying.

    I do like what Dressler had to say:
    I’ve been in locker rooms before going through the same thing. It can definitely bring guys together,” said Dressler on the outside pressure on Willy. “As teammates, as friends in the locker room, which way do you want to go with it? Do you want to read everything, listen to everything and just agree with it? Or do you want to fight back, defend your quarterback and prove them wrong?”


    Don't forget we are at I think 37 games straight not scoring more than 30 points.

    2nd place team is waaaaaay far behind that number.  We are the only piece of garbage.

  9. 5 hours ago, Westy Sucks said:

    The team simply cannot afford to lose at home again.  The attendance is already quite low for the first two games.  26k & 24k is ugly.  If We get beat badly again by Calgary tomorrow...my guess is next home game we only get 21k people in the stands.

    Too bad we don't have anyone good enough on this team to guarantee a win if we sell out like Stegall did. haha

  10. On 30/06/2016 at 10:49 AM, 17to85 said:

    The problem is that if you fire MOS it's still the ineffectual Kyle Walters at GM. Unless you think we have all sorts of talent and the coaches are simply not getting the best out of it... but me I think this team lacks talent more than it lacks coaching. 

    I think we do have talent. or at least enough talent to make the playoffs in a bush league.  

  11. 8 hours ago, rebusrankin said:

    12 wins, 26 losses with a 7 and 25 record after a 5-1 start seems to indicate that coaching is an issue.


    totally true.   

    great coaches can get the best out players and can create better results with less.  

    seems like the league figured out pretty quick how to beat oshea.   he looks like a smug Jim Daley out there.  

    SHOW SOME EMOTION OUT THERE.  get mad, yell, maybe do something other than look like you're stunned.

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