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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. sure is a lot of uncertainty across the league.... other than Calgary, it's hard to say what's going to happen.
  2. makes sense. Thought I heard them said one, but I misunderstood looks like. thanks
  3. radio said mcleod bethel t. had one completion in the first half.
  4. i guess he can throw it a mile. Ticat receiver Tyms has a good shot a sponser deal from a well known coffee/donut outifit if he makes the team. hit of the preseason by 42 on th kickoff
  5. not many people there. mcleod bethel does not look very good to me. he sure gets a lot of chances to be a pro football player. way more than kaepernick.
  6. good research thanks for that article. article says
  7. I wondered about Wild last year. I remember that I thought he seemed to be chasing the ball carrier more than you would like, but I don't know if he was covering for someone else who missed a play, or was himself out of position. We might be missing Bass this season. So lucky to have that guy.... He was the spark last season too. He hates losing. Hope that somehow or other the refs do not ruin games this year as they did last season. So far, not looking promising. But, Two Enjoyable preseason games, despite some lapses into snoozery. glad to hear about the O line, from people that were at the game. The chat room sure makes the game more entertaining. I was not sure about our receivers, but looks like no worries there, and it certainly seems as though the O is not going to be field goal dependent to the same extent as formerly. Red zone problem solved!
  8. tell me then, What's stopping Trump from a nuclear launch?
  9. I now worry about Trump becoming so desperate that he pulls off something really horrific, to avoid exposure of the truth about him. Together with his deep ignorance, and failure to understand the most basic things. nuclear launch for instance. He already said he didn't see why they can't be used.
  10. There are quite a few word plays for a player named Judge if he turns into a good defensive player. also (for us old folks)
  11. highlight of the CFL preseason so far has been seeing two teams having a backup Canadian QB. both doing very well so far.
  12. Met some people in Washington state, who told me about this incident. Their son was involved in an argument in a grocery store checkout line. a few minutes later, as their son drove off from the store, the other party sprayed their sons car with bullets, with some sort of automatic weapon. Gun was most likely legally purchased, legally carried into and around the grocery store, and legally taken out on the street, where it was used in an attempt to murder someone, over a disagreement in a grocery store checkout line. If the son was killed, gun owners see that as worth it. unfortunate, but necessary price. you need a license to drive, probably can't get a driver's license if you are mentally ill,, can't drink till your 21, but anyone can pack a gun. Glad we don't have a major gun manufacturing lobby in this country.
  13. The whole "coach knows better than posters on this forum" is ridiculous. of course he does. What's the forum for, if we can't speculate about every aspect of the team? Otherwise it turns into the same as the Rider forum that you hate. right? and I'm not commenting on Mike O'Shea in particular. I guess the debate will end when he coaches the Bombers to a Grey Cup win. Or one and done in the playoffs again this season. But there's no shortage of examples of great players, including linebackers, who made poor coaches. Mike Singletary.... hall of fame linebacker.... failed as a coach. probably out of football now. But like our Mike, He probably knew a good linebacker from a bad one . And not many posters can put their finger on exactly who blew what play, and why. But it's easy to notice that the Bombers defence last year was one of the worst in the league. Let's Hope it is much better than that this year, with or without Hurl. Edit* a while ago moderator and forum mainstay Mike was lamenting that Hurl appeared to be on track to be starting middle linebacker. Didn't notice anyone slamming him for holding that view.
  14. in all seriousness, do you have a photographic memory?
  15. The article says that the people creating the programs, don't know how they work. If you don't know how it works, you can't assume anything about it, including whether or not it has emotions. Sci fi preceding science. This is Hal.
  16. Yachison looked good in the highlights. It would be great if he could succeed with the Bombers.
  17. I had no idea that this is going on. Thanks a lot for posting that article. Amazing goings on. Leave it to DARPA to be deeply involved. If anybody is going to unleash an out of control artificial being on us, it's going to be them. LOL at this "“I think by all means if we’re going to use these things and rely on them, then let’s get as firm a grip on how and why they’re giving us the answers as possible" duh. There have been several instances of nuclear launches initiated by computers, that were prevented by a human being.
  18. Disagreement is fine. Strong disagreement is fine. Making decisions when angry is not fine. Let's hope they don't do that. Anyway, I suspect we're making something out of nothing.
  19. Thought Brock Jensen was pretty good last season.
  20. better get my glasses checked. thanks.
  21. John Hodge hasn't had an article at 3downnation since May 24th. Post game summary for last game was written by 3down staff. post is wrong thanks atomic
  22. There sure is. Must hope for good economic times, to keep it away.
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