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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Seeing as they're not going to win it all in the next little while and seeing as they already had a capable QB to play while they developed another one, it made no sense to throw that kind of money at a 39 yr. old QB. Far better to spread that money over 2 or even 3 FAs that could have helped their team more than the marginal difference between Henry and Kevin, IMO. How many years were left with Glenn contract and also Burris is much more mobile and durable so I can see the upgrade. QB is the most important part its much more important to sign an elite QB then two or three fringe free agents.
  2. Seems ok if the conditions are reasonable, if he beats out Hall and plays as result of skill (not injuries) then its an ok deal.
  3. that is a good point - he meets all the criteria for Marcel - he's old and would accept being overpaid - and at least would give Hank something to throw to. Same criteria for Taman , maybe he'll go to riderville
  4. Now for Brohm, is he a mobile qb and does he have a normal or noodle arm?
  5. Goltz wasn't that bad, I think a lot of it was because of the coaching and situation he was where out of nowhere he becomes the starter and gets blamed for not performing out of the gate. I'm glad he's gone but I think he had a raw deal similar to Lefors.
  6. Goltz wasn't as bad as Boltus and may have been a bit screwed over by bad coaching. So I hope he gets another shot..... I just won't lose any sleep with him being cut. It also will help remove more negativity from the clubhouse which is good.
  7. How long after he had started taking meds was this person you know guarding him because it can take 4-6 weeks before the meds take full effect and it can take time to find the drug and dosage that works best for a patient. This was when he was being held at the remand center, not sure exactly how long after he was back on meds. I imagine it would fall somewhere in that timeline. As for the police / rcmp.... these days they literally can do jack squat to anyone in any situation. It's a very sad state of affairs when a policeman has to justify why his bullet his a vital organ after a criminal has open fire and unleashed a barrage of bullets at him. Apparently policemen have to either take the bullets and/or wait for the absolute perfect opportunity to shoot the enemy in the leg. Ask any policeman it's brutal being a cop out there these days.... the criminals have way more rights and liberties then what they do.
  8. I don't understand the hate for the guy... I don't want Ottawa to tank badly mainly because the CFL really could use the extra team. I do find it funny that people go crazy because he signed some TCF yet when we sign guys like that it's no big deal. Need I remind everyone that we signed crap for coaches and some great FA's along some dumpy FA's.
  9. For the record my inside source (someone I knew who was guarding Li while he was on death watch) said he was a completely normal quiet person who randomly would want to off himself completely out of the blue. He was on his meds at the time but they played pool with him and cards and 95% of the time he was an average normal guy. Kind of weird that a cold blooded murderer gets a chance to play pool to pass time, I don't even get a chance to play pool and I have zero criminal record. After his experience with him he said it was extremely creepy because he didn't look out of place or scummy like most of the people who go to jail.... but the fact that he would just randomly turn on his suicidal tendencies creeped the bejesus out of him. They had to literally Hannibal Lector him at times (I.E. keep him in restraints and tied down).
  10. Long story short on this whole story.... people who do defend Li... I welcome them to go to a nice retreat with Mr Li out of town for a few days and you can take his word that he's on his meds. Maybe watch some South Park with him I'm pretty sure they wouldn't' be sleeping easy at night!
  11. So Suber was doing these kinds of things in 2011 with his same height, I don't get what the point is?
  12. Oooh..the very thought makes my nipples hard.
  13. Well if they under utilize again this season then I can see him wanting out...
  14. Who? How come they were not outraged by him being traded. Is that really the basis for your argument or are you just playing silly bugger? Not really my basis is that the only positive thing the media / fans / players had said about him in the last 2 seasons was that he was a warrior and had a lot of heart. As well visibly it's not like you saw him pumping up the guys on the sidelines and or saying anything to the media that would give the impression that he was going to take control of the locker room and or really anything passionate at all. The post game show interviews were similar to Burke's of Needing to study game film to see what went wrong , need to work on things for next week to correct the issues, I thought we showed a lot of effort (after stinking it up on the field). By the end Irving, Brown and Zalnasky would all make light of these kind of interviews. I'm not saying Pierce was a bad guy or the players hated him ... my comparison to Ladd and the Jets would be that the players all hated Evander Kane with a passion and it took Blake Wheeler to step up and put the guy in place. Ladd shows my example.... Wheeler is a guy in the locker room that the players respect and who can motivate the team between periods. I'm saying Pierce isn't a rah rah guy...
  15. Who?How come they were not outraged by him being traded. How would you know if they were? Who?How come they were not outraged by him being traded. How would you know if they were? Twitter
  16. Because in both scenarios - a person is dead. Yet when someone has served their sentence for vehicular homicide they are released - and it's usually not all over the news and we don't have MP's calling for appeals. Can't have it both ways. That is a ridiculous analogy. I don't know how much more you can twist your logic & still be serious? Do you think there's a chance Craig McTavish is going to go out & behead or eat someone tonight? You certainly are making it clear that the gruesomeness of what happened is your major consideration. Would you be so outraged if Vince Li had stabbed Tim McLean in the chest and then sat there like nothing had happened? When on his meds, Vince Li is much less likely to re-offend than an alcoholic with a car. I'm all in favor of a drunk driver getting life sentence for killing an innocent person... the area of fault is the justice system. People should pay HEAVILY when doing something extremely bad. Their is no excuses for killing an innocent person, whether being addicted to drugs, booze , or if you're flat out insane like Vince Li. Did you know that Jeffrey Dahmer was *diagnosed* and was on meds in his youth as well? Look what happened when he didn't continue taking his meds. Ultimately when the justice system didn't work it appears that somebody had to pay an inmate to take care of the business and I didn't see any body shedding a tear when he was put away....
  17. Generalization that is way off the mark. A lot of people who have been touched by mental health issues would take offense to this remark. That's why we, as a collective group of people trying to co-exist with one another, rely on professionals (i.e Mark H's point) in these chosen vocations to apply their education, expertise, experiences and emotional intelligence to the most relevant information/evidence available. Usually no one case is identical to the other that warrants a particular decision for that situation. Yes, sometimes they get it right and sometimes they don't. That's true for any vocation. It's called the complexity of life. Quite frankly I don't care if those people are offended. I see no reason to be PC about it. If you're crazy you're crazy why tip toe around it? Like I said I am all for mental health awareness and programs to help people and ending the nonsense that some problems you just have to suck up and deal with it... but once you cross the line from simply crazy to crazed killer I'm sorry but it's game over and I want that person out of society. Yeah well, drunk people have also been known to do some crazy things, especially while behind the steering wheel. Alchoalism is a disease
  18. Yeah that was a really good interview he did, much respect for the guy handling that the way he did. So he didn't place the blame on every one else like Burke did?
  19. To completely derail this thread... my inside source processed a few court cases today and found it hilarious that a young adult with a huge rap sheet of violent crimes was only fined $50 and giving probation for assaulting a senior (beating an old lady up) and robbing her of all her money which totaled more then $300 dollars in cash. Because she couldn't prove that she had that much cash on her, he was not ordered to repay the stolen funds. So this guy made a cool $250 profit for putting a lady in the hospital and stealing her purse. Our justice system is absolutely ha-larious.
  20. Lol I didn't see the teammates crying or twittering a storm about Buck when he was traded away, when Korey Banks left BC we saw team mates really upset that a leader was being shipped off. Buck as a "leader" is just something the fans created... He was the Andrew Ladd of the Blue Bombers... a tough hard nose player who tried to lead by example.... unfortunately for Buck he was awful the last 2 years so that leadership had zero effectiveness. I never seen such a sad uninspired team as the guys last season.... that leadership of Buck really didn't look like it made any impact. Hey remember a few years back when Elliott was firing up the club and the players instantly responded compared to how lethargic they looked when Buck was at the helm. Buck was no great motivational leader, so get over it.
  21. Once again I have to delete my post.... I can't reason with hippies. For the record my parking ticket was 25 dollars.... I await to see if Killing an innocent man will be higher or lower monetary fine.
  22. Your bias against Buck has become nauseating. How so? He played extremely poorly for us in the last 2 years, he was injury prone, he held back (coaches fault) the development of the QB position, his post game speeches were uninspired and he never was honest like Calvillo was last year.... I don't see how it's a bias. The proof is in the results... the guy was awful and way past his expiration date. This is why I don't see the Buono as a GM love since he picked up 2 qbs from the team with the worst depth of QB over the last many years... he lost out on nearly everyone in the off season.... I don't see anything good about Pierce today as a player. He's a nice guy and had heart... but zero results. Glenn has shown WAAAAAAAAAY more in the last 3 years then Buck has. Last 3 seasons - > Buck's stats - 5500 yards passed - 22 TDs - 28 ints - Handful of wins Glenn's stats - 10893 yards passed - 62 TD - 40 ints - Helluva lottta wins The only thing Buck has on Glenn is a lower salary!
  23. He'll fill in nicely until next season when we sign Andrew Harris
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