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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Looking at the potential players for the Moose, it should be exciting. I bet the current players are excited to be coming to Winnipeg too. I read that True North budgeted to save over $1million a year in travel costs.
  2. For sure, they did foreshadow it though in a confusing way. But I mean it was like they went down a check list of things the movie needed Iron man vs Hulk was one of them. My buddy also said "it seems these films are always the same. They want to fight each other, then realise they are stronger together."
  3. Very good points. Im not into fantasy at all (hate Lord of the Rings etc though I like Game of Thrones). I did like GotG but only just saw it recently because I assumed I wouldnt like it. I think the reason I liked it was because of the narrative of the human being taken as a kid. That humanized it to me. So the ridiculous things that happened were happening to a human. And they managed to provide enough depth to a walking tree and a racoon to make them interesting. But I dont like goofy humour in the Avengers. The first one was better for that. This one tried to squeeze too much forced jokes. It didnt need it. The best humour happens organically. The actors all have a lot of chemistry. Ill point to the scene where they are all trying to lift Thor's hammer. Great scene. Some directors would have left that on the cutting room floor to save time. But it was a wonderful scene in showing the closeness of the group and humour that flowed organically. Hemsworth in particular is very good at acting naturally and injecting humour. Watch his face when Captain America tries to lift his hammer. As I said earlier, I agree it moved fast. Too fast. Before you even realise it, ultron is there and its like...WTF, when did this happen. But just when I was ready to get bored by all the action, they slowed it down. It was neccessary and it worked well (those of you who have seen it know what I am talking about). I could have done without the twins too. Too many characters starting to bog down the films in my opinion. As cool as The Vision was in the comics, I have little time for him here to be honest. Also, the Hulkbuster armor (not a spoiler as Im sure we've all seen the trailers) seemed to exist just to give us that fight scene.
  4. Less cartoony then this. Wish the colours were brown. Too much blue around. AHL has some pretty cartoony colours. maybe it's just the colour scheme is a bit jarring.
  5. Very good point MBRG. Easier profit margins to work with. Nice to see TN passed that on to the customer.
  6. Makes you wonder if True North was worried about ticket sales in this market with this pricing. or if they project higher sales and thus can have lower prices.
  7. I really think the Moose will benefit from "hockey fever". There are probably a lot of fans like me that loved Jets 1.0 but could never embrace the Moose. And now we can fully embrace them and treat the franchise with the reverence it deserves in helping bring the NHL back. When you consider the 8000 fans on the Jets wait list who might be interested in seeing the AHL and all the people priced out of the NHL, there should be no shortage of interested ticket buyers.
  8. There were points of humour that missed for me too. Overall, people laughed and the widest audience will think it's hilarious. Those of us a bit more discerning in our movie critiques will cringe. There is a joke in the opening scenes that was awful. RDJ has a habit of acting a certain way in pretty much every film he does, a sort of extension of his real character I guess, but there are times when it grates on me. I suppose maybe that's intentional with the character of Tony Stark. I also felt like they took some major leaps to move the story forward. I didnt read the story in the comics so maybe some diehards understand it better. But a lot of the stuff behind Loki's scepter and the development of Ultron etc...it seemed like about 20 seconds of mumbo jumbo (or technobabble as Trekkies would call it) and everyone just accepted what was happening. Definitely have to suspend your disbelief. Spader as Ultron was good and bad. Good in that he's a terrific voice actor though, like RDJ, he is James Spader in everything he does. Ultron being sarcastic was a miss for me too in that I suppose an AI life form could be that way but its not playing to the most obvious outcome. The bad part for me was simply that I always saw Spader's face in my mind when I heard the voice. I also felt like the inclusion of The Vision was just to get fanboys' tongues wagging. They've managed to keep The Avengers pretty grounded so far, even making Thor seem logically acceptable. I dont really want to see them get to "out there". Even if their villains are out there, alients etc, what will make it accessible for the viewer is looking through the eyes of the heroes...but only if they maintain some "groundness" if that makes sense. When we left the theatre, my buddy who is a Trekkie like me said "you know, they were so worried about trying to make Star Trek accessible to "new fans" but man, you really need to follow the Marvel movies to understand them". And it's true. Im glad though. Nothing wrong with trying to make intelligent films and a connected universe. I even liked Guardians of the Galaxy and am looking forward to them trying to ease those characters into the broader Avengers-ish universe.
  9. Ive always liked the logo. A bit cartoony for the NHL but perfect for the AHL and surely a hit with kids. But the logo looks odd on the jersey. maybe it's just the colour scheme and looking so different but the moose looks off-center or something. Great day for Winnipeg hockey though. Who would have thought we'd have two teams. Only question remaining is, how will ticket sales be? I stand by my prediction that sales were surprise people for how many go. Evidently, prices are cheaper than Moose 1.0. Very interesting.
  10. You never said if you run you should expect to be shot? I think if you engage the police in any sort of physical altercation and evade you should consider that an option. Which is a far cry from me saying a person deserves to be shot for running. If you dont like that, take it up with law-makers. Police have the right (some would say duty) to fire on an evading suspect under certain circumstances. I've repeatedly stated in this case that the officer was wrong to shoot. I've merely presented the other side of it which is the fact this was not what the media painted it as in the immediate aftermath. And that there are complications to the case. Now look at Baltimore where criminals hide behind the guise of protesting to commit their criminal acts while the police are forced to withdraw and let them go wild. I do hope that the people arrested are prosecuted to the full extent and not given soft punishment due to the circumstances. What a shameful display but the citizenry and where are the leaders of the black community demanding they stop this? You see celebrities trying but they often get painted with nasty remarks for being "successful." And again, much like the origional case, there was no need for the violence and fake protesting as the police were charged following an investigation. There's another case right now (location escapes me) where a black suspect was arrested quite violently, caught on camera by the police. The cops took him down hard and punched him several times. A station camera then caught the officers cleaning themselves up and joking about the take down. Those cops will be consequenced too, no doubt.
  11. I must say, for all the flak Sidney Crosby gets, he deserves commendation for going to the World Championships. He plays a lot of hockey and answers the bell for Canada.
  12. It's a real shame Mayweather isn't in jail and instead making $180 million to dance around. Money trumps everything.
  13. Moose was Zingers preferred name but true north had a new name and logo developed before Chipman bowed to public pressure and went with Jets. Given the short time frame I would suspect it's a pretty-existing name and logo. So it's either moose or bears.
  14. Surely Zinger will push for Moose and they might do it. You'd think there is a lot of nostalgic feelings around true north for the moose name. They already own it. Have a logo etc. Moose or bears. Bears for the same reason. Have a logo already. The fact there is already an AHL Bears is a problem though.
  15. I agree Earth. I think Stafford and Stemp are most likely. Tlusty will have better options out there I think.
  16. That's not at all what I believe. Not remotely. Never said such a thing.
  17. Sorry Earth. I just don't subscribe to the idea that it's okay to be violent criminals because someone else started it. The fact an investigation was done and the police charged should make the violent "protesters" feel awful. But they aren't really protesters anyway.
  18. You're d are all playing their off side. Especially Trouba who's playing two d positions. Lol
  19. No surprise there. He's said this for awhile. Speculation is he's not a good team mate but he has loads of talent. He'd definitely be a bigger asset playing for us than in a trade. But a trade seems likely.
  20. To bad they didnt show that remarkable restraint before they killed Freddie Gray. You're right. But that's bo Defense for what the "protesters" have done. The cops were duly investigated and charged.
  21. Good movie. Not great. Entertaining though. I'm glad they slowed things down in the middle and did some character development because I was just thinking the film was too full of that makes sense and then they did that. So it was good.
  22. I'm seeing this Friday afternoon. Will report back.
  23. Id love to see a pedestrian (and vehicle) connection between St Vital and the campus at some point.
  24. I think the police showed remarkable restraint. You see literally thousands of people breaking the law, acting violent, robbing and destroying property and you do very little because you want to defuse the situation. Remarkable restraint. In the hundreds of arrests made, I havent seen (which is not to say it hasnt happened) anyone accusing the police of acting improperly aside from the "live kidnapping idiocy" mentioned in a previous post of mine. Americans are gun crazy. The police have to have bigger weapons because the criminals do. Its a terrible cycle. I think the average American would be fine with fun control but the gun lobby is so vast and powerful, its a difficult proposition. When the lobby begins citing the constitution, Americans say "oh yeah, the constitution, well if it's in there then we should keep it". Would love to see an equally powerful challenge of the "right to bear arms". I think common sense tells us this was not what the founding fathers had in mind.
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