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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. and also.... the sky is blue. Does God exist?
  2. no, that doesn't sound very fan friendly. Re Argos being bottom team wo Ray, I thought people had a good opinion of Fajardo.
  3. The Americans can afford two trillion to invade Iraq, but just can't afford public single payer healthcare. what a corrupt country. Yeah, Trump and friends are greedy stupid ignorant scum, but, If the Democrats, who had control of house, senate, and whitehouse had just forgotten about their "donors" (pharmacy and medical "industry" ugh) for once, and rammed through single payer, which they could have done, Using procedures which the Republicans do not hestitate to use, they might have assured themselves years of being in power, if that's all they care about. But they didn't even try. Obama campaigned on including a "public option" which he promptly ditched when elected. Instead, they pass what many non rightwingers, people who study it carefully, have called a seven hundred page mess, which works sort of, but not really. there are still multi millions with no care at all. Hillary spent one billion on her campaign. Lot of compromises needed to get that level of "donation" There are all kinds of stories being publicized now, about Americans who delayed going to get treatment, and ended up with far worse conditions, cause they have huge copays, or nothing at all. That's under Obama's healthcare. Puke. Universal single payer public health care. I give huge thanks that I live in Canada, for that alone. edit : saw this "DR. STEFFIE WOOLHANDLER: We reviewed the world’s scientific literature on the relationship between health insurance and mortality. And there is really now a scientific consensus that being uninsured raises the death rates. It raises your death rates by between 3 and 29 percent. And the math on that is that if you take health insurance away from 22 million people, about 29,000 of them will die every year, annually, as a result. That’s what we found by reviewing the literature. There was a similar review in New England Journal of Medicine. We published our own study in the Annals of Internal Medicine, which is the official organ of the American College of Physicians, the nation’s largest medical specialty society. " whether 3 or 29, Brutal. and yet there are still people down there who will support Trump.
  4. Nice call atomic, you said willy would not be unsigned for long.
  5. Since going to work for the Bombers Tait has shown that he will on occassion be critical of the team. Thanks for the info re media access. edit......One of the best plays of the O'Shea era is JFG getting the last second, clutch catch, game winning TD in front of his home town crowd in Montreal.
  6. I think these approachs come from above. For instance, in the NBA travelling is no longer enforced at all. Might as well take it out of the rulebook. Ignoring the rulebook makes any sport more boring. Wasn't there a Sask receiver who was offside every play? one of their greats?
  7. It was not in Jim Brown's time. Which I was around for. edit....or Mack/Byner days.
  8. it's just one game, but that offensive performance, including Ray, sheds a bit of light on the "who made who: Calvillo or Trestman" debate. Popp knows where to look for receivers. Cause (TD drops notwithstanding) they all looked pretty good. And talk about spreading it around. Hope our offence looks as crisp and inventive as that one looked. Poor Hamilton D had no idea what was happening next. Ray looks vulnerable to a hit. got up very slowly.
  9. outcoached maybe. tigercat defensive coach doesn't know what's coming next.
  10. Sam Hurl would have made the same tackle
  11. pinpoint passing. Raydiculous. game should be over.
  12. argo 85 slowed down, what an idiot.
  13. missed field goal - 3 blocked field goal 7 was it low kick or missed block?
  14. wow ray/green. if they keep that up......
  15. so Ray to Green. very nice. edit collaros tantruming already. teamates will love that hope argos winning a few will get some people in the stadium.
  16. Bombers have eased up on media access to assistants. With Ed Tait anyway. seen interviews with Costello, Hall, Lapo. Probably others I have not seen. good to see. Ed's doing an outstanding job.
  17. I'll will not be surprised if Ray doesn't last one game without injury.
  18. They have Kolankowski. He has to be good with that name.
  19. Canadian Konar takes over for Sherrit, and gets 9 tackles! Canadian players are getting better each year. weak attendance BC
  20. Conservative governments don't actually care much about government debt. They talk about how terrible it is, but are happy to increase it as much as anyone else. And right now we get to see US government "run like a business".
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