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Posts posted by Jaxon

  1. I read today that TSN can't even stream Friday's game because IGF doesn't have the infrastructure to support it.

    I call BS on this

    I read it on Twitter.

    I think that was Drew Edwards saying that about the Ticats not being able to stream from IGF.

    I can tell you with certainty that IGF can live stream games. The Winnipeg Rifles stream all their home games with good quality on a limited budget. It's done on a pay preview basis to cover the costs.

    There maybe a "rights" issue for a CFL game, but there isn't a technical issue.

  2. I'm just glad it's finally over.   IMHO, the hockey season is too long, and they play too many games.    I understand the dollars and the business side, but for me, players can not perform at their peak levels due to the length of the season and the number of games.


    Congrats to the Hawks, I was cheering for them once the Canadian teams were all out.  They fully deserved the cup, and they have an outstanding team.

  3. Put me in the skeptical camp as far as Vegas goes.


    IMHO, people go to Vegas to party, gamble, and go to shows that that they don't have access to at home.    If I'm going to Vegas for a 3 day weekend, if the Jets are playing, I'm looking for tickets for sure, but if its LV vs Florida, I'm just not interested.   Just because there may be a number of Canadians there doesn't mean they are willing to shell out big bucks if their team isn't playing.      I've been to Phoenix a few times, and have never been to a hockey game there.   Games have been played, but "my" team wasn't playing.


    For it to work, you need a strong season ticket base, and you need the local support.   Personally I think the NBA would be a better fit for Vegas than hockey.

  4. I feel for the fans there, been there, done that.


    That being said, I'm not a big fan of government money being used to subsidize highly paid professional athletes on an on-going basis.   Some help with zoning, initial capital loans etc within reason are one thing.  On-going direct subsidy to multi-million dollar contracts are another.


    This is going to be a continuing drama, as there's lots of $$$ involved, and the time frames for this coming season are tight, very tight.   People talk of other cities, which may very well happen over the longer term, but in the shorter term, the downtown Phoenix arena where the SUNS play may be the option of choice.

  5. Worked both matches yesterday as a volunteer.  (Part of a larger group who promote volunteerism in the community as part of what we do)


    It was excellent.   Huge crowd, over 31,000 in attendance.   I chatted with hundreds of fans from all over the world.   Over 75% of the tickets for the game were sold outside of Canada.   That is fantastic for our economy, as it is new money coming in.  (compared to the Regina Grey Cup, which re-circulated Saskatchewan money, but didn't bring outside money into the province.)   You can not get a hotel room in Winnipeg this week, and many are sold out in the nearby cities as well.   Restaurants are busy too with lots of tourists in town for the event.


    Both matches were good entertaining events.  Plenty of goals (by soccer standards) and lots of close-call situations.   Fans were great, cheering hard, into the game, but never got out of control.


    I'll be working both games on Friday too, and I'm looking forward to it.

  6. "I know more about football than all of you combined".... hahaha

    ...said MBB's first training camp cut.

    Yep just another failed prospect with some good potential... It's like he wasn't ready for his first pro forum... And he wasn't listening to any of his coaches.. maybe if you would have went to our bombers., first instead of the extra point maybe he would have been better prepped..

    I think his downfall was a lack of CIS experience.

  7. When someone says: "I know more about football than you do", they lose my respect.  Look, there's lots of guys that know more about football than me.  There are lots of guys that know less about football than me too, but some of them know more about one particular aspect.    I've been involved in amateur ball for decades, and have coached at a fairly high level.  I've attended numerous coaching clinics, and have travelled nationally to football events.  I've met and talked at length with top college and professional coaches.  Never has one of them said "I know more about football than you do"   In fact, the smart ones look to learn what they can from you.   I remember one professional American coach, new to Canada, asking me to draw up my favourite "gimmick" play, because a coach that we both knew told him of my passion for the uniqueness of the Canadian game.  It was over beers, and we talked about it for about an hour.   The next day, I got an email from him wanting to discuss it some more.   This guy was a much more experienced coach than me for sure, but he realized that he could learn something from me.


    For a newbie like Tuscaloosa to come on this site and claim inside knowledge and that every who disagreed with him was a "moron", well, that's not a difference of opinion, that's a troll.

  8. The skill set difference between being sidleline reporter and being a Play by Play guy is quite significant.   Best potential local play by play guy is Darrin Bauming.   He does the call for the Rifle games, and it is professional quality.  IMHO, he'd be a good replacement for Bob Irving, once the legend decides to retire, regardless of which station holds the rights.



    There is plenty of room at that field for a couple of hundred fans.  It's been used for high school games, and was the host site for the Red River Cup (u-16) tournament a couple of years ago.  They brought in a mobile trailer that converted into some bleachers.  It's an artificial turf field, and it a very good surface (so not a "pasture").   For the hardcore fan, it's not a bad venue.

    It's not as if the Bombers knew about this soccer tournament in advance, so how could they have been proactive and planned for it until now?


    This is absolutely my biggest issue...you knew about this for a LONG TIME!!! You're telling me you couldn't have had a plan in place? As has been stated, thousands show up every year for TC, so they know what the demand is...


    I agree, but really all they need to do is put in a couple of temporary bleachers and a handful of porta-potties and they are good to go.  I'm confident that this will be taken care of.   Oh, and invite a couple of food trucks or hotdog vendors to the party.


    I don't claim to actually know the answer to this question but how expensive could it really be to put up temporary bleachers to seat a couple hundred people for training camp? If you need to recoup the money, set up a hot dog cart.


    It's tradition that we get to observe training camp and it's going to really bum me out if we have to rely on the media for our TC report fix, because the content quite frankly is nowhere near as good as what we get from the fan community.


    I like to know why they can't use the old Bisons stadium just the other side of Ken Ploen Way.


    That was always a "less than desirable" field.  Poorly kept natural grass full of ruts and sprinkler heads, rubber track surface in the endzones, and worn out wooden bleachers that are a long way from the field.   The surface on the proposed site is a big upgrade.

  11. There is plenty of room at that field for a couple of hundred fans.  It's been used for high school games, and was the host site for the Red River Cup (u-16) tournament a couple of years ago.  They brought in a mobile trailer that converted into some bleachers.  It's an artificial turf field, and it a very good surface (so not a "pasture").   For the hardcore fan, it's not a bad venue.

  12. I was upset last night, but on reflection, my disappointment was that Nic Demski got drafted by Saskatchewan.   I can't blame Walters for that.  Nic went at #6, and I had been hoping that he would be available at #11.   I like Nic, but I hate the greenies, so that really put me off.  If it were anywhere else, I wouldn't feel as badly.


    I put down "satisfied" but I'm more in the "time will tell camp".

  13. It sure looks like May was drunk.  She certainly was classless and inappropriate.  Her mentioning class with regards to the cabinet is very ironic.


    I'd like to see her meet face to face with  Sgt. Layne Morris (who lost an eye due to Khadr's actions) or the family of Sgt. Chris Speer (who was killed by Khadr)   so many leftist like her want to treat criminals as if they are victims, and they forget about the real victims.


    May is clearly not ready for prime time.  If the Greens don't dump her, they should change their name to "Reds" as in embarrassed (or Commie's).

  14. On income splitting potential, it is quite wide spread, and the number of stay at home fathers is growing:





    In 2011, there were 501,000 families in Canada which had one employed parent and one "stay-at-home" parent



    Fathers in Canada | June 2013 | www.vanierinstitute.ca

    © Vanier Institute of the Family


    The percentage of single earner families that had a "stay-at-home" father was:

    1% in 1976

    12% in 2011


    SOURCE: Statistics Canada (2012). Father’s Day… By the Numbers. Ottawa. Accessed May 20, 2013.


  15. I'm in favour of income splitting.   My wife chose to stay home with our kids until they were school aged, and then chose to go back to work.  She's highly educated, very intelligent, hard working, and committed to our marriage and our kids (as am I).


    At the time we had many choices to make, but made them for the benefit of our kids.   I have a very good income, but for several years it was our only source of funds, so we had to sacrifice some things.   I always thought it unjust that we, as a family, paid higher marginal tax rates than other families with similar total income.


    One parent staying home and one working costs the government less than 2 working because we don't consume subsidized daycare dollars. 


    Show me the stats. A stable economy isn't a bad thing.





    Quoting a 5 year old fluff piece from Macleans magazine....really?  Not exactly a strong argument.


    Here are the facts, the Manitoba economy is stable because we live off of the transfer payments from our more prosperous neighbours:


    Federal transfer payments per capita 2015-2016


    Manitoba     2,651

    Quebec       2,461

    Ontario       1,482

    Sask           1,310

    Alberta        1,310

    BC              1,310





  17. Bump. Wow what a upset tonight.

    I think that many Albertans will wake up with the same nightmare/hang over that Ontario suffered from after they elected Bob Rae.     I'm small "c" conservative in that I believe in more freedom from government in the form of greater personal responsibility and lower taxes.  That being said, I've seen lots of corruption in all parties across the country.  The PC party had grown stale, arrogant, and corrupt and they needed to be replaced. Politics is a nasty game played by some nasty people, many of whom are the background players not even elected.   I would have preferred a Wild Rose result over the socialists.  I'm afraid that the "Alberta advantage" which was based on business friendly government and lower taxes, will be destroyed as the union controlled NDP take over.    I'm shorting Alberta and going long on Saskatchewan.

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