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Posts posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. 56 minutes ago, Stickem said:

    Can anyone really picture Bo Levi behind that hopeless mess of an O Line in sask.....It needs to be totally rebuilt and does Bo have that much time left in his career to wait for a rebuild.....hmmmm.. He's a bugger for punishment IF he signs on there BUT on the other hand big fat contracts can say a lot

    Funny reading RF and them discussing which QB prospects they want. Not discussing the entire Oline that needs to be addressed first. I would overpay for an Oline in 2023 and use Fine, Dolgala and another young QB until the Oline is built back up with Canadians. I’m sure Bo doesn’t want to be sacked 70+ times next year. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, CodyT said:

    Hey why did Mitchell not go in the game? I read on 3 down they were going to give him some playing time for a proper send off.


    I actually respected what he said, too. Then he apparently refused to go in??, I missed the game but wtf

    This move screams toronto, you're right 


    He did go in for like 3 plays with about 2 min left. Handed the ball off a few times. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    Their run game, return game, OL, DL all concern me. Very good team.

    The same scary team the Bombers swept 3 times this year? 

    1 minute ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    he hasn't played since before Labour Day. What a horrible waste of money. And we get Paul "Poor Me I Shoulda Got Three Years" LaPolice pleading for Jeremy O'day to get a chance to finish the job. Doing what?? Grinding his team into the ground???

    To be honest. The Riders have been less douchy since Williams was sidelined and Marino was kicked to the curb. Still a few bad water melons on that team but far better than the first few games. 

  4. 3 years is great news and allows the Bombers to develop a replacement. I think Dru Brown played very well in BC with a few replacements in front of him. Give him the same protection as ZC and I think we win that game. Would like to continue to develop him as the heir to the throne. He would be 29 at that point. Will Dru hang around 3 years as a back up to develop though or would he jump at a starter chance on another team if available? In saying that I don’t know his current contract length. 

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