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Everything posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. Needs 184 receiving or an average of 61yrds a game. And 129 rushing or an average of 43yrds per game. Going to be close especially with Flanders out and having to rely on Harris more.
  2. Also like how Carter had 231 yards and zero to show for it. 0 TDs and 0 points in the win column.
  3. Such a stark difference in an O`shea led team vs a Jones led team. Mike has his guys humble. Get a first down. Get up and go for it again. Get a TD, quick celebration and off to the sideline to pump up the Defence. A team that plays like a team and will jump through hoops for each other and the coaches. Jones has a complete circus going on. Premadonmas running around taking dumb penalties and crying for penalties. Stupid first down street fighter crap (what is with that) 5 min td celebrations and a complete me first attitude on the team. The Riders have a ton of talent no doubt. But the coaching and attitude on that team is a mess. It's going to really burn them after losing next week and going into a tailspin.
  4. This is really going to come down to our next 5 opponents. I believe he can hit over 1K rushing pretty easy the receiving will be much more of a task. We have: Ham BC x2 Tor Cal He should have some good stats at home against Hamilton (I'll predict 80yr rushing and 50yr passing) Tor has a pretty solid D and might not allow a lot of rushing yards so say he only goes 50 rushing and 40 passing. BC might give up some big numbers as well. If he can average 60yrds rushing and 40 passing each game for a total of 120/80. Leaving Calgary who doesn't like to give up a lot of either! I think he finishes around 1,050 rushing and about 900 receiving. Which is still pretty incredible concidering they are using a 2 back system!
  5. Rider fans find themselves having to cheer for the Bombers tonight.
  6. This is a good article. I have been getting autographs for over 12 years now and the only numbers of players I don't have are 28, 48, 73,75,76,78,79. This article explains 28 and 75. I guess the others just aren't popular numbers or there is a reason for them as well? Two other Numbers I have but you don't see players wearing are 36 (Buddy Tinsley) and 72 (Mitch Zalnasky).
  7. Riders clearly have a better team then both the Stamps or Bombers and it's not even close. ...
  8. Wow. Enough with all the lame celebrations for every little play.
  9. Sad part. A close loss for the Riders is still a win in their books.....
  10. That was such an obvious roughing the kicker. How is it not called on the field.
  11. Downloaded and played it. Fun little game! On a side note.... Charmichel is just as bad in the game as real life!
  12. This probably has nothing to do with the injury but.....on Sunday at the fan appreciation day. We were just approaching the table that Westerman and Nichols was at. We were about 3 ppl away from the table when Westerman got up and was talking to one of the volunteers and seemed a bit dazed and said he wasn't feeling well. He grabbed his stuff and headed for the locker room. Was he at practice yesterday or today? Could these be concussion symptoms or something else? Don't want to speculate and hope it's not a concussion.
  13. Well.....O'Shea did say he never officially retired from the CFL..... Suit him up
  14. Maybe he was the mysterious Spitter from the LDC.....
  15. Yeah and considering this game would be 10-10 right now if the Cats didn't give up 17pts on turnovers. Credit the Riders D though.
  16. 1 game against the worst team in the league and they are anointing Bridge as the Riders future QB........
  17. 55 yards in penalties and a DQ for Washington....... Yikes
  18. Agree. And I think if Loffler was in that would have cleaned it up a bit. Not all of it but he would have helped. I think if he was in abridge would have left on a stretcher diving into the end zone like that lol
  19. This likely didn't happen. However if it did he kinda deserves it for taunting the fans in the end zone.
  20. I'm not sure what everybody's worried about. The last two games the only reason they blew their opponents away was points on turnovers. The offence doesn't scare me at all. What have they managed 20 points a game? Bombers keep it close until the second half win by 14 points rush for over 150 yards.
  21. Jones must be sending in the drone Wasps to scout out our practices......
  22. I think this is the 21K season ticket holder record shirt not for one game
  23. Someone at RF.com said the other day that if we host a home playoff game they hope it's not a cold day as half of our fans won't show up to the game and would rather watch on TV...... Ummmmm 2011 was brutally cold and it was a sell out. I can guarantee that if the Bombers host a playoff it will be a sell out no matter what the temperature is....book it. This coming from the fan base who couldn't sell out a home playoff game a few years back.
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