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Everything posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. What would make this better is if henoc comes back to Winnipeg and takes a huge pay cut LOL
  2. On the topic of Rider fans. Why is it They think Bowman is injury prone and declining and at 32 won' be the same he was 2 years ago. But think Collaros who has struggled with injuries and concussions and will be 30 this year will miraculously turn into the QB he was a few years ago?
  3. Quite fitting that 31 pages in we have a Moe Leggett signing Lets hurry up and get this to 55 pages!!!
  4. It's still not even determined to be "July 1st" According to Trudeau it's in the "Summer sometime". It may not even be in the summer at this point. I completely agree that it needs to just happen and they need to set an amount you can have on you etc. But until then it's the law and they will still treat it that way. But having 30 or more grams and doing it twice speaks volumes about the guy. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/12/19/date-for-legalized-pot-is-next-summer-not-july-1-trudeau-says.html
  5. They will just say its the league out to get them! And that it was planted on Carter while he was here helping the sick and needy.....
  6. That sounds like one solid team!!! Let make it happen Walters
  7. I've never been this nervous for a team not names the Blue Bombers....
  8. A noise issue in Toronto??? CFL First! But it is nice to see that big of a crowd there!
  9. Does Black and Forde know that 2 teams are playing today and not one? All I hear is Riders, Riders, Riders...
  10. That didn't take long for the "the league against us" comments to come out
  11. I am predicting that TO wins this and the Sask Roughwhiners say they lost because of the refs and that they are against them and its a huge conspiracy.
  12. Love watching Playoff Glenn......When he's not in Blue and Gold
  13. If you work on a planE you will get here faster.
  14. We once called Adams "Junk" and then he caught on and has been gold minus the injury bug. Maybe lets see what guys like Givens and Coates can do with more time? Besides. They wont bring anyone in now so you might as well get used to what we have.
  15. Lure him back to do what? Pour Lapo his coffee? Help Brad Fotty make sure the balls are inflated correctly? I fail to see what a 32yr old WR who has been out of the CFL for 4 (might as well be 5) years now. He also bailed on the team over a pocket change. Not exactly an O'Shea kinda guy! Yes he was a good WR at the time. But after he bailed he never really played anything of significance after that. In the last few years they have been able to bring in Adams and Thorpe. I am confident they can find a younger, cheaper and more productive American WR then Carr.
  16. Didn't watch the game. But reading the stats line did Carter play on offence? Or did they just not throw to him? As it's been said before. He has talent but just needs to shut his mouth.
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