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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Might of already lost his job, anyways.....
  2. The mayor has never run this city......
  3. Frederick was getting it done, before pulled from lineup
  4. Sad commentary on the state of American politics......when you have these two particular people competing for the job of running the United States of America. Hillary Clinton is tough, smart and experienced and the first women to be a party nominee. All good stuff, indeed. However, she is also a robotic ole time political hack, without a ounce of Bill's personalty, wit or empathy. The pursuit of power is the end in itself. When she "smiles", Hillary somewhat resembles the agent.... who just sold you that ole piece of swampland. Donald Trump is a large than life reality show personality. A Business mogul who has made and lost countless millions, Everything has to be about him 24/7. Bombast, hyperbole and insults, with simple messaging delivered in generalities ..are his stock in trade. Trump has done a good job of tapping in the fear and anger of a lot of Americans towards "politics as usual" "big government" "foreigners" and unfortunately also has strong appeal with gun nuts, racists, and some other fringe elements out there. The split screens showed off these traits of both, quite well. As far as the debate. Clinton simply stood back and let Trump be Trump - unfocused, petulant, unprepared, and rambling or almost incoherent at times. Frankly his articulation span appears to be much longer than his attention one. Not convinced that Clinton is fit to run for President. Not convinced that Trump is fit to run for Dogcatcher
  5. He also ran to a certain extent as the guy who would finally make City Hall "transparent" (Insert GIF of a crowd of people, rolling about the floor in laughter)
  6. Stamps may have started resting on their chaps.....but momentum in a football game is not like a light switch. The Bombers started playing better and after the 2nd TD clearly was picking up MO, getting the O in gear, getting better field position, etc. Suddenly, Calgary had to put the backslapping on hold and ramp it up again. By then the Bombers were matching them blow for blow....in a dogfight.
  7. Cannot see why Fredrick should not be in the lineup. Guy was solid.
  8. Bottom line......we simply need a better plan and execution on D, next time we play these guys. We didn't have a sack or even a hit on BLM.....he probably didn't have to bother to have his uni cleaned after that game. Considering the amount of dropping back..... coverage was way too soft,..and cost us the game in crunch time.
  9. Bo knows football.....you can talk if you can make the walk. Nothing for it, but to meet these guys again....and shove it down their throats, when the chips are all on the table. In the meantime, don't need to worry about the streak. Just start another one.
  10. Easier for BLM... when the middle of the field was always wide open - not sure what we were doing with Loffler, and the coverages there....... You have to get heat or cover. We did neither on D, especially that first half. B. Johnston is still the go-to guy for the opposition. He does bring some things to the table, but needs to be replaced. We have a good team, but we will never have a great team - until we figure out how to get out of the gate faster. We had slow starts against inferior teams, but would be down at the half by a TD or less. Doesn't work that way with the Stamps.
  11. We gave up 460 yds on D. Hardly any pass rush to speak of....and couldn't cover anyone, with the game on the line, dropping back 9 guys..... Room for improvement, for sure.
  12. Bomber D not getting any pressure on BLM.... ...or covering the many open Stamps receivers..... Calgary marches down the field for TD on first possession.... ...then move it again for short FG.....10-0, in 5 minutes Nichols holding ball, missing throws, happy feet...... McDaniels automatic 2nd down converter for BLM.... Nichols 2-7 for 16 yds in opening quarter..... Bombers still letting Stamps pitch and catch..... ...60 yd TD drive and easy 2 pt convert follow....18-0 Smith not in sync with a Bomber QB, yet again.... Bomber O now giving up sacks and a pick..... Middle of field is free Stamp passing lane... ...as Loffler is getting educated, today.... Messam busts past 4 tacklers into the endzone.... ...now 24-0.... Flanders needs more touches..... Nichols has eyes for only Denmark and Dressler.... ....while Bomber O is 2 and out, over and out..... ...as Bombers are being schooled, fooled and tooled....... Bombers go on 3rd down.....little draw play to Flanders ...who makes great cut, bursts 50 yd... to get Blue on the board Inane play by J. Adams....not falling on fumble..... ..but just touching it to o set up Stamp FG...27-7 Stamps start 2nd half in poor FP...but drive for another FG. Stamp receivers are big, strong and fast..... ...hard for Blue to match that..... Medlock has a lot of punts and Finch...lot of good returns. 30-7.....run to the cupboard for more gin..... Blue finally get some field position..... ...Nichols TD pass to Dressler called back ..but Denmark follows with great catch in end zone... Bomber butter D now more the knife, as game goes on.... ...better coverage, and hitting Stamp receivers hard.... ...kick coverage finally picking up as well.... Great 45 yd catch by Smith on jump ball..... Pass to Denmark, run by Flanders..... ...sets up Nichols TD plunge..... 30-20.....hope is stirring..... Field position turning around now.... Burnett knocks ball out on short pass.... Bass picks it up and rumbles for huge D TD.. 30-27....this game is now on.... Parades hits upright on 40 yd FG attempt..... Stamps move it 60 yds for FG.....33-27 Stamps Time for one of the ole classic CFL finishes. Denmark...another great catch to keep drive going... Nichols hits Smith, down to the 5 yd line..... Nichols hits a diving JFG for the tying touchdown! ...Medlock PAT has Bombers up 34-33.. ...but with only 20 seconds to go.... BLM moves the Stamps 40 yds against the ole prevent.... Parades comes on for game winning 52 yarder..... ...and hits it...no time left...Stamps win 36-34. Gin all over my shirt again....in a bad way.... Just can't win in this place. T. Flanders can really ball...when he gets the ball... Denmark had a productive game.....some great grabs.. Character and jam....to come back from 30-7 deficit... ...but Stamps do what winning teams do in crunch time... ...and you just can't sport that kind of team...23 point lead... Huge moral victory....to come back from that..... Huge immoral loss..... to lose like that... Huge amount of gin in a losing cause.....
  13. Our O needs to do something from the get-go. Puttering around for most of a half, will not cut it, against this team.
  14. Human sacrifice.....dogs and cats living together.....mass hysteria.
  15. Riders should jump to sign this guy. Worry about his tweets after.
  16. Has to be the Riders......Jones and Carter could exchange bouts of "attitude"
  17. Johnson has really struggled with both coverage and tackling, this year.
  18. All-timer at RB, and one of the best KO returner as well. A NO BRAINER.
  19. ...or D and ST can take plenty of credit for that. But, yeah...without Sheppard....not a lot of physicality in that R corps
  20. We need more than a couple of guys to catch passes, each game...
  21. Well, we have had some GM's here who didn't even get the basic concept....
  22. Think that my earlier point about Walters understanding CDN content and need to build through the draft.....has been hammered through, with this trade....
  23. Well, going from scrapheaping....to dungheaping, has its downside.....
  24. People's heads will explode if Glenn does well. Or for that matter, if he does not do well... Should be interesting...
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