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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. ORIGINAL: EDITED by the ticky-tacky Mr Dee: This may be considered to be editing to the extreme. How mbrg expressed his view was easy to follow. Just use a little discretion
  2. I really like this post. Could be your best.
  3. Afaic, this is the first game of the 2015 pre-season. I see your point, but i disagree. There is so much to be learned from the effort each player will give, which will determine if some players even get to next year's pre-season.
  4. I read that article earlier and I bristled at the heading myself. Wiecek has slanted what MOS had said (what else is new) and used provocative wording to garner attention. But, as mentioned on here already…it's too early to be digging the knife in. Don't know what's so hard to understand about what MOS said: "That's what the off-season is for," said O'Shea. "We've got a couple days left here... We can talk afterward all you want about this kind of stuff." But Wiecek has to write something right? Let the post season discussion begin,,, in the post season.
  5. I know no one is allowed to say anything complimentary about Romby, but I will say this - when what appeared to be coverage sacks started to escalate in the last game I paid more attention to the receivers. The coverage was tight and Willy should have thrown it away most of the time. But one of those times (sack #9?) there was a receiver open over the middle, at least as open as any receiver was going to be that night. It was Romby. So if you're OShea and you're watching game film with the receivers, how do you sell benching the one guy who got separation from a DB when it was desperately needed and the other 4 guys didn't? It was one play, and yes, there isn't much chemistry between Bryant and Willy, but when we needed to move the ball he got open in first down territory. He doesn't grade out to an F on every single play like some think he does. Denmark and Kohlert had a better night (and a sensational catch each), other than that, who? Watson and new guy? I thought Romby did more than them. I don't even recall Feoli-G being on the field offensively. I would not expect to see him or Kelly or new guy back next year. Your point is taken, shaken and dismissed. JK But really, there was a play where Cotton was wide open, for multi yards, and I'm sure we could find multiple instances where we spot the 'Waldo'. That just wasn't Willy's game for sure. But If Bryant was consistently open, then they have to find a way to get him the ball. And that's on MB. But is he open consistently? We just don't know. We do know that Willy and Bryant never seem to be in the same ball park, never mind the same page, so what's that worth?
  6. I have no idea if MOS can evaluate talent or not. I would suspect he can. But I would like to find out the reasoning behind decisions many of us can't understand. The insistence of playing 'speedster' Romby Bryant. Is this fully his decision or is it in discussion with MB and the need to fit his system? Seems to me, the OC should have total control of who he wants playing at any given time, and if he doesn't have those players..then he should talk to the HC and GM. That, obviously would include another roster player…Nic Grigsby. Why so long with this guy? Where was that guy who could get you that reliable catch consistently…JF-Gudino? The O-Line is entirely a different matter, but it seems some of the hogs are letting the mystery out the equation, by pointing at the blocking system…not all on the blockers in that system. You then can flip it to the defensive side as to questions of playing/not playing Wild, Sears, Kuale..although I suspect Kuale is his baby. Not sure why. How much did he allow the DC to name his starters? We do realize the ratio had a big, domino effect on certain players, but it still is worrisome some changes couldn't have been made earlier. No, MOS knows talent, but how, and when to use them may be an entirely different matter.
  7. Agreed... Yards per carry are a much more meaningful stat than total rushing yards. I never said that. Each stat has it's own merit. Leave it at that.
  8. Of course passing yards have some bearing on the outcome of a game... But again, the point we're making is that passing yards are overrated in the grand scheme of things, and that other factors such as the TD-INT ratio plays a greater part in winning and losing, as well as in evaluating a quarterback. Passing yards are to a QB as rushing yards are to a running back. That's as simple as it can be related. We don't have to over-analyze every statistic.
  9. Stats are taken from games, not the other way around. In other words, you cannot say that running the ball 60% passing will win a game for you, but you can say in a particular game it did. Stats are pliable, you can conform them to any argument as seen fit. And as to the statement that there is no correlation between throwing for a ton of yards and not winning….I don't agree. Generally speaking, in the CFL, the team that has the better passing statistics has a better chance of winning the game.
  10. Yeah, seeing as one was tipped to a defender and then, let me see 3 fumbles lost in one of those games, and you can lay blame in one area, to one person? Seems unlikely and unwarranted.
  11. The most discouraging aspect of any offence is the unwillingness or inability, to adapt to what is happening by other teams in defending us. Earlier, we had game plans that attached teams and Willy fit that bill nicely. Obviously, teams are not going to let us do that all year. They changed what they were doing…we didn't, at least not quickly enough. We were left behind. We competed, and our defence kept us in some games, but we made too many mistakes and had too many turnovers. We continued on a trend downwards. We made minor roster changes in the hope? that they would help solve some issues. Whomever was totally in charge of all the decisions regarding the direction the offence went, failed, and failed miserably. Leaving Willy totally in one spot, even when he demonstrated he could move and throw, was inexcusable. It seems to me not enough was done to counter what other teams were doing and made it way too easy to attack us. 10 sacks in one game says it all. I know one thing, I wouldn't hesitate to play MB in a chess game.
  12. OK but Kuale and Bryant are in the running for the MOS award.
  13. I predict this will be Romby's last game of professional football. I've never seen a player play so much and do so little and still get to play so much and still be able to do so little.
  14. I know for a fact that if I had a choice to play and fix what I'm doing wrong, I'd want to take it. If I've identified areas to improve, I'd want to test my reading of the situation. If I did 2 more things right in that game…I'd want to make it 3 things..and so on. And maybe, just maybe, one of those things I learned, is how not to get killed in the backfield again. Give me the ball, I want it.
  15. You can be positive with a few jibes against one's team, but if the preponderance of posts is taking shots at our team, you're going to get taken to task, especially if it's more whining than factual.
  16. When the play was right in front of him…not way down the field. There's a difference.
  17. Sigh, i have to agree with TB. There's a reason we have refs in the game and it's not for their amusement. Imagine, if you will, a penalty free game, orchestrated by the players…not the refs. Ain't going to happen. Players make mistakes all the time. Some of these 'mistakes' are on purpose. They get a lot of chances to correct their mistakes. They are paid good money not to make those mistakes..but they still do. It's the nature of playing sports. Refs make mistakes and make nowhere near the money that players do. You want a cleaner game, with less stoppages? Look at the players, because the Coaches know who really are the guilty parties and it isn't the refs.
  18. Speed and character might eventually be the downfall of our Head Coach. Romby Bryant's 'speed' and Kuale's 'character'.
  19. Ah yes, the RM of Marveritaville. Population - several hundred now. Job possibilities - promising Infrastructure - major arteries intact, some damage at kee intersections. Levels of service - adequate, running at a high level, but some opportunities passed over. Major occupation - dreaming of being right up there with the big boys. Future outlook - growth a strong possibility with proper planning and discipline. Expect quite a few looks in the years to come. Some strong backing among dwellers.
  20. Well I wouldn't expect to learn too much giving both of these guys time - there won't be enough reps to do that. They will have charted everything Portis has done in practise this year. They'll already have an idea if he's worth keeping around as a number 3 next year. Maybe give him the last series. Brohm is going to be a free agent in February. If I have 15 minutes of football to assess a QB, I'm finding out if Marve can be our number 2 next season, or if we need to pony up and keep Brohm. I suspect they'll want to get him back for camp next year, but if another team shows up with more cash in hand, what should our response be? Well, this it right there, isn't it? Has the QB order already been decided past Willy? Because they have to know, or find out. Brohm's free agency will push that question. I like what I've seen of him and I'm sure other teams will be looking in our back yard to answer some of their own back-up QB questions and I wouldn't want to just give them Brohm to look at…for nothing in return.
  21. I find it very hard to rank QBs when one can't help but refer to the team's standings on those teams they play on, never mind the experience they have. I prefer to look at it as Atomic just mentioned in regards to Reilly. Last year, I thought too, that Reilly was a 'gooder', and would progress this year, and he has. Willy can be a 'gooder' next year as well, if he gets support. As far as the 'new' guys go, it's Reilly, Willy, Collaros and then Crompton.
  22. Get ready for 4 months of discussion on this. Yes, I can see the next few months of FA talk - Heenan, Holmes, and any other breathing soul who might be approaching the realms of Free Agency. The list will start one way, veer off another way, and get shortened as the months go by, and somehow..Walters will be expected to sign 'em all. Yikes.
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