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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Butler on tsn just ripped into Brohm... saying he can only throw dink and dunks for a few yards and was awful anything deeper then that....
  2. He's a guy that continually underwhelmed where ever he has gone... as said by someone else... he'll be gone if he hasn't shown anything after 2 more starts.
  3. Brohm sucks and until the other qbs can gather experience I think the club should just keep running the ball... clearly Brohm just doesn't have the arm for this league.
  4. It doesn't make sense why he wasn't yanked...
  5. Ah yes, the Ratso Rizzo of CFL forums scurries about looking for affection and feasts on a crumb of tolerance provided by the Rider faithful. He really is getting desperate. The shtick isn't even funny to the Rider fans.
  6. I disagree, I think any desperate team will offer more at the dead line.
  7. They will deal Buff if that is the case..he would net to much to avoid that.
  8. Once again... I have full faith in Chevy and his decisions. I'd imagine that he won't either sign Buff long term or else get good assets at the deadline for him regardless if we are in a play off race or not. Teams will be throwing A LOT at the deadline to get a guy who brings his unique qualities. Heck maybe the Jets make a big trade and then re-sign him after the season is over!
  9. I don't know if Frolik really is an overpayment... I think it's fair value and it's a better fit for that club.
  10. That's hilarious.. It will be funnier when they dump manure on him again!
  11. Frolik is a good player to have on the team... but he's not a guy you build a team around. I'm perfectly fine with him going to Calgary.
  12. Slater will find work in the NHL
  13. That's an amazing deal for the Jets..it couldn't of worked out any better for us.
  14. Yikes.. I guess it's time for them to bring back Goltz!
  15. Strangely enough this may help them out this week... Collaros seemed to only make plays when he was on the run being flushed out of the pocket.
  16. Why is Portis getting cut is a surprise and why would people be unsure that the club didn't do there homework? He was the 4th stringer and didn't beat anyone out for the job. No big loss. Also why would Montreal want to sign a 4th stringer to be there saviour?
  17. I'm sorry but Brohm, Marve, or Portis would not be a saviour for the Als. The only guy I think that could come in and play (not necessarily well) would be Nieswander since he is familiar with the club. I think they likely go for Elliott or Brink again. It would be hilarious if they brought in Printers and have him work alongside Micheal Sam and Ochocinco
  18. Black loved Parks Cotton he may be his next sticky stala or Sam giguere!
  19. Going into the game they were considered one of the better defenses in the league. All pre season I heard was how they lost lots of talent and were thin on depth. The d line is good but the rest for them are average at best.
  20. Not to be a downer but remember this was just one game against one of the weaker defenses in the league.... I wouldn't say MB is a great coordinater just yet considering he's had years of mediocrity before...
  21. Hurl reminded me of that useless lber we used to have back when Lumsden ran wild on us... I think it was McKinlay?
  22. What I liked was that Cotton and Marshall could survive contact unlike last season with Grigsby. Also the receivers caught everything and nobody took and really poor penalties. It was almost like we were well coached. I think with better talent at lb the defense will do fine.
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