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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Some more info courtesy of CNN On Thursday, a new witness emerged in the case. Gwen Nichols told CNN's Brian Todd that she saw a scuffle between Scott and Slager at the entrance to a vacant lot. "It was like a tussle type of thing, like, you know, like, 'What do you want?' or 'What did I do?' type of thing," Nichols said. "I didn't hear Mr. Slager saying: 'Stop!' " This witness is interesting. She backs up the officer's assertion that there was a physical altercation. And yet she seems biased with her remarks (why would the officer have to say Stop?) Criminal defense attorney Paul Callan says he believes Slager's defense will play up the scuffle in arguing that this is not a murder case. "Defense attorneys will say this was a heat of passion shooting -- (that) this was something that he did suddenly after some kind of an altercation, a physical altercation with a suspect," Callan said. "And that would constitute manslaughter under law, as opposed to murder, and it makes a huge difference in sentencing." In South Carolina, a murder conviction requires "malice aforethought," Callan said. Some other states say a murder requires premeditation. The new video is very helpful to the officer. I cant see a jury convicting of murder under those standards. Im sure we'll hear from shrinks who will testify to the mental state of the officer who might reasonably have feared for his own safety seconds before firing.
  2. Craig Button endorsed the Ducks as the Jets best first round opponent. He felt their D was soft enough that the Jets would be able to use their size and cycle to have success. I like the Ducks but havent followed them as much this season - they have some great offensive talent but how does that talent respond when getting hit repeatedly?
  3. So when the Army kills tonnes of innocent people its OK because America F$$$ Ya? So when taxpayers pay for criminals in jail and/or pay for social assistance for people who commit murder those don't matter because why? You're inventing ****. You need to show me where in this thread I said either of those things. Here is a thing that grownups know: sometimes multiple things matter at once. I didn't suggest you said it... you brought up the tax payers garbage... so I simply replied that tax money in the states goes to the Army and tax money goes to Jails and social assistance where all 3 areas have a few bad apples who have commited cold blooded murder like this incident. So how come each of those killings are not highlighted in the news every single day? I'm not justifying what the guy did was right, I'm simply stating that he shouldn't be held in higher regard compared to a thug with a gun who kills an innocent person. Just because the guy was white and killed someone black means nothing, the fact that he killed some one in the wrong is what should be the focus. People are killed every day so just because a guy has a badge does that mean his murder is more significant then some thug who shoots down an innocent bystander in a drive by?? Mr Grownup if you were so smart you would know that more criminals kill innocent cops and also more way more innocent people each year then cops killing innocent criminals. You should be posting threads for every single one of those incidents! Are you suggesting soldiers that kill the enemy is an example of taxpayer funded cold blooded murder?
  4. This video is very interesting. I didnt realise that his brother was in the car with him. Not excusing the end result but you can almost see the defense coming got the cop. His lawyers are going to try and take racism out of it. The officer makes a lawful and proper traffic stop, His interactions with the victim seem wholly reasonable and professional. The officer demonstrates no bias or overt suspicion towards the victim whatsoever. You get the sense had the victim followed directions he's either getting a ticket or, more likely once his name is run, he's going to be arrested for outstanding warrants. Which brings us to the victim. All the glowing things said about him might be true. He might have been a wonderful hard working guy that loved his family etc etc. But he has a long criminal record, he avoided paying child support to the extent he had multiple warrants out for his arrest, he was driving an unregistered car that was not his. According to his brother (before the video came out), he intended to run to avoid jail. That's going to be a key play at trial. This was not heat of the moment. This was not a person fearing for his life. He ran because he was a miserable prick who didnt pay his child support and got caught. Once the video came out, the victim's family began changing the narrative from "he ran because he knew he was going to jail" to "he ran because he feared for his life". We know the truth - he ran to avoid jail. He was trying to escape what would be lawful custody. We can extrapolate from the video that the officer gave chase. He evidently caught up to him which is where some sort of physical altercation took place. The officer attempted to use his stun gun. On the other video you can see the stun gun leads have been deployed but it looks like they missed the victim. It's difficult to tell but after watching it several times it appears the stun gun is dropped to the ground but to my eye it's hard to see who drops it, which is key. If the cop dropped it, then its likely he tried to use it and missed. If the victim dropped it, it adds weight to the cops story that there was an altercation and the victim took hold of his stun gun. When I watched it a few times, i thought it was dropped from the direction of the victim. But the video just isnt clear. The information thus far, including this new video, up until the shooting, completely backs up the officer. he seemingly did everything correct...until drawing his gun.
  5. So when the Army kills tonnes of innocent people its OK because America F$$$ Ya? So when taxpayers pay for criminals in jail and/or pay for social assistance for people who commit murder those don't matter because why? Im confused by any comparison between this and military action in a warzone especially considering the forces American and Canadian military fights against generally have no problem targeting civilians whereas the Americans spend a ton of money on technology to avoid civilians. That's a different debate altogether. And yes, American F!@K ya!
  6. It would suck for Pav to sit so long between games but they really need to get Hutch some action in case he's needed in the playoffs. Hopefully the Flames and Jets just go through the motions on Saturday...no need to kill each other out there.
  7. I'm very nervous about them being nervous in the playoffs.
  8. Won't have any trouble getting up for St Louis. Not as much emotion against ducks.
  9. With the graphics, need artles and video packages already out there tonight I wonder if the people producing them felt jinxy at all. TSN aired a great one narrated by Gary.
  10. Bob Mac said it doesn't count as a shut out. That's stupid.
  11. My reverse psychology plan worked like a charm.
  12. Speculation abounds that some guys are very banged up. Clinching tonight and it might be more valuable to give them the long rest than shoot for one spot higher in the standings which really only benefits us if we play the Wild in the conference final.
  13. Think LA will be watching the out of town score clock much? :-)
  14. I havent seen anyone say Pavs has not played great lately. But past numbers are not "harping". This isnt a rookie goalie where you're using 3 months of numbers. His career average over many years is .917. He's been playing .940 lately I believe. So what is he, a 940 goalie or a 917 goalie? The really big data says he's a 917. The really small data says 940. Now we've seen flashes in the pan that have come in and played amazing for a playoff run. We've seen goalies go from bad to good and remain consistently good. if this was a court of law no jury would be able to find Pavs above average based on the evidence. If Pavs stays a 940 goalie for the rest of his career, great!! if he stays a 940 goalie just through four rounds of the playoffs, Im thrilled. But Pavs has NEVER maintained this level of play in his career.
  15. Well there is no need to get insulting to those of us who arent accountants. Im sure I know my business better than you as you know yours better than me. Where did the money come from to pay the debt servicing? Their reserve fund?
  16. 5 or 6 games does not a career make. Despite the assertions of Darren Ford, many people, myself included, have wanted Pavs to rise to the occasion. He's been one of my favourite players since the team was bought. And up until this season I had my Pavs blinders on. But once you get several years of data, you can start making decisions about a player's skill level. As spectacular as we've seen Pavs play, the face his career Save Percentage is .917 tells you all you need to know - that even with some of his spectacular runs, he's had some awful runs too. That's how you get an average. But he's a Jet and he's playing his ass off and we can all hope he plays this way for the next two years straight. History has shown that will not happen. But what Pavs does in the present is whats important right now. There seems to be a lot of people in love with a guy they wanted bought out last year...
  17. Comment of the week brother. All these shootings are only something because of the sensationalism. It keeps people nicely occupied. I think case in particular is very newsworthy. Racially motivated or not, a police offier that so callously guns down a victim and then immediately plants evidence...and its all caught on tape? Not only that but the tape doesnt surface for several days allowing the cops to commit to their BS story? Thats newsworthy. If you've ever been railroaded by cops or even had a negative experience, you understand why stories like this are important. For me, i've made this comment a lot to friends, some of whom are cops: the terrible few ruin it for the good cops but really, shouldnt they want to clean up their own?
  18. Charge of the white brigade was a thing too.
  19. if the Jets clinch tomorrow, it's an interesting decision for Maurice. Not playing Pavs on Saturday leaves a pretty long lay off before the Playoffs. On the other hand, shouldnt they get Hutch some game action? Knowing Maurice, he'd say Pavs wants to play and Pavs deserves to play.
  20. Absolute total bullcrap. Need to call that what it is. When police shoot and kill someone it's always news. It might just be local news at first, but if there is any indication that things are not as they seem, the story gets spread pretty quick. In these days of cell phone cams, blogs, facebook and the like, stuff like that, you don't keep it quiet for long. So again, the reason that unarmed white people don't get shot by white police is not the fact that its unreported, it's that it doesn't happen anywhere to the same degree that it does to black folks. But yea, white folks are dropping like flies and the news people can't be bothered to mention it. Yea, that's the ticket... i didnt qualify my statement in "degrees". if you think a white cop shooting a white suspect in Winnipeg would make CNN, you're completely out to lunch. You're twisting the discussion and trying to get people to agree with you. No one is saying there isnt racism. But every time a black guy is shot by a white cop, it isnt racism. Ever walk around in some areas of Winnipeg at certain times, as a white guy and faced racist remarks? It happens. The original point being, this is a bad shooting by a cop. Thus far, nothing indicates race played a role. We'll see if that changes as more info comes out.
  21. Ive read others say Stafford might be more about term than money. Its a small sample size but I'd like to keep him. If he will resign for $4million and take a 2 year deal, I'd do it. He might want 3-4 years though. I've also heard some "experts" say Tlusy could be a 2nd line player on some teams. I'd like to keep him but I think he's the one that goes.
  22. White people do get shot. It just doesnt make too many national news cycles. In fact, black people being shot by black cops arent very newsworthy either. Not arguing the race issue, but to say we dont hear about it so it doesnt happen is silly too.
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