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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. So breaking a law... any law is cause for you to be shot dead. Thats just nuts. Steal a car and yup a cop can kill you. Have a warrant for unpaid child support and yup cops can shoot you dead. Steal some **** from a store and cops show up and person runs... shoot them dead. Awesome. His point has merit. I made the point earlier in a different way and got heat for it. The cop may have done one thing tjay lead to this outcome. The victim had way more opportunities to choose a different path to avoid this outcome. Losing your life is not an acceptable outcome. But it's like death my misadventure. It's awful but it's stupidity leading to death. Don't have. warrants. Don't run from cops. Don't fight cop Don't try to take cops stun gun Don't run from cop. He literally had numerous opportunities to change his path. Not saying the outcome isn't awful but by law this is not Murder. Not even close.
  2. New Earth. I'm sorry you are wrong. Regardless of this specific situation a cop does have the right to shoot a fleeing suspect of he feels the suspect represents a risk to himself or others. That will be the crux of this case. I guarantee you, if the cop had not shot and this suspect ran around the corner and killed someone the question would be why didn't the cop do more. Here's another cop shooting showing cops fighting for their lives. They shot and killed. Not comparing. Just showing a story not getting as much media http://globalnews.ca/news/1933992/wild-police-brawl-captured-on-video-leaves-one-dead-outside-arizona-walmart/?hootPostID=76879146075ed8205f5d744ee619935e
  3. Boston bomber and a traffic stop? Cmon dude your way smarter then to stretch this into that. That cop was **** at his job and killed someone for no reason at all. We have zero idea if the guy went for the cops gun and even if he did he didnt get it and was running away. He didnt have a gun. And was shot 5 times in the back. You've completemy missed my point. You said it's never legal for a cop to shoot a fleeing suspect and I gave you an example of where the officer would be considered a hero. Ofcourse the crime isn't comparable but as soon we enter into the idea tjay its okay sometimes, that's when things get cloudy. If the cop had pulled his gun three seconds quicker, if the guys hadn't sorinted away and was instead shot right at the scene of the physical altercation, would you consider it a lawful shooting?
  4. The Pens have regressed. I know they've had injuries. But they keep trying this one thing that worked once - grab a bit of help at the deadline and win. If they miss the playoffs and win the lottery tjay pick belongs to Toronto right? Trading a first round pick this year was not wise. Not having a lottery clause on it was flat out stupid.
  5. Pens changes should involve rectifying their biggest mistake - changing GM.
  6. Also as far as shooting him five times, is the same reason why people get upset when a cop lawfully shoots someone and kills them and people say why can't he shoot him in the leg. Cops aren't trained to shoot in the leg. And they aren't trained to shoot once, stand back and see if it's effective, shoot again, stand back, shoot again. It's shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot until the suspect is down. Ever see video of an armed suspect being shot by a group of cops? If it's two cops of 50, they all fire. besides which it's going to come down to definition of danger. If the Boston bomber set off his bomb and ran off and a cop shot him (by the way they did shoot him while he was laying prone in a boat) you could say he was not an imminent threat but his prior actions were enough of a threat tjay he had to be stopped. The cop will argue perception. He had a fleeing suspect. He was assaulted. He fought over his weapon and he feared for his life when he went for his gun. By the time he fired the suspect was several feet away but the argument will be reasonable fear on behalf of the cop.
  7. I'll try to find the law but read it in an article where the law actually was yes a cop can shoot a fleeing suspect if he is a danger to the officer or community. The word imminent was not used.
  8. New Earth - the thing is it IS allowable for a cop to shoot a suspect who is running away. Look at it this way, if someone saw the Boston Bonber running away and a cop shot him in the back he'd be a hero. Now I'm not comparing the two just pointing out that the mere act of a suspect fleeing is not necessarily cause to not be shot. If so, every time a cop pulled you over at gun point you'd just run away. In this instance I think the argument will be made that in the seconds between the cop being assaulted, fighting for he stun gun (a weapon) that he could have felt imminent danger. The fact he was wronf after the fact might not be enough to say from a purely psychologicsl stand point that the cop didn't feel in danger. Part of the fight or flight reaction in humans is instinctive. I've been assaulted a lot, with weapons, nearly shot. Sometimes actions happen. We hold cops to a higher standard because of training and experience which is why he is charged but I bet he is never found guilty of murder.
  9. Did the jets have to make a deal with PHX for the trademark? I'm sure I recall someone pointing out years ago that the Coyotes got the whiteout trademark at some point.
  10. Kings let their confidence lead them down the wrong path. There was a game last week where they were losing and at intermission one of the Kings players said they wanted to win in regulation because they had their eye on home ice advantage in the playoffs. They thought they could coast all season and then try when it mattered. They forgot it mattered now. Wouldn't surprise me to see them dominate next season with something to prove.
  11. Paul Friesen ✔ @friesensunmedia League has clarified to #NHLJets: Pavelec's shutout streak is alive and well. Not affected by shootout loss.
  12. Ted Wyman @Ted_Wyman To me, Paul Maurice has to be Jack Adams finalist. Expectations were low for #NHLJets and they made it despite tons of injuries, adversity Saw a lot of chatter about Flames HC being a potential nominee for Coach of the Year. Shouldnt Maurice be considered? Wasnt this team in total disarray when he took over a year ago? And what of Chevy? Isnt he the odds-on favourite the win GM of the Year?
  13. Saw people on twitter asking about "Jump" and whether it was being saved for the first playoff game. Any chance the team enters to Jump? I always thought they were saving those 1.0 things for a retro night or something but I can imagine the crowd going even more ape if that song hits. At least those of us who equate Jump with the Jets and nothing else.
  14. Caught someone on 1290 last week, no idea who it was, but he said something to the effect "fans in Atlanta are very happy for you guys". Im sure they both are.
  15. The electricity in this city makes me hope True North Square becomes a reality.
  16. Toby and Myers make a good team. Myers is more defensively responsible than Buff, right? So good pairing. Chairot seems able to cover for Buff well. It was during that time they were together that people started saying Buff was a Norris candidate. And Stu and Trouba are great together. Warriors both of them.
  17. First playoff game looks to be Thursday. That's a long time for guys to heal up at this stage of the game. Perreault is a damn warrior and the best free agent signing of the year.
  18. Pav will not dress tomorrow. Hutch and Helle. Take a good look at the future, kids!
  19. ^^^^ Honestly I didnt even realise there was audio...watching at work. I think you're right on the money. I think there is the potential for this to actually flip around somewhat and there might be a public outcry, deserved or not, that there might have been a rush to charge the cop with murder without a full investigation. The media (and others) jumped on this as a racially motivated killing. Nothing about that other then the ethnicities of the two people involved indicates that at all. I wonder, if it wasnt white cop/black victim coming after Ferguson would the charges have been laid so quickly? And this goes to my earlier point that the victim must share in his part of this altercation. Even if the shooting was 100% wrong on every level and certainly the outcome was awful, the evidence thus far backs up the cop completely...until the time of the shooting. And if you are correct that the victim did resist arrest and assault the officer and if that involved the officer attempting to use non-lethal means to make the arrest of a fleeing suspect with outstanding warrants and the victim tried to wrest control of the stun gun...it definitely changes things. It doesnt mean the cop was correct in shooting the fleeing suspect. But it opens up different defenses and interpretations of the law. The law allows for a cop to shoot a fleeing suspect if there is probable cause that the suspect is danger to the officer or community. The cop will argue that in that MOMENT he felt the suspect was a danger and that his training taught him to act in the manner he did. This is a very interesting case, far more than initial stories made it seem. Ofcourse, the cop has one very very bad thing working against him - the fact he immediately planted evidence. His defense might argue that the officer was "collecting" evidence, but thats a tough pill to swallow. This isnt Murder though, not with this evidence.
  20. Not a chance in hell that our opponents would sign off on that.
  21. With the Ducks, someone else posted (here or somewhere) the amount of games they played against poor teams. I think that might be part of it. Some teams are built for the regular season that cant do it in the Playoffs. Lets hope the Ducks are one of them.
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