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    Blue-urns reacted to Jpan85 in How to get Aaron Woods more involved in the offence?   
    More of what The Argos do with Durie. Work him the slot a lot.
  2. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to iso_55 in Creehan has to go... replace him with who?   
    Crowton has to go. Bottom line first coach who  has to walk the plank. Burke needs to go with him as well, The qb carousel is  his doing & the fact he takes no responsibility for it is aggravating.
  3. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to Captain Blue in Creehan has to go... replace him with who?   
    We are long past firing individual people.
    I say with complete sincerity: FIRE EVERYONE.
  4. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to Mr Dee in Goltz should be the starter   
    Yeah, he can start the team bus.
    But not drive it though, he no longer can he come through in the clutch.
  5. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to Mr Dee in Goltz should be the starter   
    I'd start Hall next game because it makes sense to give him the same team he has already seen.
    But on that note, I don't know how any of out QBs can function in this system.
    Every game adjustments are made to us, but not by us.
    All our QBs ,going back to last year even, are doomed.
    I don't know if we'll ever know how good or bad they really are.
     On a brighter note, Aaron Woods looked strong.
  6. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to JuranBoldenRules in Odds that Cory Watson is left unprotected during expansion draft?   
    I'd be shopping Watson and Poblah for trade during this season.  I don't think Poblah will succeed here, and I don't think Watson is going to last much longer, at least as an elite level player.  He's one of those guys who is never really healthy, even when he is "healthy."
    If we can get a 1st or 2nd round pick for either I'd take it.  Montreal has nothing at NI receiver and are probably going to make a push since Calvillo is near the end.
  7. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to 17to85 in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    you didn't need hind sight to know what a mistake it was
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    Blue-urns reacted to 17to85 in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    I was wondering the other day if maybe the reason Elliott looked good was that he would just ignore the play calls and do whatever he liked.... which would also explain why the coaches couldn't wait to get him out of town. It's such a tin foil hat thing but what if Crowton is just the shits of a play caller? 
  9. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to rebusrankin in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    Buck had Max protection due to his inability to stay healthy. How long did he last without it? half a game.
  10. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to OldSchoolBlue in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    The thing with Elliot was that the errors he was making were largely coachable ones that could have been addressed with some competent guidance and a bit of maturity. But of course we aren't patient enough for that.
  11. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to 17to85 in Odds that Cory Watson is left unprotected during expansion draft?   
    Poblah was over rated by every GM in the league. Hell the argos woulda brought him to camp as an american before his eligibility as a NI was clarified. 
  12. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to TBURGESS in Odds that Cory Watson is left unprotected during expansion draft?   
    Kohlert is our best NI receiver right now.  Watson is our best NI receiver when healthy.  Both of them should be protected.  If we have a third NI receiver spot left then we can protect Jade, assuming he is re-signed before the end of the year.
  13. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to JuranBoldenRules in Beasts and Bums   
    Pierce needs to replace Matthews yesterday.  Matthews is a negative player for us in a vital position, not only struggling, but negatively impacting the entire offence.
  14. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to JuranBoldenRules in Beasts and Bums   
    Watching the secondary closely when the play was in front of me, most of the breakdowns appear to be on C Muamba.  He takes a very deep drop (essentially taking himself out of the play) and is always 3 or 4 yards late.  He's covering turf (a general problem for this secondary in zone) and not covering receivers or playing the ball because he's worried about getting beat deep.  He doesn't have a clue.  The most useful thing he's done this season is blitz.  We'd almost be better off dropping another guy in the box and sending extra rushers in a zone blitz to disrupt the QB's timing than having C Muamba playing DEEP safety.
    The same 7 yard pass to the inside slot on a hook was there every first down.  Hamilton must have run that play 15 times successfully.  If we're going to suck we could at least be a bit of a speed bump.  Hard to imagine the same guys were responsible for the 2011 defence, it is like they've lost 50 IQ points each since then.
  15. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to 17to85 in Practice Updates: Swiston In For Morley, Watson/demond Back, Hall #1   
    You see? You see what happens when you fire the GM midseason? You throw the entire rest of the year and next year into the toilet completely. All for the price of millions of dollars in salaries for people to not work for you and empty seats in the stadium. 
  16. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to Captain Blue in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    Rather, playing and playing well aren't the same thing.  I am sure this staff is so in love with Pierce that he will get another shot, but he won't do anything with that opportunity.
  17. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to Mr Dee in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    Listen, I was seriously beginning to wonder, whenever I read the post-game stats, whether Buck had changed his name or not.
    I kept seeing Buck Pierce incomplete pass, Buck Pierce incomplete pass, Buck Pierce incomplete pass....
  18. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to Mike in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    I find this difficult to grasp.
    I've seen Goltz throw some terrible balls but Pierce's performance in week 2 is burnt in my memory as being just as poor as any game Goltz has had.
  19. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to 17to85 in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    which proves what exactly? All it will prove is that Buck sucks and sucks hard. The fact that he's being outperformed by a guy with 2 career starts is a very telling statement about just how far PIerces game has fallen. Some people though (including some of our coaches) seem to have a hard time letting go of the past and realizing that Pierce might have a good understanding of the offense and the CFL and what defenses are doing he is unable to perform at the required level. 
  20. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to saskbluefan in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    I could grab stats that show Setven Jyles is better than both of them.  Not that this isn't a well presented argument here because it is.
    Truth, they both suck.  And so does most of what's around them in a chicken and egg sort of way. 
    These stats underscore to me that Walters or whoever replaces him will eventually overpay for one of Collaras, Mitchell, Tate or Willy.  And I'm ok with that. 
  21. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to Onyenegecha in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    To add to this, Buck played against 2-4 Montreal twice and 1-5 Hamilton, while Goltz played against 4-2 BC and 5-1 Calgary.
  22. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to Mr Dee in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    Pardon me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me it should be the veteran QB with all the moxie, who is expected to come in and lead the team to at least a shot at victory.
    Isn't the veteran the guy we should feel comfortable with when he goes in...that we have a chance to move the ball effectively...get first downs...hit at least 3 different receivers...including hitting a 6-5" receiver?
    It's pretty sad that we have to use low stats to prove the lesser quarterback.
    It's really sad that it does prove the lesser quarterback.
  23. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to 17to85 in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    so you believe that makes pierce more effective... Can you honestly say that you think when watching the games that Pierce is actually giving the team a better chance to win? The stats MIke brings up are very telling. No one is acting like Goltz is some phenom here, we're just pointing out that despite his struggles at times, PIerce has been worse. The number of 2 and outs is the most alarming thing. Too many times Pierce has had the offense stuck in a huge rut that loses the field position battle badly and wears the defense down. The other big thing to me is how one dimensional pierce is and easy for opposing teams to defend. At least with the added mobility of Goltz it gives defenses something else to worry about rather than simply being able to blitz Pierce and render him useless. Pierce may be very very slightly better at passing the ball right now... but Goltz is better at too many other things for that to matter. The difference in mobility is far greater and more beneficial than any difference in passing ability. 
  24. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to 17to85 in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    There is just no way that you can justify favouring Pierce over Goltz. That's a low bar we're setting here but it's just the facts. Goltz is the better player right now and he's so much younger and less experienced so at least he's got a chance to get better. 
    I am so over Buck Pierce just because of how bad he's been for the last couple seasons, they really need to cut the guy just so the temptation isn't there for the coaches to actually play him. The team will never progress with him.
  25. Like
    Blue-urns reacted to Mike in Buck vs Goltz (Advanced Statistics)   
    Figured I'd make this thread since I always point out that "advanced" statistics do NOT favor Buck Pierce when comparing him against other quarterbacks. I'll try and update this weekly just to keep it current especially with Hall playing this week to add another comparison.
    What I looked at mostly was % of two and outs, average offense per drive, points per possession, etc. For the sake of continuity, when I tally this stuff up, I counted a turnover prior to a first down being gained as a two and out but a turnover after a first down had been gained was not.
    Here's what I came up with:
    Week 1
    Buck Pierce - 19 possessions, 12 two and outs (63%), 3 turnovers, 2 touchdowns
    Average points per possession - 0.94
    Average yardage per possession - 16.26 yards (longest 73 yards)
    Week 2
    Buck Pierce - 18 possessions, 8 two and outs (44%), 3 turnovers, 2 touchdowns
    Average points per possession - 1
    Average yardage per possession - 20.1 yards (longest 105 yards)
    Justin Goltz - 1 possession, 1 two and out, 1 turnover
    Average points per possession - 0
    Average yardage per possession - 4 (longest 4 yards)
    Week 3
    Buck Pierce - 15 possessions, 6 two and outs (40%), 3 touchdowns
    Average points per possession - 1.2
    Average yardage per possession - 22.6 (longest 92 yards)
    One thing I will point out, although the stats are what they are ... All 6 of the two and outs in this game were in the second half, where we had 8 possessions. That's horrible second half efficiency. In fact, aside from a 92 yard drive while Hamilton was playing prevent, our net offense in the second half of this game was -7 yards.
    Week 4
    Buck Pierce - 8 possessions, 5 two and outs (62%), 1 turnover
    Average points per possession - 0.75
    Average yardage per possession - 20.62 (longest 65 yards)
    Justin Goltz - 7 possessions, 2 two and outs (28%), 1 turnover
    Average points per possession - 1.28
    Average yardage per possession - 29 (longest 64 yards)
    Week 5
    Justin Goltz - 13 possessions, 6 two and outs (46%), 1 turnover, 3 touchdowns
    Average points per possession - 1.61
    Average yardage per possession - 25.23 (longest 80 yards)
    Week 6
    Justin Goltz - 15 possessions, 5 two and outs (33%), 1 turnover, 2 touchdowns
    Average points per possession - 1.2
    Average yardage per possession - 17.2 (longest 41 yards)
    Week 8
    Max Hall - 14 possessions, 6 two and outs (42%), 3 turnovers, 1 touchdown
    Average points per possession - 0.64
    Average yardage per possession - 23.92 (longest 103 yards)
    Buck Pierce - 1 possession, 1 two and out (100%)
    Average points per possession - 0
    Average yardage per possession - 9 (longest 9 yards)
    2013 totals to date
    Buck Pierce - 61 possessions, 32 two and outs (52.4%), 7 turnovers (11.4%), 7 touchdowns (11.4%)
    Average points per possession - 0.98
    Average yardage per possession - 19.58 yards
    Justin Goltz - 36 possessions, 14 two and outs (38.8%), 4 turnovers, (11.1%), 5 touchdowns (13.8%)
    Average points per possession - 1.14
    Average yardage per possession - 21.91 yards
    Max Hall - 14 possessions, 6 two and outs (42%), 3 turnovers (21%), 1 touchdown (7%)
    Average points per possession - 0.64
    Average yardage per possession - 23.92
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