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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. Yeah, I heard that too, and it now is clear that he intends to try to win the next game. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But i hope they have a plan for when and if things go wrong. And it's not that I don't believe our boy Willy ain't got no tricks…because we've seen him in action this year and he could see more of the play on the field than what he's seeing now. His confidence is suffering, his body and his mind are confused right now, he needs time to step back, re-arrange what he needs to do, and recover. As does the Bombers' psyche. A win somewhere along the lines would have done wonders for this group and for Willy, but alas, it didn't happen…for many reasons. And now, we go about this spit spin again.
  2. We do have reasons to not start Willy…there's that, but we know Willy wants to play and absolve himself..he just doesn't give up. So, he starts, and depending how the game is going, he will play. MOS believes that Willy gives us the best chance to win…as long as there's is a chance. Will he deviate from that? I hope so. I want a win , but I want to see what the backups have to offer. Some have the belief that Marve will supplant Willy as the starter. I'm not in that camp, but I do want to see him play. And Portis…I want to see him for a quarter…he intrigues me.
  3. Man that CFL draft has been overlooked for so long it's hard not to find an upgrade anywhere, so it really doesn't matter where and whom we draft as long as that particular pick is a valuable starter. We'll be going over the whole roster soon and evaluating our NIs (shouldn't take long) but, believe it or not, they made good use of the ones we do have. We have a plethora of knowledgeable CIS-experienced personnel on staff now, so I feel we'll have a good handle of this draft class. I'm hoping we get a good starter, preferably a lineman of sorts, but a starter who will make a difference.
  4. All well and fine, but iso wasn't talking about BLM, he was stating that Willy, in Calgary and under their system and tutelage , would have done a hell of a lot better, a fact that is hard to dispute.
  5. Geez, another well thought out, insightful post. Amazing.
  6. ……….The fight for the 2nd overall pick random notes.. - I don't think I've ever seen a team as bad as we were this year trying 2-point conversions..I mean they do know you can try more than that one play, don't they? - It was really nice to see a running game going, so the question is, why did they put it to bed? 131 yards on 16 carries…nice - The Bombers, once again had very good discipline…BC- 22 penalties..Wow. - Speaking of penalties, did you see Kashawn Frazer absolutely destroy Kevin Glenn on a Nic Girgsby type tackle on the RTP penalty? Touched him horrendously. - Marcel Bellefeuille deserves a thread of his own, and it wouldn't be pretty. - If what they're saying is true, and we're only getting rid of one co-ordinator, it'd be a close vote, kind of reverse race really. - Drew Willy needs help, but he doesn't seem to be getting it from this staff. That has to change. - The play of Johnny Sears bordered on the ridiculously awesome. - # 13 Unumba…now we know why they kept him around…he's good. - MOS has to learn that it's OK to pull your QB, if only for a series or two. Doesn't make him a bad Coach, just a newer one. - Proof, in this last game, that we don't need Kuale. - Bombers out rushed BC 145 to 95…and still lost. There goes that stat.
  7. Well, there is a chance…Durant is throwing in the locker room, you know.
  8. Nah, those are just spam bots. We get them all the time. Sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference….
  9. No matter how you look at it, it leads back to the OC or the QB Coach. As many sacks as we are facing each game, somebody has to step up and say "let's fix this". And if some of the fault leads back to Willy, then somebody has to step up and say"let's fix this". There is no way there should have been 10 sacks in that game, simply no way.
  10. That's kind of like the way I golf. I get the ball to the right area…but not with, what you might call, a good swing.
  11. I challenge the very idea of trying that.
  12. Yep, BC didn't cover our receivers or anything like that. They don't have the best pass D in the league either...nothing like that... Yes, BC has the #1 pass defence in the league, and are #4 against the run….AND, 2nd best defence overall. They had good coverage, especially in the 2nd half. Having said that…. USABFan (metric version) brought up a good point in post #73, and that is : "there should at least be some kind of safety valve player to get the ball to" 10 sacks. They are not all on the O-Line, they get blame, of course, and Willy had chances to throw the ball away, but our OC chooses to have Cotton brush block instead of he, or the FB, slipping out for a safety valve for Willy to throw to. It's got to be a better offensive alternative to what we've seen. That's one reason why people complain about the OC…he doesn't adapt his game plan to make it easier for Willy to DUMP the BALL, when he's in trouble. If it's good enough for every other QB, why don't we see it more?
  13. Whoa whoa whoa there. You mean..... nah iso, goalie, Mr P and the rest can't be wrong about Drew freaking Willy can they? .... Ummmm, nope, it's me, I'm the one who doesn't know what he's talking about. Its the water boy (right Willy boys) -he's the culprit. Not Drew Willy, He had the time to go to his fourth reads, no one was open. That's why he was sacked. Willy is God, he can do no wrong. Now Willy is Jesus Christ, and he's shouldering the burden of the whole team You'd probably get a lot more credit for your opinion if you didn't sound like such a clown while you convey it. "look at me look at me look at me look at me" Yeah, is there such a thing as clown's soapbox?
  14. Agreed MOS has to take firmer hold and set the direction for this team to go. That will come with more experience. The hiring of the OC for MOS, was almost a pre-dertermined fait accompli because, well, he was here, he has an offensive basis already, and he's good for young QBs…to a point. That point has passed. The DC was more of an EA hiring. E=experienced A=available. Pretty good for a 1st year hiring but if it's one thing we've learned, it's that Etch doesn't adapt well. The players we had did pretty good for what they were asked to do. A DL or 2, MLB? and a new mind set will go a long way next year. I like the fact MOS and Walters are continually trying to upgrade this team. It's needed. A lot will be told on how they handle the OC and DC positions. Only after they solve that issue can they identify and target new players, so get on with it boys. MOS stays..we need continuity, and it's way to early to start picking dates to rid ourselves of him.
  15. So..this wasn't because we missed the playoffs?
  16. Drew Willy has felt the effects of always being put in a spot where the decisions he were to make were too much for him at this point. Talk about taking your QB down a hole where I hope he can come back from. What we saw last night, especially at the end, was a beaten man. He was flummoxed. Marcel Bellefeuille did him no favours with his kind of offence. And can somebody tell me why there seemed to be no one helping Willy on the bench with at least a "throw the ball away Drew"?
  17. Not quite having all the pieces in place will likely get you a 6-10 team. - Me.
  18. Not only that KBF, but Nic Grigsby's been released!
  19. …….. Definition of Statistics: The science of producing unreliable facts from reliable figures. Evan Esar Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable. Mark Twain Statistics are no substitute for judgment - Henry Clay “99 percent of all statistics only tell 49 percent of the story.” ― Ron DeLegge II,
  20. MOS has been telling us the same thing he isn't worried about the number of yards the other teams gets...seems contrary to everything we have be told over the years by the broadcasters... He's been asked specifically about yardage in certain games..referring to run yards. That is when he has said he was wasn't worried…in those situations. Not a blanket statement as you're implying.
  21. Upon further review….that's my fault, I started watching the game late and joined in on an early play. If I'm thinking of the same play, he may have had one foot in bounds…but he hadn't caught the ball yet. When he did, he landed out of bounds.
  22. That statement is not proof. It simply isn't supported by that statistic you provided. That's taken out of context. Too many factors haven't been included, including passing yards and turnovers.
  23. Just watching the game now and I"m bewildered as to why there was no review?? or challenge in response to no review? It was reviewed. All turnovers are automatically reviewed. Realizing that all plays are automatically reviewed, it's still a wonder that that was ruled a catch when he landed out of bounds.
  24. Just watching the game now and I"m bewildered as to why there was no review?? or challenge in response to no review?
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