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Everything posted by BBlink

  1. Miller could get quite a bit of flack for this. Bell was one of the most well liked upper management types with the Bombers.
  2. It is restructuring. Doubt this has anything to do with Bell at all except for his salary
  3. This must be the juicy rumour that was talked about.
  4. It would not be 200-250k for 9 games. It would be 100-125k for the last 9 games. Could receive a signing bonus though.
  5. This is a good question as Unamba and Soudermire have been great on ST.
  6. But it's also not going to last. Hamilton will get to play Montreal and Ottawa in the last part of the season, you think all those teams are going to stick at 1 win after that? Why would I think that? It's pretty obvious that can't happen (unless there are a statistically improbable amount of ties). Regardless of the amount of wins that are given out based on interdivisional play in the East, we are still likely looking at a double crossover scenario from the West. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest the East (outside of Toronto) can win against the West, and the other teams in the East likely won't be beating Toronto either. I may have mis-counted but there are only 7 guaranteed wins left between Hamilton, Montreal, and Ottawa. I don't want to start making charts about what the odds are for teams ending with a certain record, but it is definitely possible that the last place team in the West has a better record than the 2nd place team in the East.
  7. Should be easy enough to take off the W and put on an A. At least we could recoup some of the costs.
  8. Has a combined 16 game losing streak going. :-\ Hamilton with a 1-6 record is holding down a playoff spot while the last place 5-4 BC Lions would be out. Sounds fair.
  9. I don't think anyone has said they've given up on him. I just still like Grigsby better.
  10. Stoudermire WAS out on offense for a handful of plays. Ball never went to him though
  11. Our jerseys looked almost purple from the grandstands tonight.
  12. Gotta feel bad for the guy. Achilles is a tough injury, for a running back especially.
  13. I know a lot of the time we want to blame one guy or a group of guys (see: OL) for poor play, to justify that we are one step away from being productive. I think blame can be given all around for our run game. Grigsby is far from perfect, so is our o-line. That said, I had the same kind of impression from tonight. Grigsby is still the guy. I think it may have been brought up by DoD in another thread, but he mentioned our offence playing scared. I think this applies a lot to our offensive line. There were a couple runs late in the game that made me go "WOW, that's our offensive line? Where did they come from?". Could be a confidence thing. I hope our run game gets on track, one way or another, because we'll need it for these last 9 games.
  14. Looks a little purply, but otherwise awesome.
  15. Palardy and now Cauchy. What about Etienne?
  16. Pretty sure everybody in this thread is a true fan. That's what makes it easy to tell who the true fans are...if they posted in this thread.
  17. I always think of our air force base when I think of Winnipeg and our sports teams. I don't know of any direct or indirect relations that they've had with the Bombers, but it is certain that the team has been marketed with air bomber logos in the past. So maybe it is a little much to say we have a strong military tie in, but there are military elements that surround the team and the marketing of them.
  18. In limited action Stoudermire has really impressed me. Big, strong, fast, made big time moves at top speed. Hope this guy turns out to be a big player for us.
  19. After I've had the afternoon to digest these uniforms, here is my take. A lot of people have automatically jumped on the lack of gold in the jerseys. That was my first impression too. They look very much like what we know of Toronto Argonaut jerseys, and that is weird. For argument sake, I'm going to get past the gold thing and a look at it from the standpoint of...this is a re-imagined Bomber jersey. We are BLUE and we have a strong military tie to our team. And in that respect I will give the creators of the jersey a little benefit. Now that would be all well and good if the detailing on the jersey was better. Take a look at the photoshopped Jason Vega photos, and then take a look at what we actually got. The Vega pictures actually make it look pretty badass. It's a combination of blue, military and the cold winters that we have. The camo is better. The seams and threads look better. The helmet looks a million times better with the cool ice-chilled cage. In comparison, what we actually received is a shell of the photoshopped version. Everything looks glossier and less rugged and the helmet looks like a bowling ball. I understand that I'm comparing something that is photoshopped to something that is not, but I think they could have done a lot better.
  20. That's awesome considering we could use some receiving depth more than DB depth.
  21. I think we should call Grigsby Kerplunk. I like this nickname for a receiver that drops a lot of balls. Could be the next Kamau Incompleterson.
  22. It is interesting to think of considering that fact. I know a lot want to write him off. But this video shines a brighter light on him.
  23. http://www.tsn.ca/VideoHub/?collection=72&show=413331 Best athlete in the CFL? What do you think?
  24. I guess the game we played them was an anomaly. I would rather play against Brink any day of the week, and twice on Sundays. We got beat by a number of deep balls. Smith is one of the most inaccurate QB's we've seen recently, can't do anything to get the ball to guys who can do lots once they have it, he's also throwing at guys with a gigantic catching radius like Carter, Green, Stafford and still missing. Brink can at least hit some of those intermediate throws and screens. If we had a guy like Carter, Willy would probably be averaging another 50 yard passing per game. Having an all-star wideout to go along with Denmark and Moore would be amazing.
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