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Posts posted by basslicker

  1. 1 hour ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    I get the impression that Trump does not have a team of "deep thinkers" behind him, he's a blustering one man show and doesn't have enough policy to cover the bases.  In the end his campaign will prove to be nothing more than a publicity event to garner attention.

    This will not be an election based on platforms.....this is a culture war, pure and simple. 

  2. On 31/03/2016 at 2:05 PM, Taynted_Fayth said:

    RE: FFXIII was it really that bad?  My 2 biggest issues - which coincide with each other - with FFXII was;

     the ridiculousness in some of the side quests, more specifically the Wyrms (Hell Wyrm and Elder Wyrm) in the hunting quest to get the Wyrm badge, a key piece to crafting one of the ultimate weapons, the turnsol. They gave the hell wyrm an HP of like 12mill, and the Elder Wyrm an HP of 50 mill (I believe) and capped dmg you can dish out at 9999.  While you can jump in and out of battle and not lose your place (cuz your gonna be there for a long time) the f'n things constantly cast petrify, poison instant death to one of your members so your in recovery mode more then on the offensive.  

    then to boot, at least the elder wyrm, it will restore it's health the first time it reaches about 1/8 left.  If you leveled yourself up to the point you can dish out anything close to 9999 there is really absolutely no reason to get the turnsol cuz it wont exceed the 9999 and your pretty much in god mod vs the rest of the game.  i threw my controller at the tv lol

    FFXIII's biggest problem for me was the absolutely horrible characters

  3. On 31/03/2016 at 0:13 PM, Taynted_Fayth said:

    I should correct myself, FF X-2 and Gamecubes Crystal Chronicles  were the last ones I played after destroying FFXII 100%, Like bigg Jay just mentioned it causes some issues in your relationships when you devote insane amount of time to these games, but X-2 and CC were so bad it made it an easy choice to walk away.

    FFIX was pretty bad too and that was one I found in a pawn shop years after FFX came out, I should have ended it there tbh

    no way man!

    FFIX is one of the best.   except for kuja in drag hahaha

  4. On ‎2016‎-‎03‎-‎29 at 6:21 PM, Atomic said:

    I don't make a habit of watching it but I have seen it many times.  It's oh so easy to be a genius political commentator when you're also a comedian.  Any time his views are examined critically, he just throws out a punch line and people eat it right up.  Makes claims like "We need better gun control" when there is a shooting and people think he is brilliant for it.  Never mind the fact that he will never have to (nor will he ever attempt to) deal with issues in the real world.  Real easy to look smart when you never, ever have to back it up.

    and THAT is exactly why you can never trust the idiots spouting on t.v.

    Many have armed guards and live in gated, fantasy communities, far from real trouble.

  5. On ‎2016‎-‎03‎-‎25 at 1:46 AM, iso_55 said:

    And if ISIS has a dirty bomb they may set one off in the US because of Trumps rhetoric.

    Yes, because it's always fun to blame everyone except for the psychopaths who commit the atrocity right?

    Talk like that only emboldens evil. 


    "we kill you, and you blame yourselves!  Great! Let's kill some more.....*******'

  6. On ‎2016‎-‎02‎-‎22 at 1:53 PM, Taynted_Fayth said:
    The Wolverine 3: Film Loosely Based on 'Old Man Logan' Story, May Receive R Rating, Report Says
    Filmmakers are targeting an R rating and Hugh Jackman's Logan character will fight Sabretooth in the upcoming film, as in the comic book story, Den of Geek reports.


    Jackmans last time playing wolverine, and its supposed to be pretty violent bringing a R rating with it. Patrick Stewart is also reported to have agreed to be back as professor X

    I've read and own Old Man Logan.  It's good.  The only R rated thing about it is when he slaughters......people....don't want to spoil it.  There's no sex shown, only incest mentioned. (Hulk clan ewwww)

  7. 4 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    Maybe I'm just thinking of my own 11 year old, who would rather watch shows like the walking dead rather than the flash, and kids do make up a huge $ cow for superhero movies both at the box office and beyond with their merch. I just don't see how violence alone can net an R-rated sticker anymore unless were talking its some kind of a gore fest. Maybe I too am just too desensitized to violence to view it as a OMG type of thing anymore,  then again i like movies like house of 1000 corpses and the devils rejects.

    And I don't blame most parents, there just too much to censor to keep your kids unaware of all things in the world. a big thing is the internet. Hell my kid has been interested in the news and even politics for a few years.  I remember him asking me what would possess a guy like Vince Li to eat parts of some kid on the bus a few years after the fact. Am i supposed to ban him from watching the news? I do watch movies i think he might like ahead of time and make a conscience decision whether its suitable or not,  such as deadpool,  which i know he wants to watch really bad, but i said not till hes older. That won't stop him from seeing it one way or another, but I just won't be that access to seeing it.  I got in a lot of **** for letting him watch Zombieland when he was 8 - my thought process is when i was 8 i was already up to no good and thought he could handle it.  He could... but his mom thought otherwise, even though she lets him watch the child's play movies (hypocritical ***** lol). I did however learn a lesson in there that sometimes i gotta stop trying to be the cool buddy dad and more of a better choice dad and since have really tried to limit the negative stuff he's exposed to when around me.  But i can't compete with TV, the internet, print media and society (friends/school) and thats just life.  He's got quite the opinion on the american election and the garbage Trump spews out, is watching batman kick the crap out of someone really the worst thing that kids can see lol


    ** Speaking of Zombieland just read this

    You let your 11 year old watch The Walking Dead?  Do you let him/her watch GoT too?

  8. On 12/02/2016 at 8:04 PM, Blueballz said:

    Not a lot of sense but some. 

    I mean can "white" people honestly say they suffer 'racism'? That in itself is laughable. After that I drowned most of it out...

    you obviously have never been beat up for being white. I know people who have.

  9. On ‎2015‎-‎12‎-‎21 at 11:35 AM, The Unknown Poster said:

    For sure.  They sort of kill the "versus" angle when they show them as wise-cracking buddies.  None of the dialogue did it for me.  The scene that was supposed to be "epic" when Bruce meets Clark was such awful dialogue ruined by an obnoxious Luther.  The worst thing was the "is she with you" joke.  Moronic.

    That's the moment it died for me.  "This is a guy you DON'T want to fight'  ha...ha.............ha..........................ha..*sigh*........lame

  10. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:
    According to the site DC Comics Movie, we can expect "Batman v Superman" to be quite the hefty film indeed. Pre-orders are apparently up for Germany, and the country lists the runtime for the film as 151 minutes, which translates to two hours and 31 minutes. Read more at: https://tr.im/6Hz7b
    The latest trailer is a dog.  And played poorly before Star Wars on Friday.  Really squeezed the excitement I had for Batman V Superman.  Just an awful trailer.  I almost thought it was George Clooney in the cowl with the "Is she with you" line... ugh

    For me, I was already turn off of this movie, and the new trailer killed it for me. Not excited at all. 

  11. As a fan, I could honestly care less if O'shea let's the coordinators talk to the media or not .It's irrelevant. It's not like our media would ask them an relevant questions either... Let's be honest, everyone of this site here, we all YUP ALL OF US, have more knowledge about the game than 99 percent of our media...

    What's Hall or Lapolice talking to Friesen or guys like that gonna prove? Nothing.

    i actually think it is better that way. Like i said, what the hell are anyone of us gonna learn from a guy like Friesen talking to Hall or Lapolice? Nothing really.

    It'd be nice if they spoke, just because oshea is boring and only offers bs and very little else.

    That only works for bill belichek because he wins.

  12. Is Marshall really an every-down back? He's not great at making anyone miss and I think you need some element of shiftiness to be a great CFL back. You look at Cornish, he's got the power and can drag the pile, but I've also seen him absolutely embarrass linebackers with a move.

    And Walker had very few touches in his time here. Many of them were up-the-gut blasts, and he got owned on those. Couldn't believe how badly we used him. He's not a complete player by any stretch, but he can do damage in the open field -- run a pick on the MLB, get him the ball with some receivers and a lineman in front of him and let him do his thing. But we just used him like an ordinary running back.

    Don't forget that Marshall was brought in as "thunder" not "lightening". If the Bombers can get Cotton back in original condition or sign Andrew Harris I think they'll be fine at RB.

    Not for very long. At 28, he's not long for football at his position.

  13. Mr. Perfect is bang on. Lapolice was given far too much credit for a Worman offense after we fired him because we had a petulant running back at the time. Evidence of his success was in fact in his offense's failure to either maintain or improve on the previous year's results. Just listening to him now on CJOB and he now says he has learned from watching and analyzing on TV etc. While I am not a fan, but do agree that he should have learned something in the past 3 years, we will see if he has learned and if he has can he put it to use on the field. Can he communicate to his players, can he develop an offense that uses the strengths and minimizes the weaknesses of its parts, can he garner the confidence of those in the system, can he adjust as required and in the end can he be successful. You can't put a square peg in a round hole so let's see what happens.

    In 02 he had a gun slinger at qb and Stegall and Bruce in the slot, that put teams in a bind defensively and all Khari had to do was pick one of them to heave it up to.

    So sign a slotback to replace Moore... WIlly is a gunslinger and Denmark is our other SB.

    We have a Roberts/Sellers type duo in Cotton/Marshall...

    And don't forget that one of Jones' targets was Jamie Stoddard... we are way ahead of the curve there, probably four stoddards on the roster already!

    That comparison isn't even close to even mention...Cotton/Marshall being compared to Roberts/Sellers. Two of the all time best we've ever had to two after thoughts
    I agree. Not even playing the same sport.

    Sellers and Roberts are easily ten times better.

  14. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="The Unknown Poster" data-cid="174898" data-time="1450125706"><p><p><blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="basslicker" data-cid="174894" data-time="1450124836"><p>Yes I am. And my family is Ukrainian and many of them weren't trusted because they were part of the ussr at the time.What is wrong with protecting your way of life?

  15. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="The Unknown Poster" data-cid="174893" data-time="1450124691"><p><p><blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="basslicker" data-cid="174891" data-time="1450124579"><p>No, Canada hasn't. ...nor has the government stolen all the guns either.I won't speak for you, but no way would I trust any government to do the right thing or act honestly. People with power can never be trusted fully, let alone to hold all the weapons in a country. Put your trust in men at your peril.Just because we're spoiled in Canada doesn't make us the rule.

  16. Man, I wish the bombers were doing these screw ups on purpose. At least they'd be sly and coniving. .....instead of inept and idiotic.

    We truly have become the joke of the CFL. And there is not reason to be excited for next year

    Whaaaaaahhhh! :(
    Soooo......we're NOT a joke?

    I guess getting a 'participant' trophy is good enough for you, because the team tried their best? Or maybe you can comment on the awesome handling of the new stadium was , or maybe how we have one winning season since 2008?

    Oh brother... I stand by my original statement. Take your ball and go home.
    You're right, I'm sorry. The bombers are the model of a great franchise. ;)

    The Patriots and packers could learn from us.

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