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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Id love to see this work. I wonder how many people who own the home jerseys would actually comply though. Hopefully the team does a give-away of white shirts or something.
  2. How do you know this? Would you say that race is absolutely never ever a factor in any American law enforcement encounter? ofcourse race is a factor in many things. Other things are a factor too. I just watched a video on facebook from Manitoba, cant remember the town. But it was posted to show how the cops are out of control, man! And on the video it was a police offer asking some youths for their ID. The youths fail to comply (youths are taping) claiming there was no reason for them to be stopped or have to show ID. There had been some incident that the cops were looking for suspects. The kids blew it out of proportion. Some people watching the video actually blamed the cop (who was very nice, very patient, calm throughout). But its easy to see there was nothing wrong done by the officer. without the video, that story would have circulated and been another racist cop targeting kids for walking down the street (even with the video, some saw it that way). Cameras are a great tool. Cops should use them because everyone else does. And the problem with everyone else using them is, they only tell the story from the moment the one filming turns it on. Cops should wear cameras all the time.
  3. That doesn't mean it's racism though... It's much more likely that it's classism much more than racism. Just so happens that certain demographics are over represented in the poorest class and poverty and questionable behaviours that lead to run ins with police go hand in hand. I don't believe there is as much racism as people think. It's not like it's the middle class black people getting shot by police right? I tend to think this is a strong point. And while the outcome was 100% wrong and the actions of the cop at the end were 100% wrong, the victim was not walking down the street and was suddenly shot in the back by a racist cop. He had warrants. He was stopped for a traffic violation. He ran from police. According to his own brother (before they tried to change the narrative) he ran because he knew he would go to jail for warrants. it doesnt change the fact the cop should not have shot him. But it does add context to how events unfolded that day. We've seen incidents where a criminal attacks a cop with a knife and the cop shoots him and people argue that since it was only a knife the cop should have chosen some other action. And usually we say "dont attack a cop, you wont get shot". Losing your life is a consequence that far outweighs the infraction but it's still a sad fact that there is a very real chance the shooter in this case did not instigate events that ended with the victim's death. I hesitate to write that because I dont want to cloud the fact that the cop was wrong and murdered this guy. You have a strange way of seeing the world. What led to the victim's death was the officer aiming and firing his service pistol. That was the event that led to the death, nothing else, so yea, the shooter absolutely instigated the event. Unless you are arguing that the officer was firing a bunch of warning shots and the victim was running in front of them on purpose. Are you arguing that? We're all responsible for our actions. If I go to a bar and I get thrown out by the bouncer and I throw a punch at him and he punches me and I suffer brain damage, guess what....that bouncer is in big trouble most of the time. But the series of events that led to my injury were instigated by me. it doesnt change his actions. And it doesnt change mine. All Im saying is, if the victim could do it all over again, he'd make very different choices. That's an observation. It doesnt diminish the vile act of the police officer.
  4. Its hard to see in the video but other descriptions I've read seem to indicate it looks like you can see the tazer leads as though they were shot into the victim. So I dont know what the deal was. The tazer can still be used as a weapon after firing its leads as it also acts as a stun gun (ie. doesnt need to be fired). To be perfectly honest, I think the cop was in the right up until the moment he fired. Ofcourse I have no evidence of that either way. But this doesnt sound like a racially motivated traffic stop or anything like that. It seems like a stupid, lazy, ego-driven cop that decided screw it, im gonna shoot this guy instead of running after him. His staging of the scene showed immediate awareness that he knew he was wrong. We've seen lots of cops (probably many of us personally) who have a huge ego and power trip. There was a video posted recently of a detective in New York just ripping into an Uber driver and it was utterly ridiculous. There was a hint of racism in his verbiage too. I felt terrible for the driver. It's very difficult to actually fight back. When speaking with my lawyer about an incident and considering the offer to drop the case, I was so angry I said no, Im not dropping my complaint. I have witnesses and video. The cops were wrong and they lied. My lawyer even said look, we can do that if you want and you'll probably win but dont think for a second every cop in this town wont know your name, license plate number, address etc. Is that what you want?
  5. If you're considering context about the shooting, please also consider the context in which the shooting took place: one in which it's widely believed that the police prey on black people without consequence. Alas, it's very difficult to prove this conclusively because the data simply isn't there -- the FBI does do some reporting on killings by police, but the data is self-reported by local/state police departments and participation in the reporting is not mandatory. That said, the anecdotes do not flatter the police. The federal Ferguson report was some scary reading; the police department there was basically operating as a shakedown crew that propped up city revenues. Here in Seattle, the head of the police officers' guild called out his union brothers and sisters for being racist and anti-gay, and encouraged them to leave Seattle and go to departments where that kind of thinking was tolerated. When your union president is talking about how bad things are, you know there's a problem -- and that's in cozy liberal Seattle where we're supposedly past this kind of thing. I wish the federal government would force local police departments to report demographic information on law enforcement killings so that Americans could have a better-informed discussion about these issues. My own suspicion is that, in the big picture, cops feel more empowered to **** with people of color than they do to **** with white people. Absolutely. But we have to be specific to the facts not beliefs. The traffic stop was justified. What happened after that, between the traffic stop and the shooting, we dont know. The cop said there was a physical altercation - we dont know that. The cop said he used his tazer. The video shows that appears to be true. The cop said the victim took his tazer. The video shows that might be true. The victim's brother said he ran because he knew he'd go to jail for outstanding warrants. That supports the notion that the victim might have fought with the police in an effort to escape. The problem with all that is. The video shows the cop lied. So nothing he says can be taken at its word.
  6. Well true because Im buying equity in my house (and paying interest). But the Bombers are making payments on a mortage for a property they dont own. I get your reasoning and the Bombers should live up to their obligations. I just dont think a public team should be spinning this in this way. Just give us the numbers. I think if they came and said we made X amount of revenue and even with making our full debt payment, we still only lost half a million which comes out of a strong reserve fund and we feel we are set up well for the future...you cant give me gravy and tell me it's jelly cause jelly isnt sweet.
  7. That doesn't mean it's racism though... It's much more likely that it's classism much more than racism. Just so happens that certain demographics are over represented in the poorest class and poverty and questionable behaviours that lead to run ins with police go hand in hand. I don't believe there is as much racism as people think. It's not like it's the middle class black people getting shot by police right? I tend to think this is a strong point. And while the outcome was 100% wrong and the actions of the cop at the end were 100% wrong, the victim was not walking down the street and was suddenly shot in the back by a racist cop. He had warrants. He was stopped for a traffic violation. He ran from police. According to his own brother (before they tried to change the narrative) he ran because he knew he would go to jail for warrants. it doesnt change the fact the cop should not have shot him. But it does add context to how events unfolded that day. We've seen incidents where a criminal attacks a cop with a knife and the cop shoots him and people argue that since it was only a knife the cop should have chosen some other action. And usually we say "dont attack a cop, you wont get shot". Losing your life is a consequence that far outweighs the infraction but it's still a sad fact that there is a very real chance the shooter in this case did not instigate events that ended with the victim's death. I hesitate to write that because I dont want to cloud the fact that the cop was wrong and murdered this guy.
  8. I think something we lost sight of during the season when it comes to guys like Stu and Thorburn is that they might not be the flashiest guys or even guys that can contribute every single game...but they are key guys this time of year and into the playoffs. Lawless wrote an article today where he suggested Chevy should be up for GM of the year. I cant disagree. He orchestrated the biggest trade of the year and time will tell if the Jets won the trade but certainly in the short term they did. And the key pieces he picked up are looking tremendous. We got nervous watching other teams pick up role players but Chevy seemed to get the guys he wanted and they are more than just stats. When the Pens got Winnick I thought we missed out. I dont know what Winnick has done since the trade but the Pens are in free-fall. Stemp and Tlusty seem to be helping us in many ways.
  9. They should report it as such then. That this year we lost money when factoring in everything including our debt servicing obligations. But we have a reserve fund for such occasions. It's not truly accurate for Wade to get the pats on the back for "making a profit in 2014" when he didnt, if he had to take from past years reserve fund contributions to pay all the obligations. Taking out of the reserve fund after a Grey Cup year to break even is fine but it's not accurate to paint that as a year to year profit. It's BIG PROFIT - loss - loss - loss - loss - loss - loss - loss - BIG PROFIT - loss - loss -loss - loss. If the business plan is to attract the grey Cup regularly to beef up the reserve fund to cover every other year, so be it, but that's not exactly what they are portraying today.
  10. Wix is good but don't you have to use them for hosting as well, if you want to use their services? You can use them or someone else. They push using them (it looks easier) but it can be set up to be hosted by a third party.
  11. Creative accounting aside, $3.9 million in a big pot and out of that pot comes $4.5 million loan payment. That doesnt leave a big profit in the pot like they are portraying. But regardless, doesnt it show the debt servicing moving forward is not sustainable? Wade will use some of the reserve fund. They will make a killing on the Grey Cup that will give them "extra" money to dip into and tout year after year after year of making their loan obligation. But it's not real profit on a year to year basis.
  12. I've used WIX and its pretty user friendly and if you have any talent at all, it can look really good. They have tools available for all sorts of things too (like online shops etc). It also displays a preview in both desk top and mobile so you can see what your site will look like on both (and you can edit in both modes too). My buddy that used to build our websites and graphics from scratch actually recommended it to me. He began using it because it saved him a lot of time rather than build from scratch. He's talented though. Im not and I still managed to make a fairly presentable website.
  13. It's not a department though, it's the whole organization. And if your organization was accountable to the public like a publicly traded company or community-owned like the Bombers, you better believe they would be spinning it as good news. yeah but when my company releases bad news (it is publicly traded), the media doesnt usually swallow the BS hook, line and sinker That's the difference between business reporters and sports reporters who know nothing about how to read financial statements Im pretty stupid when it comes to numbers but I caught the lie immediately.
  14. Isnt the reserve built up over multiple years? They cant count past contributions to the reserve fund as "profit" this year. Wade had a wonderful quote about wanting the team to fulfill its obligations and whatnot and everyone wants to spin this like Wade the saviour came in and suddenly its raining money. How about Wade release the real numbers that the team lost money this year and with the on-going debt servicing, unless we host a Grey Cup every year, it is not sustainable for long.
  15. It's not a department though, it's the whole organization. And if your organization was accountable to the public like a publicly traded company or community-owned like the Bombers, you better believe they would be spinning it as good news. yeah but when my company releases bad news (it is publicly traded), the media doesnt usually swallow the BS hook, line and sinker
  16. The other interesting angle to this is the cops that backed up the shooter. The shooter clearly planted the tazer in sight of other officers. Every shot was into the back of the victim. Every single cop that lied to protect the shooter shooter should also be charged. In the local case I was a part of that I referenced above, the partner of the main cop in question lied in his written report to back up his partner. When questioned by LERA he uncomfortably admitted he might not have seen everything. I remember saying to my then-boss, "can you believe these other cops lied to back up their partner?" and he replied "yeah but wouldnt we do the same thing?" Good point. I said they should have cameras in cockpits. Technology should be embraced. Put body cams on all cops with no off button. Something about the video though... at the very beginning, as the witness comes upon the scene it's very difficult to see what is happening but it appears the tazer leads are extending from the victim. But it appears to me that the taser itself is thrown or dropped to the ground and after watching it a few times, doesnt it appear that the victim tossed the tazer down? That would line up with the cop's statement that there was a tussle and the victim got hold of his tazer. (the best lies are ones that are as close to the truth as possible). The shooter seems to have two potential defenses (neither of them very good): Self defense (ie. victim took his tazer despite the shooting happening as the victim was running). And the law in that state allows for shooting a fleeing suspect if there is probably cause to indicate he is a threat to the community. Common sense tells us there was no imminent threat to the community but I cant see any possible hail mary defense by this guy. The victim had a long rap sheet, but only one violent crime (if I recall correctly).
  17. Everyone lies. Did you know priests lie as well? Why generalize? Because we're talking about cops.
  18. If my department at my job lost half a million dollars, Im not sure my bosses would be able to spin it as good news.
  19. You don't need to say you've never been tased because your idea that people can "usually can run away" is wrong, unless you count lying on the ground and twitching as running. And as to whether these things are racially motivated or not, here's a relatively easy test. List all the unarmed black people that have been shot by white police in the past year or so. Now list all the unarmed white people shot by white officers. Compare. Name all the white people shot by white cops that anyone knows about because it was news? Not arguing your point but it's difficult to compare based on media coverage.
  20. You don't need to say you've never been tased because your idea that people can "usually can run away" is wrong, unless you count lying on the ground and twitching as running. And as to whether these things are racially motivated or not, here's a relatively easy test. List all the unarmed black people that have been shot by white police in the past year or so. Now list all the unarmed white people shot by white officers. Compare. Typo, I mean a person CAN'T usually run away. My bad.
  21. I certainly dont disagree. He didnt even miss a beat in planting the taser. I had a incident locally where the cops lied. I was literally shocked. They lied in written statements. They lied to investigators. They got civilian witnesses to lie. It was unbelievable. They stonewalled the Crown. The saving grace was that we had video footage and when we wouldnt give it to them the night of the incident, they got a search warrant and sent a 20 person team down to get it. Worst part? The crown, who was stonewalled in her investigation, ended up covering for the police and would only dismiss the charges (that were shown by the video to be wrongfully laid) if the complaint against the police (which LERA was vigorously pursuing) was also dropped.
  22. So is this profit above and beyond the payment made to BBB? ie. They actually made $8.4 million? That seems unlikely. $4.5-$3.9 = $0.6 loss.
  23. Im mimicking the CNN story (and every other story on the subject) and I also assumed the thread title would tell you all exactly what story it was about. The thing is, we dont know if it was racially motivated. When that neighbourhood watch guy shot someone the media fell all over themselves to report "white guy shoots black kid" only to find, with disappointment no doubt, that he was latino. The media is always looking for a race story. It certainly wouldnt surprise me to learn that race played a role. But if that guy had been white or latino or asian, does the cop still fire his gun? Maybe. To me, he seemed pretty confident in firing and then planting evidence at the scene. The evidence would have been enough to back up his bogus story regardless of ethnicity. The story yesterday was the guy was running from police because he didnt want to pay back child support and knew he'd be going to jail. Today it's "he feared for his life". It makes for a better media story but the danger in the "feared for his life" narrative is, it creates the idea that anyone being tasered should run from the police because it's an acceptable response. Keep in mind, this cop did not happen upon this victim and decide to kill him. He tried to arrest him, then he tasered him. The other issue Im curious about since I've never been tasered is the pyschological aspect to it. Usually a person can run away after being tased. Could the choice to run be a reflex fight or flight response to the experience? And if so, it changes things as far as using tasers go.
  24. So what do we think about this? http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/08/us/south-carolina-officer-charged-with-murder/index.html I have a few concerns. Firstly, the cop was 100% wrong and the charges are 100% correct. But I keep seeing the media making this a racial thing and there isnt any evidence that its racially motivated yet. That concerns me. The cop lied and manufactured a story. But now it seems the family of the victim is too and that does a dis-service to the facts of the case. The incident is bad enough without re-writing the victim as a saint. Can we avoid riots in this case?
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