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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Of course Lapo and Barker say to kick it. I do agree with going max protect and pound with Brady and go to Lawler.
  2. I say we go for Weird Al in Winnipeg Knowing our luck they'll tread out Crash Test Dummies and Chantal Krevaziuk.
  3. 100% singing live, I think they alway sing live at concerts.
  4. I always find it weird when people use their phones and record at concerts, why not just enjoy the show and watch the concert on YouTube afterwards?
  5. Holm nearly picked him off right at the beginning of the game, I agree with your point on forcing Fajardo to throw.
  6. I don't think the D is playing all that bad, the monster run that setup that score was a whiffed tackle by Houston (naturally). On O as long we don't get cute and if Zach can calm down we should be able to score. My nerves however are still at 100% and really hope we can pull away in the 3rd quarter.
  7. We need someone to step up and make a big play on D
  8. First thoughts Hand the ball off to Brady WTF is this Demski bs. Pull Bighill from the game we need healthy guys. Need a new punter for next season.
  9. D&M Caribbean Flava on Molson Ave near Concordia Hospital. The Jerk chicken was moist and really tasty and the jerk pork was a really large portion for a decent price. It definitely wasn't as mouth burning spicy as the jerk I had when I was in Jamaica so it is more friendly for people with a lesser tolerance level. The staff was super friendly and everything came out quickly without much of a wait. I plan on going back to try more.
  10. I recommend reading up on Disney and it's current situation, it is fascinating. The theme parks are at an all time low, the stock is currently plummeting, Bob Iger is fighting a hostile takeover, Disney is reported to be shopping around Lucas/Marvel/ESPN/ABC because they are in desperate need of cash. Rumour has it Apple might buy a lot of them out. Disney Plus isn't working out, they are losing billions and are hurting for cash. Whatever info you received is dead wrong, They havn't been in this much financial trouble since the early 80's. It's not the same as Bud Light/Nike. Those companies dropped in sales but still were making billions... Disney is losing like 100 - 300 million dollars per movie which is crazy.
  11. Some sites will create a link that the site doesn't recognize or like, with the button in the bottom right corner it will notify you that the link isn't valid.
  12. If you find an animated gif off of google or some other page click on it to open it up. Once the picture it is open and animating on your browser, right click on the picture and go to "copy image address" or "copy image link" , then come back here and on the bottom right of the message you should see "insert image from URL". Click that button and then right click and select paste. It should paste the link for your gif into the box. Click the button to insert into post. And that should be it.
  13. Woke is a real word. Them pushing an agenda within their movies is 100% a thing. I assume because you responded in an emotional reaction because I provided examples that are facts and not opinions and because you know what I wrote is correct, you resort to name calling. The fact that you think Disney "cares about other people" HAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD laugh at that. Why not educate yourself and see how Disney treats their employees which many are immigrants at the theme parks?
  14. It's a combination of them just putting out way too much content that it causes fatigue and second of all the "woke" agenda of Bob Iger and Kathleen Kennedy. They are completely taking a dump on many of the cartoons/movies/characters that the parents (like myself) grew up and idolized and trying to replace them with either a female character or diverse character and thinking that people would be cool with it. Luke Skywalker/Indiana Jones .... both guys that we idolized as kids that in the recent times they transformed them into completely weak old feeble whiny men who were nothing at all like the cool bad asses that they were in the 80's. Both of them having young 20 year old girls come save the day and one up them and somehow the girls are instantly stronger and smarter then either guy ever were. The results of Disney doing this is massive backlash and Indiana Jones as a series is officially cancelled forever after losing massive money. The latest I read was that for the new Blade movie they wanted to have three female lead characters and Blade being the 4th character from the top and debating if they want to keep it an R rating. It appears they do not remember classic Blade where the audience was 99% male and Blade was a bad ass chopping heads off to techno music and it was just pure violence and watching the cool guy wipe everyone out. Disney is catering to the 15 year old girl audience and ignoring the vast majority of everyone else when it comes to comic book movies and action movies? The box office numbers don't lie and they are taking insane losses each time out. The cartoons is another issue in which they are catering to a very small niche of people and I'm not sure what the word would be but somewhat insulting the vast majority by pushing agendas within cartoons. It's unnecessary because Disney over the last 30 years were already creating cartoons that catered to a wide audience of different cultures and people. When my daughter was younger we constantly played Moana with Coco a close 2nd and both were fantastic movies that wasn't whitewashed. I don't believe the kids themselves are mad that Disney is pushing the diversity in the cartoons, but I am fairly certain that parents are tired of Disney pushing it on a continous basis. Parents don't want that crap in kids movies, the movies should be about the art and innocence and not about trying to push an agenda to check off boxes on some kind of checklist. It really hollows the experience. I think the tipping point was the stupidity of checking a diversity box for a character who is called Snow White because her skin was white as snow. It would be like hiring the whitest man in the world to replace T'Challa in Black Panther. How stupid would that be. Disney just needs a complete overhaul of everyone in charge and just go back to the formula that has always worked. The brand has been tarnished so bad that I don't even know if they could ever recover. I heavily recommend people watch the latest South Park that discusses Disney. They went really easy on them but the main point still gets through in it.
  15. So does that mean you are not going to see their next live action remake which stars a black Hercules https://insidethemagic.net/2023/10/live-action-hercules-michael-b-jordan-th1/
  16. Very interesting stat thank you for sharing this with everyone. Stanback from 2-3 years ago would "worry" me for him taking over the game. But he hasn't been the same guy since. My only concern is Zach having a terrible game with lots of turnovers, if he plays smart without forcing throws into double coverages and just let us slowly grind them away then I think things will be good.
  17. Not surprised, Oakland is a dump and Vegas is still on the rise. Plus Vegas with a never ending amount of tourists dollars it makes it very desirable to have a team in Vegas.
  18. Please bring back plastic straws, the paper straws are absolutely awful and I can't always bring a metal straw around with me at all times. Their is far more waste in packaging and for the overall environment the amount of harmful toxic waste that is created by factories is a million times more impactful then plastic straws. Also far more waste created because everything these days are made to only last a short period of time so the amount of pollution/plastic/waste created is so much higher then it needs to be since everything is made to break quickly. Basically I'm saying they should close down dollarama because they produce so much disposable crap. Source before someone complains - I worked at Environment Canada for two years.
  19. Ottawa makes sense... they need some durability at QB. Riders also makes sense.... he would fit right in Regina.
  20. I hope this is a joke? Even Suitor was fawning over Brady on how amazing he was this season. That is some Rod Pederson / Ballsy level of incompetence. How in the world do you not select Brady for at least MOC????
  21. Disney are in crisis mode these days. They've lost billions of dollars over the last few years on all those box office disasters. Frozen is one of the few properties that they haven't destroyed yet so it's guaranteed money if they play it safe.
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