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Everything posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. I know it's preseason but watching the Riders getting crushed is still fun.... Their D line looks much improved! But it could be because I don't think BCs oline is very good. Well be interesting to see how the Rider D looks against Calgary. Rider secondary is absoutly brutal. No safety to even speak of. The offence has some great receivers but that oline and lack of any stable QB and I'm not sure they put up many points this year. BC receivers are going to be tough to beat this year!!
  2. Have to agree. Trying to think where they could get 8 in. 1 on Edm, 2 on mtl, 1 on TO, 1 on Ham and 1 on BC or the Bombers? 6 seems realistic at this point until we see them on the field.
  3. Myles looks like a good scrambler and has the ability to thread the needle. Reminds me of Durant a bit. (Yes I know this is against Boys but still!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD0iiMfuCTI
  4. And just over 7 months until the Bombers Hoist The GC.....
  5. Why does it still come up as $89.99 when you put in cart?
  6. VY couldn't crack the 2012 Bills roster or the 2014 Browns roster...... that's pretty sad. And a 46-51 TD to INT ratio. Ohhhhhh this is gonna be fun to watch.
  7. The retirements have started already???? Can't wait for Owens, Young, LaFrance, Grant, Dennis and Love to make their announcements.
  8. But what team would trade for any of them when eventually Jones is going to have to cut a few and teams can pick them up for free.
  9. Whatever happened to the Riders losing cap space for getting busted housing 2.6million refugees and keeping them all on their "roster"? Did I miss something?
  10. And to me the Franklin situation would be a lot like the Willy situation. An unknown unproven backup QB who might turn out to be a gem and might turnout to be a dud. Guess that's why we keep signing guys and trying them out in hopes we get that future star! I'd be happy if Walters could resign Nichols and get either DD or Franklin here. Not sure its possible but having a proven starter and a good backup would be a good situation going into next season!
  11. Didn't feel like starting a new thread but this was pretty cool of Moe to do!! http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/maurice-leggett-ballet-nutcracker-1.3908367 Just please god don't injure yourself doing this!
  12. This is why I think CoY should be just that! Coach of the YEAR. Sure we didn't win the GC but now that Ottawa did I think Campbell should have gotten the Nod. Yes they played in a weaker division. Yes they had barley a .500 record but he out coached Dickenson in the biggest game of the season. And I don't think it should just go to the coach who wins the GC every year. But this year Campbell was able to coach his guys through 2 playoff games and keep them in it until the final whistle.
  13. So. Serious question for the ppl who want Mike gone (not sure why I'm even asking as I probably won't get an answer to this) but what do we do once he is gone? It's easy to say fire a guy or hope he leaves but then what. Who's available to bring in? Just as an example Mike goes to TO and we get Scott. Ok great. New HC, new OC, new DC, new QB, new,new,new. We start over from scratch. Another 2-3 yr rebuild and nothing to show for it. And what does it do for the players? The guys in he room clearly like the coach and he players they are with. There is several comments from them they all like it and want to come back. So now you get a new HC and the players say F this and want to bolt likely to TO. So all are good players we want to retain are now gone. If you haven't noticed changing your HC every 2-3 years doesn't work. And when it does its few and far between. And on an extreme case what if a guy like Jones comes in and axes the entire roster. Is that really what we need or want? How about another season with a good draft some more FAs and a system the players are now used to. Sure make some minor changes in staff maybe Hall out but that would be the extent of it. So once again I ask. What's the solution after getting rid of Mike?
  14. 3 weeks to early for BC, Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa yes. Our offseason starts today
  15. Well that loss stung last night. Not happy with the decision to kick the FG but that can be discussed elsewhere All in all there was a lot of improvement this year over last year and looking like they are trending upwards. If Walters can pull off another great draft and some more key FAs this offseason I like our chances going into 2017. Who is on the FA watch list and what areas are we in desperate need of fixing?
  16. I thought Coach of the YEAR included the playoffs. What if the Bombers pull off the miraculous GC win? Wouldn't that vault Mike over the top for COY?
  17. Ummmm excuse me Mr. Guy but today is Thursday and Practices are closed to the public which means this forum is also closed to non Bomber fans for the day. You may come back tomorrow
  18. This is still all part of the conspiracy that the league and Commish hate the Riders.....
  19. The sad part is it's been so long since we have had a victory parade that most of the streets on the 1990 route don't even exist anymore
  20. Has been doing this to me for quite sometime. I thought maybe it was just me lol. I'm using IE and it seems to only do it when someone posts a twitter feed in the thread.
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