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Dr. Blue

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Everything posted by Dr. Blue

  1. Did the international kicker get an interview with the papers when he was cut? I'm confident that the club already had their minds made up on our kicking situation, the poor guy never had a chance. The ONLY reason this is a story is because Yantz is Canadian, and it could have been a feel good story if he made the team. Sorry, I don't care if our QB is Canadian, American, Mexican or Greek, I just want the best. As the 5th string QB coming into camp, he needed to steal reps away from the others and force the coaches to keep him, which he couldn't do. Best of luck to ya!
  2. I don't think the BC thing is that bad. They gave him an option to retire or get released. He didn't want to retire so he technically asked to be released. They've obviously seen these kickers they have play and decided that they like them more than McCallum. If they have a kicker they really like they can't keep saying "oh geez I really wish Paul would retire." At least he has an opportunity to join another team's camp and compete (should anybody choose to pick him up). As the old saying goes... It's a business. Of course, if the international kickers they have stink, then BC would look bad.
  3. I wonder if he will be sitting under the wave, because that's what Bomber management were going to call the roof at IGF, to watch training camp...
  4. This Veltung guy can jump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQKFURKfRDQ
  5. Well Mr. Brown, 7 out of 10 all stars on the offensive line were Canadian, but only 3 of those 7 were first round picks, only one was a top 3 pick. Everyone keeps saying this is a deep draft, the Bombers could draft an OL in the second round and still get a quality player who can develop. Whether or not they pick an OL at #2, the Bombers still come out of this draft with 2 OL.
  6. I thought the Stamps told Lewis last year that it would be his last in Calgary.
  7. I don't recall hearing that the Riders were his first option, only that the Riders had made him an offer. Since he still hasn't signed that offer, it leads me to believe the Riders may not be his first option.
  8. I won't be upset if the Bombers don't go after him. Although I think he's better than Morley the difference is not that significant. I just thought Morley's snaps were kind of soft, they just floated up to the QB. I've got a feeling that Morley is probably a better teammate and better for the development of Goosen than Picard. I think the money is better spent somewhere else which will benefit the team longer than one year.
  9. Saw this one coming a mile away. The riders need money for other FA's. In my mind Picard is better than Morley. Morley was a bright spot on our OL last year, but that's not a big accomplishment.
  10. Oddly because of the Power T and my last name starting with T... When I was younger I bought a hat because of the T, and it snowballed from there. I began watching more NCAA football and figured I needed a team to cheer for, so I began following the Vols. It sure has peaked my interest in college football! The Vols finally get back to a bowl game, and did it with a fairly young group. That plus one of the top 2015 recruiting classes, I'm hoping they can compete for the SEC title soon!
  11. I'd take Mo Price on my team.
  12. Love the WHL! I love any level of junior hockey, I'm actually pretty disappointed that the MJHL has all but moved out of Winnipeg. Growing up my dad used to always take me to junior games, whether it was MMJHL, MJHL, or WHL games in Brandon or Winnipeg. I grew up a Wheaties fan, however my loyalties would change if Winnipeg were to ever get a team. BrandonBlue&Gold, you know it's on if Winnipeg ever gets a team!
  13. Wasn't there rumors of the Riders trying to trade for Nichols? Wow! If that happened, it would have been Nichols and Goltz starting in the WSF. It could have also still been Nichols vs. Joseph.
  14. I hope that Harlan does the "Harlan Shake" for a sack dance! ☺
  15. Just like us, Ottawa needs to build up their national depth. Trading picks will hurt them way more than they can benefit from Tate. Also, if they wanted Tate why would they not have taken him in the expansion draft?
  16. I believe other teams can sign him, but he can't play... Ala TJH with Hamilton.
  17. Wait! The Bombers had a closed practice? What about the tax payers? Would some please think of the tax payers!!!! And don't get me started on the RCMP closing practice, don't they know the tax payers paid for that stadium? Aren't they a federal agency funded by the tax payers too? My mind is blown that they would be so inconsiderate.
  18. I wonder if FAs will be more likely to leave Toronto this off season, mostly because of how the organization has been run this year, like a gong show. If the rumors are true, some players are sick of it.
  19. Why has Unamba been on the roster and not Sears? I'm not a huge fan of Unamba, he takes a lot of stupid penalties on ST.
  20. No, a Montreal win does us no good.
  21. Could be that too. If that's the case you're still not getting his name on a contract for next year.
  22. Isn't Westerman a FA after this year? BC was trying to sign him to a new deal since last year, but he won't re-sign. Depending on his reasons for not wanting to sign in BC, it could be really risky to trade anything of value. If he's determined to move back east, then forget about him. It would be a waste to trade for him and only get 9 games from him.
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