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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. I'm here with you @ 40-37 Bisons now.. Man that Yantz is something. And, oh, that Demski fellow isn't too bad either. Good game.
  2. Ottawa had trouble attracting big name free agents after the "Kevin Glenn: my Twitter was hacked" drama after he called Desjardins a snake. There wouldn't have been a snake call out if Desjardins had kept his word to Glenn. No ill will, just $$$$ for FAs Glenn would have been their"ambassador, and he would have been good at it.
  3. And here's where we disagree. Kevin Glenn probably would have put up 1 or 2 more wins than Burris, maybe more, as he would have been a more consistent player and certainly as good in the locker room. Glenn would have had the luxury of having better receivers, bought and paid for with the savings from Burris's contract. Maybe even our own Nick Moore would have been a RedBlack. I'll give you the Pruneau factor as he seems to be an exciting player, but I still say Ottawa would have had at least 2 more FAgents from the money savings, and that would have helped this dismal team.
  4. It will be a battle of backups at QB for both Sask. and Edmonton. There is concern that Reilly has a problem with his foot. Either a broken bone or something with his ankle. I don't believe he will even dress tonight. Neither will John White. I also don't believe that there is any way a small thing like a broken bone/ankle will keep Reilly out of the lineup…in the semi-final. I'll stick with my prediction of a final record of 9-9 for Sask. as matt Nichols and Edmonton's D will still 'bring it'. Sask.'s losing streak can hit 6 tomorrow, and then 7 with a playoff loss. Missing a playoff spot stings a little less if this happens.
  5. There will be a playoff crossover this year. One team from the West (BC or Sask) (my money's on Sask) will supplant an Eastern team in the East playoffs this year. The only question is who? Montreal is safe, they have a spot. Ottawa doesn't have to worry about it, they're out. Either Hamilton or Toronto will play on, and who gets in determines the finish in the East. It's simple. Toronto must win or they're out. Hamilton’s playoff scenario is this: if they beat Montreal by eight points or more they clinch first place; if they win by less than eight points or Toronto loses they earn second place; and if they lose and Toronto wins, they are eliminated from the playoffs. See? Simple. Toronto hosts Ottawa Friday, and but haven't beaten them yet. (OK, they've just played 1 game.) Hamilton hosts Montreal and will know by then what they have to do. THF is sold out and tickets are hot. Toronto will not have R Ray @ QB. (concussion) Trevor Harris will start. Montreal likely will not have Geoff Tisdale (concussion) Hamilton might not have Fantuz, but, with the importance of the game, he'll probably play.(hamstring) Hamilton will play both Grigsby and Delone Carter at RB as Madu is slightly injured. *Montreal has been hot lately and not coincidently, has won the turnover battle in the last 9 games. Their record in that time 8-1. A win on Saturday at Tim Horton's Field would give Montreal as many road wins as the rest of its division COMBINED. Though the offence is still only eighth in the country in first half scoring, the defence trails only Calgary and Edmonton in first half points against. After Halftime adjustments are made, third Quarter points against (54) are the lowest of ANY CFL team in ANY quarter. Montreal's defence has given up only 30 big plays all year, the lowest total in the nation. The Als are now running the ball on first down more than any other East team, closer to the Prairie plowing of Saskatchewan than they are to the CFL average. *CFL News Montreal's last 9 games: 8-1 Hamilton's last 9 games: 6-3 Tor. 17-14 Ott. 34-25 Ott. 23-17 lost Tor. 26-24 Tor 20-12 Ott. 16-6 Sask 40 −9 (no DD) lost Tor.34-33 Ott 15-7 BC19-17 Cal 31−15 (no BLM no Cornish) Wpg. 16-11 lost to Edm 33-16 Edm. 25-23 Ham 38-31 Sask. 28-3 (no DD) Ott 20-10 lost Mont. 38-31 Place your bids ladies and gentlemen, the look on Austin's face will be worth the price of admission alone. It's a case of Collaros vs. that savage Montreal defence and Crompton against a very good Hamilton defence. Hamilton…in a close one.
  6. Mont. last nine games 8-1 Tor. 17-14 Ott. 23-17 Tor. 20-12 Sask 40−9…….no DD Ott. 15-7 Cal 31−15……no BLM, no JC lost to Edm 33-16 Ham 38-31 Ott. 20-10 And yet, one will miss the playoffs…go figure. And were they really way better? Hamilton 6-3 beat Ottawa (2) beat Sask. (1)(no DD) beat Winnipeg (just) (1) Edmonton (1) BC (1) - lost to Tor. (2) Mont (1) Toronto 4-5 beat Ham (2) Edm (1) BC (1) - lost to Mont (2) Cal(1) Ham (1) Edm (1) All's I know is I'd love to play either of them in the cross-over situation.
  7. Yes, destroy any degree of respectability you have left for the almighty revenue dollar. As if they aren't making enough already. That would just make me sick...
  8. Most ties? Hell, we'll open a haberdashery to get him to come here.
  9. Kyle Norris - Edmonton Eskimos 2013 - Bombers 2014 - Alouettes 2014 - ??????? 2015
  10. The undefeated Mount Allison Mounties earned 10 spots on the AUS football all-star team announced on Wednesday. The St. Francis Xavier X-Men had eight, Acadia Axemen seven and Saint Mary’s Huskies two. Offensive lineman Quinn Everett (Glen Haven) and defensive tackle Jacob LeBlanc (Herring Cove) are part of the Mount A delegation. No guarantees, but it's a start.
  11. He also said they were close to, but didn't quite get to sign, some of the O-Line guys they had worked out. The NFL is casting a wider net on O-Linemen and CFL teams are getting squeezed more. He explained how David Fourcault, drafted by Montreal was worked out by the Panthers and is now a starting tackle for them. More teams want capable players.
  12. You would truly be surprised as to how much power and say the MLCC has in the running of licensed premises.
  13. The nomination for Drew Willy just shows how in high regard Willy is considered. His numbers, under the circumstances, and his resolve, is truly amazing. Geez, his play suffered in the 2nd half, and is to blame for our poor offence. Or is it the other way around? As to Glen January. Some fans figured he was dragging his asp into what could be his last season, but recent talks about January revealed he graded out vey well in his role this year, and that injuries played a part in his….downward spiral.
  14. I agree, the interview on 1290 is just the kind of interview you want to hear - pointed questions, and thorough answers. Kyle Walters comes through as concerned and honest in what he feels needs to be done. I, myself, did not get any indication which way Walters was leaning towards any of the assistant coaches, although I was satisfied that they will try to identify the problems…then go about correcting them. I take that to mean if they feel either the OC or DC is the problem..then they will do something about it. Conversely, if they are exonerated, then they will be back next year…and perhaps the personnel they need, will be provided. Walters also touched on how just missing out on some signings for the O-Line down south forced their hands on the O-Line this year. They're finding it harder to locate, and sign, good tackles that the NFL aren't competing for. Here is another link that works: http://t.co/g0UmzLwdfM
  15. Pretty sssssnarky comments about ssssomething that is ssssupposed to be a fun announcement. Issss Miller really that evil?
  16. Did he eat his sub straight on? On did he attack it up the middle with several bites?
  17. ….O'Shea liked the work of his co-ordinators this season, Marcel Bellefeuille on offence and Gary Etcheverry on defence. "They've worked extremely hard," O'Shea said. "They've put their players in positions to be successful. Um, yeah. They've done a pretty good job." He wouldn't go so far as to say both would be back in 2015, however. It's believed both have a year remaining on two-year contracts. - http://www.winnipegsun.com/2014/11/02/time-for-bombers-to-clean-house
  18. MOS does put too much emphasis in certain areas over others. He is thrilled with Bryant's work ethics and remarks how he puts in extra time, and passes on this information to the younger receivers. A mentor. His belief that Bryant 'opens' the field for everybody is not backed up by performance on the field. Loyalty to the nth. Hopefully in talks with the coaches and Walters, things will be put in better perspective going forward.
  19. So i'm seeing, unofficially, half want MB gone, and half want Etch gone. The other half ? want them both gone. Both were signed to 2 year contracts. Not a big problem, but a consideration. Whenever MOS talks about them, he pointedly says how hard they work. In his wrap up, he mentioned how he believed they put the players in a position to succeed. I don't think either of them are going anywhere.
  20. You know, it really doesn't bother me what set of receivers are in the game as long as they make things happen. Of course there has to be talent there, and if we find that elusive receiver we've been looking for, then no problem, but with a healthy Moore and the dynamic Denmark, we could do very well with the receivers we have. But it can only be done with a better grasp of moving the ball around and a much better balanced offence.
  21. ………………….the effort to make this all work is much appreciated!
  22. There's about 175 things to worry about in building our lineup before we have to worry about worrying about that.
  23. Bucknor is actually a perfect example of our problems at NI on our roster. Bucknor started for us, and did an admirable job. He's earned the right of having to be beaten out of that position. He should be re-signed and as I said, all FA NIs have a certain higher level of sign on our "to do" list, simply because that area has been ignored for too long. Besides, I'd be pissed off if we're the ones to have developed him, and he did well on another team.
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