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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. That's really sad that fans are thinking this way.... what makes it more sad is that it's true.
  2. Brandon


    Lol was anyone shocked by this? He's nearly 40 and ripped which is ridiculously hard for a 270 lbs man. UFC knew he was juicing... it doesn't make a difference he brought in ppv buys and they'll move on to the next event.
  3. It would be nice to see the team to be able to actually drive the ball down the field... more then once a game. It feels like unless we have a short field from a turnover or a big return... that the team has zero ability to make consecutive first downs.
  4. Nope I don't see it happening... he'll only get fired if we lose 5 in a row and/or at the end of the season
  5. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2016/07/19/jimmy-superfly-snuka-king-kong-bundy-among-wrestlers-suing-wwe-over-brain-injuries Very interesting.. not sure if this was posted earlier. The list looks like a bunch of jaded ex employees trying to get some money from the WWE. I could be wrong but were wrestlers not independent contractors and not official employees of the WWE? I would assume the contracts would of cleared them from any of this?
  6. So do you think the WWE HOF should remove all wrestlers who did bad things?
  7. As a SJW I'm surprised that you would use your money to pay known drug/alcoholics/abusers/ etc.. etc... It makes you a hypocrite in regards to the comments of this thread. Also as you are a WWE fan... how many WWE HOF'ers have had out of ring issues. As for PCW...Eddie Guerrero who you keep bringing up was arrested in the past and had issues with drinking and driving and beating up his ex. Davey Boy Smith had a laundry list of baggage and was arrested for threatening to kill his ex. Jim Neidhart was as bad if not worse. Brutus Beefcake is a terrible guy. Brian Christopher, Buff Bagwell and Hawk all had major issues out of the ring. I am no familiar if you had other name talent that came in but those guys definitely did a lot of stupid ****.
  8. Willy reminds me of Pierce post Jyles.. I don't kknow if he ever will recover...
  9. Unknown poster.... kind of hypocritical since back in the day you have brought in for PCW, wrestlers with serious out of ring issues that are on par with Hull.
  10. Ingress was nerdy this is worse... hardcore nerd stuff here.
  11. Brandon


    I'm guessing it's to late to have Gina Carano in the WWE.... she would of been a draw 5 years ago. I wonder how long Dana will last as leading the UFC.... I see them grooming someone else and replacing him in a year or so. Dana is completely unprofessional and only got away with lots of his crap because his buddies were the owners.
  12. Hawkins looked lost... I assume he was benched
  13. Brandon


    I just watched all 3 fight cards.... funny enough the free cards imo were more entertaining then the UFC 200 ppv. Brock did what he had to do and got the win. If they match him up against certain guys he'll be able to win... but rematches with Cain or Overeem he will get absolutely destroyed. Tate looked like Tate..... I was much more entertained with Joanna Jedrzejczyk and her performance that was an awesome fight. Why did they bother trotting out Silva... he apparently hasn't trained in months and looked completely out of shape... I would of much preferred a Mousasi fight then that crap. Cormier also is boring as all mighty hell. He'll never be a fan favorite. Aldo looked juiced ... I'm amazed that he passed his drug tests. Overall a good 3 days of fights... the fight night and fox sports cards were super entertaining.
  14. Not that I watch every play but Hawkins definitely was burned a few times...
  15. I completely agree with this comment. Masoli is probably the worst starting qb in the league. But as I said in the game chat... we were warned by rider fans that Hall's defense absolutely relies on a tonne of pressure up front... otherwise the soft zones make it easy for guys like BLM and Ray to pick us apart.
  16. Amen! If anyone ever has a tonne of free time they should out videos by Milo Yiannopoulos... absolutely fascinating guy with a lot of solid facts on BLM and other topics like Feminists. For Black Lives Matter.... I believe he said that 60% of police shootings that result in death are against white people. Something staggering like 75% of homicides by gun against black people are committed by..... other black people. Yet you never see the media or BLM push the agenda that they are the ones killing each other....
  17. It seems that after every trade in the NHL... somebody rips into Chevy for not making a move for that guy. I don't understand why the Jets have to acquire every single player in the league?
  18. I watched a bit of the game last night... Jennings looks like Bishop 2.0 .... Lulay looked like his arm is back and I don't understand why they wouldn't start him instead? Whitaker made people miss all night long... looked like Charles Roberts on some of those plays... real good.
  19. Brandon


    Well considering Brock didn't like getting hit by Randy and the other guys he faced.... Hunt definitely has some of the best one punch knock out power... It's only inevitable that he gets dinged once and then taps out because he hates getting hit.
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