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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Can they stop talking about Awe? Maybe make mention at how crappy Calgary has been and how the defense has been on the field all day long which gives him far more chances at getting these extra tackles.
  2. Also Jake Maier with only 1 pass for 42 yards in the first half. Calgary isn't going to beat BC with such terrible QB play.
  3. So safe to say we can't allow Prukop to pass from here on out? Yeesh he nearly was picked off two times ands had guys wide open that he didn't even see.
  4. What does it matter if he buys tickets or not? Nobody on this site buys tickets for Riders home games but we sure point out how sparse the crowds have been this year for that team.
  5. It isn't going to change, Winnipeg is poor and with the crazy inflation the situation isn't going to get any better. The only way the place fills up is if they drop ticket prices or if the Jets somehow get red hot and the bandwagon fans jump on again and buy tickets.
  6. Dru Brown has been playing behind an A tier o-line, rb, and receivers. I will think that other teams would factor that in when evaluating if he is the "next one". I don't think he has the physical tools that will wow anyone enough to pay him starter salary.
  7. Edit - Did not know his wife has cancer Shitty f'ing deal.
  8. I'm not sure what Neufeld makes as a salary, assuming it's near $150 000. Do you think that he has to keep working as a CFL player on a large six figure salary in order to pay for the costs of having a new born child? Because my original point was no he does not because having a new born doesn't cost all that much money. So yes you are a weirdo if you think that someone HAS to make $150 000 in order to pay for a newborn child. Also completely changing my life style? I chose to stop going out drinking and partying because I wanted to be a parent and spend time with my wife and kids. It wasn't because I could not afford it? What a really weird comment to make? It's called growing up and not being selfish?
  9. I'm pretty sure Paddy Neufeld isn't paying child support or signing his new born for hockey or anything. So once again having a baby isn't some kind of crazy financial burden. Bunch of weirdos on here with weird responses so I don't think Paddy Neufeld is going to keep playing because the cost of diapers is so overbearing that he can't possibly live without that CFL cheque. When our kids were newly born we were so damn exhausted that we had no energy to go out and spend any money, 100% focus was on the baby. Also as they get older it isn't that bad financially, unless you sign up your kid for something like hockey which most kids are not signed up for. For ourselves we just spend our money differently now with kids then before when we had complete freedom. Instead of going out for beer and wings, I go to Boston Pizza and use kids cards. Instead of buying a sports car like I did when I was younger, I bought a SUV suited for a family. Instead of flying out to Vegas or California with friends and living it up, I drive to Fargo and enjoy some Mangos. I'm not in financial ruin because I have to drop $20 dollars to send my daughter to cooking class tonight and then take her for ice cream afterwards. It's a myth that kids are some kind of huge financial burden, the reality is that instead of spending money purely on yourself, you now are spending on others.
  10. As someone who was always under the impression that having a baby is some kind of huge financial burden. It is not. After having two kids what I hads learned was the main thing you lose is free time and sleep. I'd hope most foot ball players have a plan for post career.
  11. Hopefully they don't try to bring back Masoli.... again unless it's as a 3rd stringer with a limited contract. Maybe they can lure Rourke?
  12. Having a terrible o-line and then barely addressing it may play a role in QB's getting hurt.
  13. The reffing in the game tonight.... yeesh bad calls and blatant missed calls on both teams tonight. Also Dunigan with the excuses for Chris Jones on why he didn't start Tre Ford earlier in the year was eye rolling bad. The game itself was beautiful for the most part, aside from a few really bad blown plays on defense and the return TD... the Elks struggled greatly to sustain a normal drive.
  14. No but the general attitude here is that people flip out when we lose a player and expect us to sign every big time free agent.
  15. How are we going to afford Mauldin when everyone else in the league will offer him top dollar.
  16. God Dolegala is a moron... why not throw a 50/50 ball instead of spinning and dying at the end.
  17. When I was in the States and also Ontario/Quebec this summer... it was like 99% of the time people knew how to do both. We still have a long ways to go in Manitoba.
  18. Calgary gives up what 45 yards in penalties... then on the sneak one of the players takes a shot at Pipkin after the whistle? Zero discpline on this team.
  19. It's not the food... the food and the service is rock bottom in quality.
  20. Dear lord I've watched 5 minutes of this game and each team appears to be outdoing each other on who is the worst.
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