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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. One aspect of things I was thinking about while listening to the Big Show guys this morning is team unity. They played a clip of Maurice last night saying the guys love being around each other and it's something I've heard other commentators say repeatedly, that the team clearly gets along on and off the ice. You see a level of battle and fight and support for each other every game. And the hand shaking is another example of this. Jeff O'Neil called it "shaking hands like men". Is this the normal by-product of a long and hard fought season or can we trace some of this unity to the big trade? Not only the talent that came back (and I question whether we'd be in this position fighting for a spot without Myers and Stafford) and not only that they have both seemingly fit in so well, but in being rid of Kane. I know he was close to some members of the team but the team now seems more tight knit than ever.
  2. Backes should be suspended four games for doing to Stu what Buff did. Anyone want to take bets on the NHL suspending the Blues captain for any playoff games? Didn't think so Keep proving me wrong boys.
  3. Pavs was benched. Jets did everything to give hutch the starters job but have a ceremony at portage and main anointing him king of the net.
  4. I forgot what the debate it. Pavs has a below average career save percentage. The issue around here is its always "what have you done lately" and it works both ways. Crap the bed all season = trade the bum. Play one good game = sign lifetime contract. Pavs is arguably playing the best hockey of his Jets' career right now. But he's played great before. The reason his career average is what it is is because he is inconsistent at best. The wheels will fall off eventually. The question is when. If the Jets make the playoffs I have little doubt Hutch will see some action.
  5. I get the impression the Jets will be happy to force the young players to steal someones job. I dont think they had Lowry pencilled in as a starter this season but his play allowed them to move Perrault up to the 2LW where he has looked at his career best. I think they will offer contracts to Stafford, Frolik, Stemp and assume Stemp signs and one of Stafford/Frolik. There might be an opportunity for Ehlers to make the team and he might get a bigger look simply because he cant go to the AHL. But everyone else, they'd probably be content to let them over-play in the A
  6. The school of thought is that if you see a goalie making spectacular saves routinely it's probably because he is out of position. A goalie with solid positioning and sound mechanics doesnt have to make spectacular saves. That has actually been a knock on Pavs over the years, whereas Hutch was considered better mechanically and positionally. Just sayin...
  7. Surprised Vancouver won. Ofcourse it had to be a three point game.
  8. Great point. I am shocked we have a chance to catch the Wild.
  9. @garylawless: from @WFPEdTait gamer, Maurice on starter against Blues: “I got my goalie. I’ve got our guy. He played a hell of a game tonight.”
  10. Haha I want to be proven wrong more than anything. Good first step!
  11. Keep proving me wrong. Big question now is, who starts tomorrow. I say pavs.
  12. It would not surprise me for the Jets to lose every remaining game. Or lose the next three, get eliminated and then win against Calgary. Just wouldnt surprise me at all. Then trade everyone in the offseason? Nah. They are close enough that, with injuries a consideration, the management will consider the team moving in the right direction. Im sure they will tender offers to Stafford, Frolik, Stemp. Their major decision making is Ladd and Buff and Im not sure if anything short of spectacular Playoff performances change the direction they already have set out.
  13. I dont see any possibility of that happening. I think they took a chance on Hutch for two reasons: his age gave him a greater degree of maturity as far as maybe his game was what they saw last season and Budaj. They wont rush Hello. Comrie is a few years away and I'd say Helle is probably two years away. In a perfect world, Hutch grabs the number one spot as Pavs contract is expiring and Helle comes up as the back up. Thats two years.
  14. if Frolik holds us up for money, I wont fault Chevy for walking away. Especially if he can resign Stafford and to a lesser extent Stemp. With Frolik the right side looks like: Wheeler Stafford Frolik Thorburn Frolik wants top six money for a third line role. And yes he plays special teams and yes he can move up in injury but most teams have to move up their 3rd line guys in the event of injury. If Stafford stays, there might be cheaper options, like Stemp and/or Armia A third line of Stemp/Lowry/Armia might not be too bad. There will be other bottom six options too.
  15. I dont see a lot of chatter for Dubnyk for Hart Trophy but to me, if you go by the letter of the award which is Most Valuable to his Team and not Most Outstanding which many people treat it as, shouldnt he get consideration? His record since the trade is remarkable and the Wild since them have been astounding.
  16. That's the most interesting incorrect use of that word I've seen. When people use it as "Mute Point" I go mad. Gary Lawless does that. I want to scream at my radio every time. MOOT MOOT!
  17. Uggh... The thing is, I sort of smiled when i heard this. Funny what nostalgia can do. But since it's Netflix, they have the absolute best demo research going. One can presume old episodes of Full House are widely watched leading them to developing a sequel. And the premise is easy to transfer, the cast is cheap (most of them). And its "family viewing" that Netflix wants. I had heard their interest in House of Cards was due to the popularity of Kevin Spacey movies on their service. And there have long been rumours of Netflix's interest in developing a new Star Trek TV Series due to the popularity of the various series' amongst their viewers. They can know with a touch of a button exactly what their viewers like to watch, which genre, which actors, which everything and develop to that desire. I read a story about Orange is the New Black and how no network would ever have done a series where all of the leads are women and yet Netflix' research clearly showed they had an audience that would be interested.
  18. Myers is more beauty than beast but seems to have rediscovered his game here. If Trouba was a LHD, I could see that being our top pairing for many years to come. Trouba will bring the nasty when required. The idea of Buff on LHD paired with Myers has me most curious but I doubt we ever see it (though it;s a great pairing in NHL15)
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