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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. heard an interview with Paul La Police in which he said he would like to get Flanders and Harris on the field at the same time. you've just figured out one way to do it. They did have Harris playing receiver a bit in training camp. edit..... already been said above.
  2. I actually watched this guy a little bit in one of the preseason games. Did not look that good to me. Missed one block completely, wasn't even close to being in the right place, looked not that nimble.
  3. That's the problem.... how to pay for it. Basically they're dumping on anyone who doesn't subsscribe to one of the big tv services. The list of where you can not subscribe is pretty funny. Like anyone in those places gives a hoot. radio is good, but I'm not able to do my detailed, position by position analysis, of player performance and scheme breakdown with audio only !!! I think I will head over to the Selkirk Legion to watch a few games.
  4. So Russia today said they will shoot down American fighter jets in Syria.
  5. did he actually say he feels like a slave? Might be indulging in some hyperbole there eh wot? Some of these players need to learn to keep quiet. Whatever he may think, he should keep it to himself. I'm thinking our coach and gm would not want this guy, who's already making a fuss, before he plays a down.
  6. Maybe they haven't caught up.... I think Nichols early in his career was a bit careless the ball. He recognized the problem and he fixed it. Our backup threw a sixty yard completion the other day. Easy to be happy with our QB group this season.
  7. Did not know that those were top three priorities. Looks like he's ticked them all off. Another thing is, it seems like around the CFL, over the years, once the O line has been stabilized, it can remain good for quite a while. Allouettes/Calgary for instance.
  8. Damaso Munoz? edit: he retired his wiki says.
  9. I thought I had this problem ( do not) so got tested for it. they connect many, probably more than 15 wires to different parts of your body, (just contact) and then do some tests. (your supposed to attempt to sleep) then, put the breathing unit/apparatus on to see how that worked. It steadily forces air into your nose or mouth or both can't remember. there is always slight inwards air pressure. so exhaling requires effort. Did not like that feeling at all.
  10. First rule of plumbing is applicable. "S**T flows downhill" Therefore.....looking for a good season from him.
  11. Bomber QB's have played behind bad lines for years. there was a time when Khari got beat up. Buck got about a second and a half before he got snowed under. Willy and the horrendous beating he took. Finally changed that under Walters. Worth hiring him for that alone. I hated watching those beatings.
  12. I was just kidding about mcleod and kaepernick, I'm sorry I brought this subject to this section of the forum but since it's still here I will just say kaepernick said repeatedly he has highest respect for people in the American armed forces, some of whom are his close relatives. that his protest was completely unrelated to the armed forces. That it was with respect to the killings of black people in the USA. He said this over and over and over again. but it got drowned out by people who distorted what he said, and what he was doing. You can speculate why that is. Supreme court of usa has ruled in favour of his right to carry out this protest. The majority of NFL owners care nothing about anything, except their bottom line. They are the A holes in this. blackball Ray Rice, but not Adrian Peterson. cause no video of Peterson. Kaepernick came within a dropped pass from the five of winning the superbowl. he's a good NFL level quarterback. His coach Harbbaugh, no slouch, has said so, recently.
  13. No. I think you are being a little too hard on yourself!
  14. Yachison must be pretty happy today. I am a new fan of his. Little I saw of him he seemed to find an open spot. and caught the ball.
  15. imagine how the players feel. some tough decisions here I guess. edit.... might be some "heated discussions" happening over at the Bomber office, lol
  16. hope the yacht makes the team. They'd have to be pretty dumb to let Denmark go. reliable, hard working, consistent, non ball dropping, low key, non complaining trouble free, high achiever.
  17. We've changed players on the D line every season. Last year and this brought in proven players. Don't have to be a football savant to say that If we don't have decent D line play this season, have to think it's not the players.
  18. sure is a lot of uncertainty across the league.... other than Calgary, it's hard to say what's going to happen.
  19. makes sense. Thought I heard them said one, but I misunderstood looks like. thanks
  20. radio said mcleod bethel t. had one completion in the first half.
  21. i guess he can throw it a mile. Ticat receiver Tyms has a good shot a sponser deal from a well known coffee/donut outifit if he makes the team. hit of the preseason by 42 on th kickoff
  22. not many people there. mcleod bethel does not look very good to me. he sure gets a lot of chances to be a pro football player. way more than kaepernick.
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