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Everything posted by Doublezero

  1. Congratulations on making comparisons on two completely different situations and trying to equate Cato's success with what Marve would have done. Montreal out-game-planned Calgary and Hamilton out-game-planned us. That's where the comparisons should end. Marve has the arm strength to complete a pass. Brohm doesn't. That's where the conversation should end. I guess you know more than Kyle Walters and Danny McManus about arm strength then. Because when Brohm was signed Walters said: "Danny played a huge role in this. Danny, who was with (Brohm) in training camp last year, could speak to some of the qualities that you couldn't find on the brief film. Danny likes his arm strength, talked about his escapability and things, but more importantly, Danny talked about the type of young man he is and the leadership he has, how he brings up everyone around him... a great person to have in the organization."
  2. He was obviously embarrassed and rightly so. This is his way of dealing with the embarrassing truth. He much contrition do you need? He said the D will improve and they will take all necessary steps. That is all.
  3. I really hope Drew Willy suffers no long-term side effects from that shot to the head. MOS reiterated how tough Drew Willy is. Last season, Bombers didn't manage him well, I don't think. He came back after suffering many hellacious hits and was actually a liability with happy feet and that deer in the headlights look. I don't know what the answer is, but Bombers are looking to pay him $400k next season so you've got to protect that asset and bring along a solid #2. I say rest him, let him watch from the sidelines for maybe even longer than he wants the next few games, while the O, hopefully, gets its chops up.
  4. I don't necessarily think the backfield is weak, I *DO* think that they aren't being used effectively and .. in the case of Randle .. aren't being played in the best possible position.I like that Randle is embracing the role and not pulling a hefney I like that too. But he still might be slotted in the wrong spot. I don't know who would be better at SAM but Randle's given up 3 TDs against in the first couple of games and more in the pre-season.
  5. You aren't the only one who wanted Collaros, you're just the only one that keeps patting himself on the back about it over a year later. Anyone who complains about Bombers missing out on Collaros misses the point: he didn't want to come here. He wanted to play for ex-QB Austin, who wooed him hard to go to Hammy. I can't stand Austin BTW and wish someone had laid a hat on is arrogant chin last night.
  6. I agree the knee-jerk QB chatter is unwarranted after Week 2. The fact is this was like a pre-season game for Brohm. Here's the thing about the Dline and MB: They did start to bring pressure on Collaros by the 4th Q. And Bellefueille called a brilliant game in Sask. So while he is the achilles heel of this team and needs to go - that's not going to happen until he calls a few more dud games like last night. Wouldn't be surprised if we see some Dline help coming into town soon.
  7. On CJOB he said he wished he'd reigned them in a bit more during the prep week. So yes, as Jpan85 said, MOS is maybe saying he let them get carried away with overconfidence after the win in Sask. I know this is hardly scientific but they looked flat during the pre-game warm-ups compared to TiCats, without much urgency in their step. Whenever I see that pre-game nonchalant-look, they always lose. They lost the game before they stepped on the field. And at the point where JFG took that bonehead drive-stalling penalty for an illegal block, the chickens came home to roost.
  8. Wish he'd been pressed to clarify his comments about changing the short week preparation for the team. He said something similar on CJOB post-game, about reigning the players in during a short practice week. Does he mean they were tired?
  9. Thank-you JBR for some sanity in this thread. I don't get the Brohm hate around here. Marve would have reacted differently to the blitz for sure. And it would have been very ugly. But our QBs - all of them - could use a co-ordinator like Tommy Condell who called a great game for Collaros and Co.
  10. That is exactly the way I saw things as well. A penalty, a key injury, and a run back. And it just did not stop after that. Hammy looked good. TiCats were better coached. Condell Steinauer and Reinebold. Winnipeg looked lost. It was over before it began.
  11. I know the name Jock Sanders has been floating around a bit .. now sure if that's who it is though. From the stands today, looked like he was catching balls from the jugs machine.
  12. Who got called for the bonehead illegal block causing Veltung's return TD to be nullified? It was a really clean return with lanes open and pure speed. On the replay, it looked like Cronk or Pontbriand crashed a Rider from behind but I don't want to point fingers at an innocent bystander. Anyone get a good look to ID the guilty party? We had too many of those ST penalties las year and you'd hope MOS and the other coaches would lay down the law.
  13. Just want to say I thought Dom Picard played a hell of a good game for us.
  14. Getting Davis could be significant down the road, he looked good in that first game for the Stamps. Surprised by Unamba's release, I think he led ST tackles last year and played tight in the box as a cover LB last year. Someone will pick him up. Not so surprised by Portis's release to make way for Davis. Don't you think someone will likely sign Portis for depth. Good to see Neufeld back - hopefully he can stay healthy. And I guess Lattanzio didn't work out on either side of the LOS. The only thing I saw from Clemons was an exchange of bad words with Shaq Richardson at TC and now they both are gone.
  15. Bombers have some tricky roster moves to make this week if they have in fact agreed to terms with QB Dominique Davis. Where do they roster him? Will they release an Int receiver from the PR? Who, if anyone, will drop onto IR or PR from 46? Will they swing a trade for a surplus QB? (I'd be surprised). What about the players on the 1-game IR? Can they just be extended another week or do they need to be activated? Was Lyn-J better out there on ST than Unamba? I saw him out there once on the Veltung return that got called back for holding. Questions ... Questions ...
  16. Nick Moore made a great block for Marshall on the 2-pointer. And yes, once Cotton penetrated the LOS he was shedding tackles. Lots of complaints in Riderville about sloppy tackling by their D. But Cotton helped himself too - runs hard and he's very able at changing direction.
  17. So all this ACL talk is just speculation. Watching the replay of Reilly go down it looked like a knee. And more than a sprain. But there is no confirmation of a ligament tear.
  18. Bombers defence gave up almost 500 yards. Usually you can't do that and expect to win. So they've got to tighten up and correct some things.
  19. Less hopeful here too, than I was before TC for the reasons above. Worried about Sask's tailbacks running over us. Hopefully Hall has a solution. Hopefully Willy plays with urgency. Hopefully MOS shows decisiveness as a sophomore coach. We were very close to Sask stats-wise last year in most categories and I think we have improved on the O-line - while Sask has lost some key people. I predict it'll be a close game and that Kevin Glenn, replacing Durant, with throw a last minute pick-6 to someone like Lyn-J and that seals the Bombers victory! First CFL game I ever saw was in 1966 at Taylor Field. Ronny Lancaster was QB for the Riders and Ken Ploen QB for the Bombers. It was an amazing game, although the final score was 11-11. Been hooked on CFL football ever since. Go Bombers!
  20. All of the other debate aside, one thing I noticed that no one has brought up yet: On the one series of plays in the first quarter where Marve was brought in and did run the plays exactly the way the coaches wanted them run, it was the QB sneak at the goal line. And he struggled mightily. Not sure where the blame lies, but it was so predictable it was frustrating to watch. he doesn't take the ball and just push the pile behind centre, he likes to take it left or right for about 3-5 steps before cutting in, and the club has run the same play every time in goal line situations with him going back to last year. Teams have figured it out now (they started to last year, IMO) and rather than plunge over the centre the linebackers just hold back, read which way Marve runs and then collapse the line on that side, and he hasn't shown great strength in pushing the line forward. Hope either he changes his approach, the club disguises it better, or they just leave Willy in to give the illusion of a pass. That's one area I thought Portis looked OK in as a big QB who could surge on a QB keeper. Just my 2 cents, any other opinions? I think it took 5 tries and eventually Marshall ran it in for a penalty-assisted TD on a possession that started out at around the 3 yard line. Bombers have sucked at short yardage plays for several years now. And we are particularly bad at short Red Zone. A few years back Goltz got folks excited for awhile with a QB sweep to the corner post but that got predictable after awhile too. Hope we can correct this as we have the option of the 2-point conversion from the 3 under the new rules, I believe.
  21. Actually it is running QBs like Marve who benefit most from a quality O-line. Especially at the Centre position. You have to wonder if the mediocrity of Winnipeg's O-line has previously constrained Bellefuelle's ability to really reach into the option style offence.
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