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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. obviously they didn't get feedback from Noeller.... if they had it would have been lifetime contract for Mike.
  2. Just think of the impression those improper socks would make on innocent children. Well done!
  3. I wonder if he also feels a responsibility to individual players to do what he thinks will give them the best chance to have good careers in the NHL, with the Jets, or elsewhere. In other words, part of what he does is out of concern for the players, as well as the team. (admittedly, I know nothing about these things)
  4. which is why he was elimimianated from consideration. Obviously Moe should have been in there. How many game changing plays and outright winning plays did he make? Wasn't it Moe who stopped BC I think it was at the goal line along the sideline with a brilliant play?
  5. And the police were able to determine that there is no criminal responsiblity after at most a one day investigation of this shooting. America really is nuts.
  6. good article, more about the kind of person McKnight was. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/jets-dl-anthony-johnson-talks-devastating-death-joe-mcknight-article-1.2896564
  7. Wpg has road rage murders this is two years ago Best thing to do, here as well as the states, is stay in your car, and drive away from people that are gesticulating and swearing cause your driving offended them. I've had encounters with such people in the Peg.
  8. I though Greg Ellingson RedBlack receiver made a lot of important catches this year. don't know his stats, but he seemed to me to make a lot of plays to keep drives going.
  9. sure. but not since they got Trump down there. Not anymore. US players will be flocking our way! Long off season, got to say something to keep the forum going... going to be some silly stuff, I will do my part in that dpt.
  10. I thought the half time was excellent, good band, good sound, no B.S. Grey Cup down.... I heard someone, a media person on TSN being interviewed by Rick Ralph that was part of the TSN group working all week in Toronto. He said that they had "garbage" thrown at them all week by people in Toronto about the league and the game. That the league is second rate. Made me wonder, does this league need Toronto? I for one would be happy to see them go, if it would work. Toronto is a downward drag, and I'm tired of them.
  11. try reading the comments at 3d down nation. Lot of people seem to dislike Bo more than Henry. best comment I saw "There's a lot of parody in the league" meta parody?
  12. Also, we have our own guys, they are being "developed" and people have already given up on them. anyway, I hope the team doesn't nichol and dime him. That would be a supreme chocke.
  13. ICKhari coining a new spelling for an important word chock was the game highlight!!!!! Hope TSN is paying attention!
  14. good name for a tv cop show Hope and Cash. or an album title for a rock band.
  15. yes he did. I'm celebrating the defeat of Calgary smugpeders by having some chokelate cake.
  16. rod black says "here come the stampeders" last week heard him say "here come the eskimos"
  17. Yes they are, and I hope they continue to do so. (JV5)
  18. don't forget.... The Bombers probably should have beaten the oh so great stampeders. I actually think some Bomber fans are angry cause a team that's been in the league three years, has been in the Grey Cup twice, and might well win it.
  19. love watching Burris shredding those a-holes! Absolutely love Watching that Calgary jerk quarterback throwing interceptions, and losing. let's see how gracious he is if he's defeated. Not expecting much.
  20. Play by play guy gushing about Stampeders. enough already. SACKED! former Bomber playing in Grey Cup.... Gascon Nadon....closest we've gotten this year. and a challenge blech. screw off dickensen. you lose.
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