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Everything posted by MOBomberFan

  1. Winning fixes all Can a win make M B B Fun to read again? 🤑
  2. The stench of manure Wafting around I G F Came from our sideline Even though we lost Take solace in knowing I Won Lock of the Week
  3. Alex Green. It's been fun as always. Thanks for doing this for us season after season, jpan
  4. Streveler and Bennett showed plenty, while Ross was very Brink-ish in his few opportunities. Little surprise here.
  5. I really like what Stanback brings to the table but he's injured this week. Rookie Lawrence Pittman comes off the PR and gets the start ahead of Ryder Stone.
  6. I seem to recall the Bombers or maybe Ed Tait tweeting that the club has no interest in pursuing Matthews.
  7. Pipkin is doing okay for himself. Best of the worst, at the very least
  8. Just under the wire with 3 minutes to spare... Derel Walker
  9. Maybe, but fortunately we don't need validation from other people to make us real fans. You do you! Go Blue!
  10. I am a fan. Despite my busy and fulfilling lifestyle I still attend 3 games a year. You're a notoriously douchey and argumentative Albertan slinging mud from a woefully overburdened desk chair as if anyone other than Noeller cares what you think. Enjoy your seat at McMahon
  11. Anyone who thinks they get to decide who a real fan is and isn't... based solely on how many home games they attend... all other factors be damned... ought to give their swollen head a shake. One day I was gifted 10 free tickets by Wade Miller himself simply because I look like a walking Bombers billboard every game day. I spend hours upon hours reading CFL news and lurking on fan forums. I nearly cried when Dinwiddie threw that pick and I probably will cry when we finally hoist the cup. I'm a fan and I'd challenge anyone to say to my face that I'm not - just because I buy flex packs instead of ST's. Also if fans can only show support by spending money then I hope all these sanctimonious out of towners are buying the equivalent $ amount in merchandise, or recognize themselves as massive hypocrites.
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