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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. I'll will not be surprised if Ray doesn't last one game without injury.
  2. They have Kolankowski. He has to be good with that name.
  3. Canadian Konar takes over for Sherrit, and gets 9 tackles! Canadian players are getting better each year. weak attendance BC
  4. Conservative governments don't actually care much about government debt. They talk about how terrible it is, but are happy to increase it as much as anyone else. And right now we get to see US government "run like a business".
  5. missed tackles on Edmonton touchdown Jennings not looking as scary as said to be. 6000 yards passing this season according to one person. nope. Arnold_ Palmer: not just the Media, built up the Lions.
  6. I'm hoping Jennings continues to make stupid plays. I really like Reilly, so tough. hope he has a good game. although I also hope he doesn't. maybe one more horrible c'mon centre video review would finally get a change there...... so hoping for one of those. and.... a good game. edit: hope I can stay awake past the anthem. #geezer
  7. need to play these games earlier if they want people in Eastern Canada to watch. 10 pm start Toronto/Montreal biggest market in the country. won't be watching, cause it's so friggin late.
  8. going to be a little wierd for me being a cleveland brown fan this season.
  9. ha speedflex, not sure why..... feel ok right now...
  10. Only team in the CFL that I really dislike is Stampeders. Love seeing BLM lose. interesting to see how harris does this year. Not sure he's all that great.
  11. good article. "What does reigning CFL MOP Bo Levi Mitchell have in-store for the 2017 season? Mitchell has not been shy to let everyone know that it “will not be fun to play me this year” as he plans on reflecting on the bad finish to 2016 " Confidence is not the same as arrogance.
  12. Thanks! he was getting a lot of heat at that time. Sure is good to listen to that, and see what was put together by him and the GM/scouts. In retrospect, he/they were right on the money.
  13. No doubt. Bob wiley to the resuce... and american ol. When the Oline was still struggling, before they put in the final key player..... some people were starting to question how good Wylie was. Remember the discussion still last season, "Is it Willy slow decisions, or is it the bad O line not giving him enough time." "Players play and coachs coach" applicable here I guess. Yesterday I read on Kevin Glenn's website a humourous thing, guess it was from when he was still here... question: "if your team had a battle royal, who would be the last player standing? Glenn answer "Jermarcus Hardrick" must be a seriously tough dude.
  14. I recall that the refs did a lot to help ruin quite a few games last season. long breaks to discuss something, a lot of missed calls, and a lot of flags for nothing. Like somebody posted, D lineman one millimetre over the line gets a flag, while receiver repeatedly offside gets nothing. Worst of all for me, was ignoring head shots and late hits, specially on Quarterbacks. Sometimes, while standing right there, looking directly at the play. League seems to be unable to get this part right. Given the record of the guy that blew the touchdown call last night , (3downnation article) and he's still there.... makes you wonder.
  15. He was floating around for weeks as a free agent. I don't get that. I was really hoping we'd get him. I guess we already had Nevis. at that point. don't know. We've all watched him singlehandedly wrecking plays. Repeatedly. hope the guy we did get is as good as Cash.
  16. Montreal should have at least kept Allan Michael Cash. Didn't sound like there was much pressure on Glenn. Toronto might have a good D this season.
  17. barnburner. glenn's final hurrah this season.
  18. went into a nearby homedepot, got directions, and on our way. LA is actually pretty easy to get around, much easier than Seattle Tacoma.... which is a nightmare. boy is that the truth. sad stuff.... beaten down, poor people.
  19. just looked at allouettes team page, to see who their O line is, but noticed Chip Cox 5 foot 9 inches 185 pounds. I guess he's unusual though, his football smarts must be very high. 33 years old, wonder if he's going to get picked on a bit this season. Hope durant glenn stay upright, and I hope they sell a lot of tickets. Montreal still has knapton and Bowman, so could be dicey for Kevin. wonder how shologan will do.
  20. done wpg to vancouver island many times. dined in every subway and tim's on the way. also wpg to LA twice. That was a lot of fun, and very interesting. Daughter said "whatever you do, don't get lost in Compton" Went straight there like an arrow lol. saw a home there surrounded by razor wire.
  21. As I recall, this guy was a ferocious hitter. Is my memory serving me well?
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