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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. cue burris love. stupid edmonton firing away when the game is over trying to get someone killed. very good game
  2. rushing three when they desperately need a stop, where have I seen that? edmonton db holding and interfering constantly in this game yyuuuuge holes to run through
  3. lol, ran right into sinopoli If the ball being uncatcheable means no interference flag, why does a hold half a field away from the ball get a penalty? be consistent.
  4. Did Shawn Whyte once say he didn't want to play for the bombers?
  5. Grey cup would be a lot better with Ottawa winning this game. lot of ottawaians would attend
  6. some players might be extra cautious, but most of them, probably not. Put the Wpg guy in at running back, during a blizzard? I say that's a shot at Wpg, and I resent it! I hope they issue a statement clarifying that this was not intended! edit: Didn't these guy see the stapler Grey cup?
  7. just checked weather there .... UV index zero out of ten ! I hate Edmonton too, but I still hope they win, cause I'm tired of Henry. I think I hate the Calgary smugpeders the most of any team though, so, hope BC wipes the floor with the stamps. Not impossible. good fans there.... place is full.
  8. Did I say I admire Putin? Or that i think he has done anything worthwhile? Don't think so. I said he's no threat to us. The European and American war mongers are trying to go back to the cold war, cause they make a lot of money off of war, building and selling weapons systems (one cruise missile costs one million dollars) hence they have to find a Russian to demonize. It's Putin. Russia/Putin is not a threat to anyone in Europe, or North America. I mean no threat whatsoever. If you want to ask the people in Syria who is killing them, there is a wide assortment of people and countries to choose from. Russia is one, so is USA, so is Saudi Arabia. Crimea is almost one hundred percent Russian, was part of Soviet Union till early fifties when Khruschev "gave" it to the Ukraine. Ukraine is not doing so well these days either. I don't buy the propaganda that we're fed... that when we bomb it's good, and when someone else bombs it's evil.
  9. just shut er down eh mrdee? I expect the coaches and players spend a fair bit of time analysing games and thinking about more than just what they did right. We're just trying to help!
  10. True. Probably would have won the game if he's gotten those out there a little farther.
  11. And here John does the same thing he's complaining about. It's not just the "liberal" community (whatever that is) it's all communities. We are all treated like idiots by our betters. We are spoken to as if we are simpletons.... there is always only one correct anwer for each question. OH NO! . PUTIN! current person (after Assad I guess, or Sadaam, (sp) or somebody) we are all supposed to be shaking in our boots about. Russia doesn't even have a serious army. It's a "shadow" of the Soviet military. Easy to find out more about this on the internet tubes.
  12. In the video, do the Bombers go for it on third and four? I've come to the conclusion that our players are just as good as the Lions. Not surprising, given the relative experience, but I think we were probably outcoached by Wally and friends.
  13. two more years. I don't care what people think about Mike as a person, and all the rest of it, five years is enough time to get to the Grey Cup. Re needing a "big" middle linebacker... keep reading this. just checked elimimian is 225, Bighill 230 according to Lions website. Guy in Edmonton looks fairly small to me. (5ft 9, 218) Bass weighs 224 pounds. That's big enough for the CFL. You really wonder if quite a few of the defence guys were playing hurt. Bass was a game wrecker previous season. But definitely need to stop the runs up the middle. They did stop Messam in one game I think.
  14. Nichols is a good qb. certainly good enough to take the team far. We need help elsewhere.
  15. The election of Trump might signal the real start of the decline of the America as the dominant country in the world. I suspect that the rest of the world has finally reached a point of exhaustion with the destructive things done by the leaders of the USA. The Americans have been warring in Afghanistan for 14 years. incredible. close to three times as long as WW 2. Lot of people making a lot of money, of this mess. I just read that one cruise missile costs one million dollars. Already China has said if USA tries to back out of the Paris climate agreement, that they will take it's place, and already increased the amount of money they're putting in. But if Trump cans the TPP, (we'll see about that) that'll be cause for happiness.
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