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Everything posted by Doublezero

  1. Because he got hurt on a low hit to his knee? Talk about overreaction. If anything tonight shows how valuable Willy is. We've been very patient with Drew Willy. I'd like to see him succeed. I just don't think he's very good. He managed to throw for 80 yards before he got hurt in the 3rd quarter. Bombers have not scored a TD in 3 games against Esks with Willy starting.
  2. I don't think O'Shea has a feel for how unproductive and dysfunctional the offence is. Oshea, Walters, and even Wade Miller don't really have a feel for the offensive side of the ball. Their football experience is all on the defence. So if Willy isn't very good - would they actually know? Maybe time for Danny Mac to say something.
  3. Time to re-assess Drew Willy. Just imagine. He's going to be making $400k next year. How do you spell ... not worth it?
  4. It is obvious that Winnipeg should be going for two points every time a TD is scored. MOS said the decision to go for 2 is situational. But MOS is wrong. Going for the 2-pointer every time, even at 50% success rate, is a better risk than kicking from the 32 with an unreliable kicker. When the CFL changed the rule to allow for the 2-pointer from the 3 yard line, it was expected the 2-pointer would be successful 50% of the time. If you get 2 points 50% of the time that equals getting one point 100% of the time - which is much better risk-reward ratio than we are currently getting with LH missing kicks and losing games for us. http://www.cfl.ca/article/statsgeek-changing-the-rules
  5. Odds of success are probably less than 50% I would think. Why do you think that?
  6. Actually, no, you are wrong. As I said, defence and ST helped Bombers achieve an early 5-1 record. Here's one of those five wins that the D and LH's leg actually won for us http://cfl.ca/article/hajrullahu-bombers-leg-out-a-win-over-lionsBefore that vs Argos and Ottawa the D (Washington, Randle) scored TDs off fumbles, picks or ST scored TDs on returns - contributing points and also getting turnovers and giving the offence field position. The offence mostly relied on short field and big play. Lots of 2-outs and inability to produce long drives was pretty much the hallmark in those early wins. And then the offence just got worse, as, perfect storm, opponents countered Etch's D too.
  7. Lots of blame all around for this blown opportunity for a W, agreed. But a poster pointed out that Willy hasn't been a clutch QB and that is true. While we still have hope he may improve, he is consistently slow getting the ball in play between snaps. And the offence is relying too much on the big play, as well as on the D and special teams for scoring points. When Winnipeg won a few games early last year it was with big help and points from the D and special teams. Then it went downhill and nothing's changed. Willy can't consistently drive the ball downfield or lead the offence to scores in the red zone. And a lot of that has to do with tempo, rhythm and urgency.
  8. You are underestimating the Esks. Given Stampeders injuries, I can see Edmonton finishing first in the West and even with Nichols as QB, Winnipeg will have their hands full. In fact, I'll be surprised if Winnipeg betters the Esks, which makes the blown opportunity against Calgary even more regrettable.
  9. Could be. We may have a better idea by the end of the season. The last minute of the game felt Lapo-like. Could be. We may have a better idea by the end of the season. The last minute of the game felt Lapo-like.We've had too many LaPolice/Rheinbold/Burke moments of late and the scary thing is that Willy sure as spit looks like he is regressing.How does he look like he's regressing? Lmfao. Calgary has one of the best pass defences in the league.. He did rather well did he not?The things people chose to try and claim around here at times..When Willy's game deserted him last year, his biggest failing was his inability to handle blitzes and folding in crunch time. That's pretty much what happened tonight.Uh. I saw him handle the blitz really well up til the last play of the game with the int. not sure what game you were watching.He either tossed it away or dumped it off for small gains.. He also made some great throws in the face of it too. Great retort. Willy was fine until he threw a game killing interception... or didnt call time out on a drive killing penalty. You either have it in the clutch or you dont. Right now, Willy is not a clutch guy. When the pressure is on he gets worse. That's just fact. Will it improve, God I hope so. It's his 2nd year as a starter but hes' going to be 29 in November. He's actually past his prime in football years. Or entering the final stages of it. Wow it's these kind of comments that make me wonder. Early last year that is all he was. Clutch. He won some games where it looked like a certain loss. This game he drove the field and got us within a field goal of winning. The loss of down was stupid but something that shouldn't happen again. Regardless he got close enough for the field goal and it was missed. Willy cost the Bombers a win against Hamilton last year when he took a time count violation in the dying seconds of the game. Generally, like last year, Winnipeg telegraphs it's run game and runs it in ploddingly slow motion. Bigger problem though is this QB takes way too long to put the ball in play between snaps. There's no tempo or urgency to Winnipeg's attack and therefore no rhythm. Defenders have too much time to rest. Other than once series in Regina where Bombers ran a hurry-up that first game, the O has looked pretty weak, inconsistent and unreliable. It comes down to the QB and coord. Take a look at what Lulay and Tedford do in BC for guidance. They know how to run a high tempo CFL offence. Hate to say it, but it really seems that Bellefueille, Willy and Buck Pearce don't get it. Not sure MOS Walters and Miller coming from the other side of the ball can even recognize the problem let alone correct it.
  10. Cornish vs Hurl should tell the tale this week.
  11. It was great to watch BC come back and win against Sask. And Jeff Tedford was cool - guy obviously loves the game of football. He was very animated on the sidelines: getting the 13th man involved, heaping praise on Lions players. Also like how Tedford's brought tempo and urgency to the BC offence.
  12. Shell is def a factor out there on ST. Friday against Als he busted some chops on returns and got downfield fast for contain on kick-offs. I notice in practice he's been moved around on defence - HB corner and safety. Smart pickup by Bombers.
  13. I just hope Drew Willy doesn't take forever to get rid of the ball. If it looks like he's taking too long to process decisions - it could be a long night and I'll be worried about the state of his noggin. If he plays with some urgency like he did in Regina I like our chances against the Als. They have a very good defence.
  14. Esks look to be back in business. I can see them going far this season.
  15. The winning formula is simple. Bombers D needs to play lights out. Eliminate bonehead penalties and ST errors. Run the ball to set up the pass.
  16. We are healthy, Montreal is not. Plus, we seem to have Montreal's number. Things come together for O'Shea's Bombers, starting here. Winnipeg 2-1 after Friday.
  17. Congratulations on making comparisons on two completely different situations and trying to equate Cato's success with what Marve would have done. Montreal out-game-planned Calgary and Hamilton out-game-planned us. That's where the comparisons should end. Marve has the arm strength to complete a pass. Brohm doesn't. That's where the conversation should end. I guess you know more than Kyle Walters and Danny McManus about arm strength then. Because when Brohm was signed Walters said: "Danny played a huge role in this. Danny, who was with (Brohm) in training camp last year, could speak to some of the qualities that you couldn't find on the brief film. Danny likes his arm strength, talked about his escapability and things, but more importantly, Danny talked about the type of young man he is and the leadership he has, how he brings up everyone around him... a great person to have in the organization."
  18. He was obviously embarrassed and rightly so. This is his way of dealing with the embarrassing truth. He much contrition do you need? He said the D will improve and they will take all necessary steps. That is all.
  19. I really hope Drew Willy suffers no long-term side effects from that shot to the head. MOS reiterated how tough Drew Willy is. Last season, Bombers didn't manage him well, I don't think. He came back after suffering many hellacious hits and was actually a liability with happy feet and that deer in the headlights look. I don't know what the answer is, but Bombers are looking to pay him $400k next season so you've got to protect that asset and bring along a solid #2. I say rest him, let him watch from the sidelines for maybe even longer than he wants the next few games, while the O, hopefully, gets its chops up.
  20. I don't necessarily think the backfield is weak, I *DO* think that they aren't being used effectively and .. in the case of Randle .. aren't being played in the best possible position.I like that Randle is embracing the role and not pulling a hefney I like that too. But he still might be slotted in the wrong spot. I don't know who would be better at SAM but Randle's given up 3 TDs against in the first couple of games and more in the pre-season.
  21. You aren't the only one who wanted Collaros, you're just the only one that keeps patting himself on the back about it over a year later. Anyone who complains about Bombers missing out on Collaros misses the point: he didn't want to come here. He wanted to play for ex-QB Austin, who wooed him hard to go to Hammy. I can't stand Austin BTW and wish someone had laid a hat on is arrogant chin last night.
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