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Everything posted by rebusrankin

  1. How much of Burke's deal is guaranteed. I know it was a 3 year deal (13,14,15) but Lapo's was only 2 year's guaranteed so is Burke's the same? Would mean only paying Mack and Burke for 2014. Fire them and pay the money for quality people. We have a new stadium which gives us higher attendance on higher prices, I'll assume concessions are giving us more, more on parking, naming rights etc.
  2. He doesn't help. Can't block, gives up too much pressure. Seriously 300+ NCAA Divison 1 schools and we can't find a better import tackle.
  3. Can anybody explain why Boatman keeps starting? He has been brutal. Can we not find another import tackle?
  4. Coaching staff Secondary OL Just some of the issues. I do agree wth Brown that a new coaching staff would help.
  5. Marcus Howell, Geoff Drover, Wade Miller, Glen Murray, Susan Thompson
  6. We're only paying Lapo for 2013 I believe, 2014 was non guaranteed.
  7. Three years was a terrible decision. Hoping that only one is guaranted like LaPo's. As an aside, anybody else dislike LaPo on TSN? No insight, no personality.
  8. Rewatched the Toronto game and Goltz has better zip or velocity on his passes than Buck has shown this year. Able to roll out and make plays better as well. He seems to have the tools to succede and just needs playing time.
  9. Burke has made some questionable coaching decisions (the punt in the 2012 LDC, keeping Crowton, not hiring more experienced offensive coaches, not hiring a QB coach to name some). Add those to his comments be it calling out players (Elliott is a turnover machine) and it makes you think he's not head coach material.
  10. Anybody else tired of Burke's comments to the media. More and more I feel he's a good coordinator but not a good head coach.
  11. Interesting moves today. I'd take Knowlton depending on how long Dunn and Sears are out.
  12. Source on Gilmore? Sounded like he might play yesterday.
  13. What evidence do you have that he was LaPo's pick?
  14. 1. I'd sign him. 2. Why would Toronto cut him?
  15. I think they work hard to resign him. Taman doesn't deserve that break.
  16. I am really surprised by how bad Montreal, Hamilton, Edmonton and Winnipeg look. Can't recall a year with 4 teams that look this messed up.
  17. I hate the Riders but man they look good. As for the O comments, yep watching Saskatchewan, BC or Calgary on offense makes you weep or puke when you watch ours.
  18. The East is interesting this year. We have issues but man so do the Als and Cats.
  19. According to Burke in the Free Press, Buck is still the starter. Is he crazy? I think this will lead to him being fired in the end but if this is their attitude, does this regime need to be let go ASAP?/
  20. Like his potential. Would rather see him develop.
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