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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. She is famous for Star Wars and being a former drug addict? Most people are unaware of her screenplays. She wasn't some great lady, her trying to push her book by throwing Harrison Ford under the bus was pretty low to earn a few extra bucks.
  2. Yes and what is wrong with thinking like that? If not for Star Wars you wouldn't of even known who she was.
  3. Say what our 3rd and 4th line players are not putting up a point per game?
  4. This really does scare me... the costs of bringing internet to certain communities is astronomical.... I do not look forward to the massive increases in my bills just so that a community of 500 can surf some moderately high def porn. I've worked on some projects for remote areas and have seen the bill of how much it cost to bring high speed to them... it's insanely expensive.
  5. Well considering he was all star level and loves the city and moved his family here... I can't imagine him signing with a different team when his contract ends.
  6. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2016/12/20/leggett-is-blue-bombers-renaissance-man A very good article .... glad to see that he loves the city!
  7. It's weird I watched the first period and the club was flying and making crisp passes and skating circles around Vancouver. The 2nd period in the last 10 minutes it seems like the club just gassed out and couldn't make a big hit or clear their own end. Lots of guys making mental mistakes. I didn't watch the 3rd and was glad that I missed it. I'm not sure what the issues are... when the team is on they can fly. Certain guys do seem to be checked out or at least playing with much less hustle then in the last few years. I don't understand the knock on Enstrom or even Trouba... those guys seem to be playing well.
  8. I just saw the movie and it was really good. I did not find it confusing at all. I can't believe some reviews complained about the CGI Tarkin and Leia? It was amazing I had to google to see if the original actor (Peter Cushing) was still alive and if they had just CGI his face. Absolutely amazing effects. Seeing Leia at the end was great it really capped off the movie well. A++ movie IMO!
  9. I don't see any way PM is gone unless they go on a monster losing streak and the team completely unravels. If they keep pace with how they have played so far he will be very safe.
  10. Somebody will bite on Stafford ... it's best for the Jets to hang on to him and hope that the market is thin come trade deadline and that somebody will over pay.
  11. I will disagree on him falling apart under pressure. If anything that's one of his solid attributes is that the guy can be clutch. His main "negatives" would be his physical attributes and injury history.
  12. That's what I said though... he's either checked out or hurt. He definitely isn't playing at the level that he has over the last few seasons. A mental toll for being Captain equals checked out... He's far from useless though.... I don't usually like piling on a player but from the games I watched this season Stafford definitely has given me zero ammo to back him up. I know Goalie and Ducky love to crap on certain guys for fun... Staff definitely deserves a lot of the poop on him.
  13. The Americans on our o-line do not count? Can you supply a list of great players that Mack brought in on himself? Because most names that people were using were guys that the previous regime (Murphy) had brought in?
  14. The only teams this season looking at a new starting qb are Montreal , Saskatchewan and Toronto. The most likely available QB's are: Durant, Nichols, Glenn, Ray, Willy and maybe Burris. The club has the upper hand.....
  15. Trouba looked good last night, I think he stays with the club. Ehlers could easily have 10 more goals on his stat sheet... he's made big plays all season long.
  16. I'm not hitching my wagon on Durant, I'm just saying if Nichols somehow gets Montreal or Toronto to pay up for him that we could sign Durant and not see a huge drop off. *IF* Ricky Ray isn't completely destroyed he would be another option that we can use for a year or two. Maybe they swing a trade for Burris? Or maybe the Blue makes a big trade for Franklin, keeps Glenn as vet back up and go that route. The team definitely has multiple options that in my opinion wouldn't completely tank this club if they move on from Nichols.
  17. The point is that a win loss record doesn't always mean that your winning record is all on the QB. Nichols definitely helped us win a lot of games... I'm just not so sure yet that if a guy like Durant were to be on our team if the record would of been much different.
  18. Blah blah blah Mike Bishop went 11 - 1 or something gaudy like that bla bla bla.....
  19. It feels like Ehlers should have 10 more goals on his stat sheet on this season... And yes Buff seems checked out to me... much less physical then years past and lost of sloppy passes and defensive play.... unlike Stafford though he does have a few moments where he will drive to the net. Wheeler seems hurt to me... he's not flying down the ice like he did in the last 2 years. Enstrom ... just mentally checked out.
  20. I will say the young guys look like they give a **** and are trying. The vets... Stafford I will agree looks slow as hell and completely disinterested. I'm more so disappointed that the long term guys like Buff, Wheeler , Enstrom all look completely checked out and playing not even half as good as they did in years past.
  21. 3 power play goals... 3 penalties by Enstrom in one period...... heads need to roll and soon. Completely unacceptable.
  22. Brandon


    I do find it odd at how fighters are punished for violations....
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