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Everything posted by Arnold_Palmer

  1. As long as Dressler is in the line up for when we play the Rough Riders is all that matters. Can't wait to see him torch that defense on labour day
  2. Weird then why trade multiple draft picks for him? It's not like they don't have a capable backup in Bridge in Saskachewan already. Be prepared to be disappointed rider fans.
  3. It was one of the most light hearted football games I've ever been a part of. I think we were up 40-0 at half time. I had around 10 carries in the first half but probably close to 300 yards rushing. Every play seemed to go for a long gain. I played QB the second half and only attempted two passes. I was handing the ball off to kids who never even played running back by the 4th quarter.
  4. Teams rarely throw the ball against Randle. Getting Randle from Calgary was one of the best moves Walters has ever made. He'll never have the sexy stats but his impact on the field can't be undermined.
  5. It was. He has a kid here. He squashed that beef he had in the city years ago.
  6. 34 points a game. I think we're doing a good job of putting points on the board and getting the ball into the end zone.
  7. No one uses the spin move quite like Roberts. I was a young kid playing running back back when Sir Charles was in his prime. I remember one game where i used the spin move on the first play from scrimmage on an outside pitch and took it 80-90 yards for a touchdown. That was a fun game. Me and our QB probably used that move successfully several times that afternoon.
  8. I'm not sold on Adams but if that means the Riders plan on going with Adams next year instead of Franklin or Collaros then so be it. Good for the Bombers.
  9. Can't we all just get along? Isn't there something we can agree on, like the Riders suck? Wouldn't it be terrible being from Saskachewan? Why do the Riders have the ugliest cheerleaders in the league?
  10. Addison, I wish you the best in your future endeavours.
  11. He was definitely quick not fast! Still the best first cut runner I've ever seen, the change of direction in his running was amazing, and although 5'6 ( on his tippy toes maybe) he used that size as an advantage. He'd be in the hole behind his OL and next thing you know before anyone could see him he was in the secondary.
  12. 4 straight years of 1522 or more yards.. This was on some bad Bomber offenses minus 2007. He truly was a special running back.
  13. They thought Wally was done in 2011 when he started 0-5. They then proceeded to win the grey cup.. One game doesn't change anything. He's still a good coach/gm.
  14. It's a shame we couldn't win a ring for Milt. He always came out to play. No matter how many crappy QB's we had throw him the ball in his career.
  15. Of course. Young coaches grow. He's always had the grit and the heart.. But he's really become savy with his in game decisions.
  16. What? Edmonton has a really nice receiving core.
  17. Probably no coincidence why Nichols is having a career year. Keep your QB standing on his feet and good things will happen.
  18. I know TSN likes to hype Jennings but give me a Matt Nichols all day. No INT's in the last three games, while Jennings has two on his first three possessions. Winning the turn over battle is everything.
  19. Someone should tell Jennings he doesn't need to throw it 40 yards down field every play.
  20. it doesn't matter who the Riders play I always want them to lose, hopefully in embarrassing fashion
  21. ?‍?Loved the block that Nichols threw at the end to help Harris' run. And don't think the players won't notice it in film study. The little things that defines a championship caliber team. When your teammates see your QB making a big block to help Harris get a first down run late in the fourth, they'll do whatever it takes to win for you.
  22. The excuses are always there. 1) well can he win football games (15-5 as a starter in the past calendar year) 2) Well can he produce offense? ( 34.4 points per game) 3) Can HE produce touchdowns? ( 13 touchdowns in 7 games, which is on pace for 33 TD's in the entire season) 4) Can HE protect the football? ( 4 INTS in 7 games which is on pace for 10 INT the entire season) Now that you can't argue these things anymore people are using subjective arguments against Nichols. He's a pretty good deep throw passer. The touchdown to Lankford last week, and Adams last night was perfect evidence. You're not always going to hit your man deep but I think Nichols is as good as any QB when he takes his shot down the field.
  23. Haha I could not believe that OL almost caught Hurl. That's an OL catching up to a LB! Pretty funny to see.
  24. Our defense has been noticeably better with Leggett back in the line up. He brings so much to our lineup. That FF was the nail in the coffin for the Ti Cats tonight.
  25. I'd actually put Jake Thomas number one. One sack, constent pressure all night, fumble recovery, and made a big tackle on Gamble on the screen pass to prevent a first down.
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