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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. I shouldn't have switched from radio to computer... that turned the tide! switching back now, should help.
  2. need a pick 6 by "show them who we are" Mitchell
  3. yes! go Henry! (Is this the game thread?)
  4. agree. I think this is hot air, this Nichols wants 475000.00. story. I don't believe it. Who is original source of this? Till I hear the name, I don't care about it.
  5. targetted is PR excuse phrase, allowing continued murder of innocent people. There are laws of war. Breach of them is supposed to be a serious crime. Tell me what the legal justification is for this ? Probably comitting war crimes.
  6. Hope so. I hope to see a lot of hurrys and hits on Mitchell in this game. Ottawa should show him who he really is. I am predicting Ottawa wins.
  7. It's amazing, considering the amount of money available, that they skimp on this. makes me wonder how stupid they are. NBA, NHL, baseball, all have full time refs. and the NFL has lots of ref problems and complaints too. At least try to make it better. NFL ratings are going down.... probably a number of reasons, one of them probably horrible reffing.
  8. Why has Patrick stopped scoring? I don't understand.
  9. $400,000.00 .... seems like a lot. Too much I think. If this is accurate I'm surprised. Guess we'll see.
  10. After seeing your comment, I went and read a breakdown of this.... now I am confused.
  11. 6 Canadians, (I think) of whom three are Bombers.
  12. If you look around at left web sites and blogs, and opinion forums, you will find that deporting illegal undocumented immigrants is called racist. "Deporting illegal immigrants who have committed crimes is, I think, widely accepted." not sure what you mean or what you're relying on in saying that. If you want to check what I'm saying, you can listen to Democracy archives now on this subject. I don't know what opinion polls show. The flip side is that business likes having them, cause they depress wages, being willing to work very cheaply under terrible conditions. See.... tomato harvest in Florida. Obama has deported more illegals than any other President. The great Liberal.
  13. I stand by my statement. I won't back down! anyway pride comes before a fall!
  14. standard position in some circles.
  15. If someone wants to enforce immigration laws.... they get called a racist. If they aren't enforced, what are they for? If you don't like the existing immigration laws, go into politics and work to change them. The solution to stopping Mexicans and other nationals from going to the states illegally is for us to demand that their leaders do something to improve conditions in those places. Mexico is a hell hole. fix it. People will stop leaving. good book about the white poor in the USA who have been ignored and brushed aside. lots of history up to today. http://www.nancyisenberg.com/white-trash "White Trash" by Nancy Isenberg “A magisterial study of the unjustly neglected poor whites who have helped to compose the American identity in crucial fashion…breathtaking social history and dazzling cultural analysis at its best.”
  16. Thing about the Stamps that most impresses me is their ability, over a long period, to put together a good offensive line, and have subs go in and play well. Well ours is as good or probably better than theirs at this point. huge plus to Walters and our O line coach, for that.
  17. USA changed on this day. Coup. "
  18. That's a person I find it very easy to dislike, and not just cause he said it about the bombers. What an obnoxious thing to say. Please go to the NFL Bo.
  19. Milt ... don't forget how tough he was. don't think he missed many games, I suspect he played hurt, now and then and how many tough catches where he knew he was going to get hammered did he make?
  20. They had a referendum in Crimea,they wanted to rejoin Russia. "GfK, a German pollster, and the 4th largest market research organization in the world, conducted a survey in the Crimean region by telephone from Ukraine between January 16 and 22, 2015, and published their results on Feb. 4, 2015.[41] The survey's intention was to probe the satisfaction of Crimean residents in their decision to reunify with Russia, rather than re-identify with Ukraine. The survey found that 82% of Crimeans "fully endorse" Crimea's secession from Ukraine and joining the Russian federation, and that 11% of Crimeans "mostly endorse" Crimea's secession from Ukraine and joining the Russian federation, while just 7% "disapprove" of Crimea's secession from Ukraine and joining the Russian federation. In the USA, the results of the GfK survey were reported by Bloomberg." and so on. The Russians don't think they annexed Crimea. Neither do The people in Crimea apparently. Don't know much at all about Poland and the Baltics.
  21. first line first post this thread. can't copy it for some reason.
  22. Please quote the line where I said Assad or Sadaam were cool. You can't because I didn't. Don't twist things people say, or worse, imply they're saying things they didn't say at all. You seem to like this section.... how about playing by the new rules?
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