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Posts posted by basslicker

  1. On ‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎17 at 10:35 AM, Taynted_Fayth said:

    probably wont be a crisp, stand - outish sound like that of an acoustic guitar but the idea is just for something to lug around sans amp and still be loud enough to contribute to the vibe.  It's kind of like bongos,  they can sound really good together with a guitar but it'll get drowned out unless it has a mic near by on it... well i suppose like your Cello idea you can always get those long, multi-foot long bongos (or out right symphony timpani drums and bang the sweet piss out of them till people acknowledge you really are playing too :D

    A quality acoustic bass sounds amazing.  It would add a ton around the campfire.

  2. On ‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎19 at 9:26 AM, Noeller said:

    who says he's going in the Hall? Hell, Damon Allen took a couple years to get there....if Glenn never wins a cup, there's no guarantee he ever gets there...

    You know they'll put him in there at some point, maybe not first ballot, but they will.   Damon Allen got in and he was nothing special, just hung around for a long time.  There's a long list of QBS I'd rather have if I need to win one game specifically.

  3. Glenn....ugh just go away.

    It will be a very sad day for the CFL when they put him in the Hall of Fame. 


    And introducing to the Hall for the 2024 ceremony............................the king of mediocrity.....soggy 4th quarter K.G.!


    You don't see the NFL putting Vinny Testeverde in the Hall simply because he played a long time, and he's 13th on the all-time yards list.

  4. On ‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎17 at 10:32 PM, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    W..w...w...w...w... Why does a doctor order tests? 

    W..w...w...w...w...What does he do with the results?

    I....i....i....i.... If those test results are available to another doctor for a second opinion- can he use them to form an informed diagnosis? 

    S....s....s.....s... seriously, they provide the results to the public so they can scrutinize and make their own conclusions. 


    Context and history, He's ******* racist. 

    Not Nazi racist, more like ignorant blowhard grandpa racist. 

    Also- IBG racists usually don't know they are racist. 

    Not sure why you are defending a racist basslicker. 

    I was making a comment that a Dr. on T.V. who has never examined a person can't make a diagnosis on that person.

    Trump has done more good for the U.S. in 14 months than Obama did in 8 years.  Stock market record highs, economy recovering, large companies increasing wages/benefits because of tax cuts, many millions of middle class Americans keeping more of their own money, supporting the right of unborn children to life, getting tough with the corrupt cesspool U.N. 
    ...............albeit with the worst potty-mouth of a president in the last 30 some-odd years.  Go back any further than that then you hear Democrat presidents talk about 'fooling the n*gro population.'


    To address my last line with the *............how can we have open debate on the evils of the world if we censor the past and the language used?

  5. On ‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎17 at 5:30 PM, The Unknown Poster said:

    I think you missed the point. 

    Why are we bringing in people from shithole Africa and shithole Haiti when we can have nice white people from Norway. That’s the poont  

    Fair enough.  Which has higher crime rates and what are the stats of crimes committed by different peoples?  That is a valid discussion to be had, and I ask honestly, I don't know.

    This is coming from someone who knows immigrants from both Norway and Africa.  To be honest, the Norwegians are a feisty bunch.....I married into a family.  The African immigrants I personally know are nice and attend my church.  The focus should be that whoever is coming from wherever, they should be thoroughly checked and vetted.

  6. On ‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎12 at 4:09 PM, Mark F said:

    ignorant? Don't think so.

    I've been to Mexico, I drove a car from Mexico city to Acapulco;  I saw many citizens without refrigeration, without any electricity, meat hanging out in the open, covered with flies, that was their food. Dead animals lying rotting on roadsides, cause nobody cared enough to do anything about it.

    people living in little shanties with dirt floors. washing their clothes in a stream.  I saw these things.This is, for instance,  in places just over the hill from the expensive resorts for Canadians and Americans. Where no ordinary Mexican could ever hope to stay.

    last week something like ten people's head's chopped off and stuck up in public near Los Cabos. 26 thousand murders last year in Mexico.

    And Mexico, is a destination for work, for people from Central America, cause they are actually worse off in parts of Central America.

    There mass murders of Indians, whole villages slaughtered, by government forces, (supported by the USA) not that long ago. No justice for them.

    It's a daily struggle for millions, just to get enough to eat. We, in North America, could help to change this, but just look on those places as sources of cheap goods cheap labour, and winter vacations.

    I could go on and on, but I won't bother.

    So no, it's not ignorant to say that.  




    Trump, if he said it at all, phrased himself VERY poorly, but there's nothing racist about saying some countries suck. Some do.  Actually, many do, and Canada and America are among, if not, the best in the world.    The naysayers should show me people who would honestly say they'd prefer to live in Haiti or one of the many African nations that have a plethora of serious problems than to live in the U.S.   The West has become brain dead...............

    The truth hurts and doesn't care for feelings. 


    “In a room where
    people unanimously maintain
    a conspiracy of silence,
    one word of truth
    sounds like a pistol shot.”
    Czesław Miłosz

  7. On ‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎16 at 3:22 PM, Atomic said:

    An actual doctor says he's healthy and fit for the presidency?  Whatever, that's just one man's opinion.  I'll take the thousands of internet diagnoses any day!  Because as we all know, truth is determined by the amount of people who believe something.

    b..b..b..b..b..b.. but a Dr. on CNN who never performed a physical exam or any sort of testing says he has heart disease!

  8. 7 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    This really hit home.  So true!


    Present-day Canada is a shame, and a newly-minted global joke.    I plan on putting up a flag pole soon but I won't be flying the Maple Leaf, rather a version (most likely the one on Legions) of the Red Ensign.  A reminder of a time when Canada stood for freedom and prosperity, not political correctness and morale relativism.

  9. 6 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:


    I actually like this idea, seriously.  If a portion wants to separate and form a new state, they should.  Similar to how West Virginia came about.

    It's hard to argue that California is headed in the right direction.  California used to be on my list of places to go but now I think I'd just skip it and stay east of there.

  10. 5 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Very interesting as I saw people on Twitter highly suspicious of the timeline.  So the hysteria involved in this case over shadowed the reality.  Wonder how the PM will spin this.

    This whole hijab hoax is exactly what's wrong with society and media today.  They had a NEWS CONFERENCE AT THE SCHOOL WITHIN THE HOUR!

    No investigation complete, no independent witnesses, no suspect, no problem!   Let's jump on a story and politicize an 11 year old for our own political gains!   Let's all assume children don't lie, especially since she's Muslim!


    What a joke, and now the burying starts.  Mainstream news will ignore and put up no fight, except maybe the Sun.  The parents should charged with mischief, just like the Criminal Code says.   The girl's statement was pretty elaborate and well written, it reeks of coaching.  This kind of story is exactly why M-103 is a joke and a travesty.  This kind of garbage has happened a bunch down in the U.S. and now it's fully in Canada.  You want to fight 'hate crimes', help the Jews, STILL the by-far most attacked religious group in Canada. 


    Sorry everyone for the amped up post, but this blatant attack on Canadian culture and values is disgusting and an insult to every one of us.

  11. 2 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Steve, if Im being condescending, its only in the face of people like basslicker taking a ridiculous approach to this.  He's hiding behind a serious subject to essentially defend the men who have acted badly.  His remark about women not coming forward is as close to calling them liars as it gets.  Thats one of the reasons so many women dont come forward and it has to stop.

    My point is, Im really surprised that anyone (and its very few) would take this time to raise the very real issue of false allegations.  The reason I am surprised is because it is true that defenders of the bad acts will use that as a deflection technique (co-opting a serious perspective), its addressing the more minor of the two "sides" and really, its sort of addressing something that really isnt in evidence.

    Its essentially saying we have to stop this because mens lives are being ruined.  On the contrary, we should be encouraging victims to come forward and happy this movement has begun where so many can feel safe about doing so.  The issue of false allegations is a real one, but so very small in comparison to the legitimacy.

    My point was not to belittle the real impact false accusations can have (I've seen it and felt it myself).  It was more an expression of surprise that anyone would really pick up the mantle of defending innocent men in the face of little to no examples of that happening in this particular wave of #metoo movement.  And then it snowballs from there.  Make no mistake, we can discuss it.  But it seems like really poor timing and insensitive to the larger issue.  And anyone who calls into question the veracity of victims because they didnt come forward immediately has no credibility and is NOT engaging in a serious nuanced discussion.


    I'm not defending the Weinstein/Conyers of the world.  I'm just tired of the virtue signalers and I think there needs to be a voice reminding people that they still need proof.  I'm defending the men who are wrongly accused, of which I gave examples. 

    Funny how no one gave a damn when Bill Clinton was being called out by women who say he raped them.  Hilary crushed them and their credibility.  But now that it's 'cool' to pretend like you give a damn (I can't believe it took until it was trendy for this to happen) the virtue signalers and white knights are everywhere......doing nothing in reality, but man it feels good to pretend like you're a champion of innocence doesn't it?


    But I guess I shouldn't expect any less from the majority of MBB members.   Leftie and bleeding hearts abound. 

    Justice won't be found in this life anyway, the offenders will get their judgment just like the rest of us.  (just ask Matt Lauer, who will be 'retiring' to his mansion after all these disgusting revelations about him)

    God Bless.  

  12. 5 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    At the risk of getting my knuckles rapped for saying this, that is the most clueless thing ever posted on this forum and undermines the credibility of anything you have ever previously posted or ever will post.  Just...wow.


    Actually, it's straight from the mouths victims, real victims.  Have you ever met any?

  13. 8 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    So you have provided examples of where the false allegation came to light, accusers used the law to sue.  Good.  Thats what its there for. 

    Anyway, not sure what that has to do with the current "Harvey" wave of Hollywood creeps being outted.  But I guess someone has to think about the creeps.

    This is the problem in modern society, whenever a hard discussion is raised, people take the extreme 'you protect creeps!' argument.    It's not protecting creeps by saying you can't believe everyone and let's not go crazy and hang every man accused without proof.   You have to question why a woman would not come forward if she was raped or assaulted some other way.  The "I didn't want to get fired" or "I wanted to make it big in Hollywood and be a big star" aren't good reasons to stay silent. If you have self respect then you won't abide being assaulted.

    No different than when people want to talk about fixing our healthcare system.  "You want an American model where people die!"

    Or asking questions about the safety of vaccines. "You're an anti-vaxxer and hate science!"

  14. 56 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    I'm a supporter that one is innocent till proven guilty.  I've always believed this because if I was falsely accused of something I'm sure hoping this in in place. 

    However, is it an epidemic like you suggest?  If so, how does that epidemic compare to  the number of legitimate cases not being reported or ones that are reported and nothing is being done about them? Complex stuff.

    No, it's not a majority (or even close) that are false, but you can't believe 100% of allegations on anything without some sort of proof.

  15. 22 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:


    Im not saying you're wrong but if you claim many men have been destroyed in the US, please name them.


    If the false claims are approx. 3-8% then it's worth looking at.  Any number is worth looking at.


    Most of the stories come out of colleges/universities.  Title IX in the U.S. has been a disaster.






    -There's also proven lairs like mattress girl.


    Yes, people lie about rape.



    Canadian article:


    These were U.K.:




    I will acknowledge that some false accusers get punished, but much of the damage has been done and it takes years to recover one's good reputation.   I'm not saying don't believe women, I'm saying take a close look at every allegation.

    I won't bore anyone with anecdotal evidence because that's not a decent point or argument, but I will say that any woman that takes a payout to shut up or waits 20-40 years to come forward should be questioned.  Women I know who have been legitimately assaulted would never take a payout.

  16. 17 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    That's the way it looks to me as well. 

    It's gotten worse now too. 



    I like the line "People are afraid to live what I’ve had to live through," she said

    .Give me a break.  Talk about trivializing sexual harassment.  (which is a very grey term, defined differently by different people)

  17. 17 hours ago, Wideleft said:

    The difference is that republicans and conservatives are the politicians who tend to use their supposed faith in God to get votes.   Perhaps you missed the blatant hypocrisy that the list illustrates.

    And democrats and liberals never lie to get votes.................or are caught with their pants down.  What was that guy's name?  oh yeah, Al Frankin, the 'champion of feminism.' 

    Nice try to push a political/anti-Christian agenda though.



  18. 23 hours ago, Noeller said:

    The REALLY sad/disgusting part of all this, is the number of women who have been raped and or assaulted......that's the sad/disgusting part. Don't get me wrong, it's sad that maybe there's some guys not as guilty as others, but on the flip side, there's still guys not getting noticed for the egregious things they're doing. 

    Society makes me sad. 

    So you're cool with innocent men having their lives ruined by opportunistic people?  Call me when your career and life are destroyed by false allegations. 

    This has happened to so many in the U.S. already.  Futures destroyed with no proof or due process.

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