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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Pruitt is a crook as well as a serial liar. Of course Trump likes him.....
  2. Trump Hairdresser: "Mr President, you have tremendous hair, it is the biggest and the best!" Trump: "Would you like be the new Secretory of the Interior?"
  3. Strange, when a porn star is more upfront about screwing people.......than the President of the United States.
  4. Stand corrected, thanks...... China and Japan are both in for a Trillion, for a total of 15% of the debt. Gotta check more than one webpage (sigh)
  5. At least Breitbart, Daily Caller, Infowars, et al. are covering it. Too bad all those hundred of thousands of kids, are funded, organized, and brainwashed by leftist fanatics..... Update: The winning headline comes from good ole Alex Jones and Infowars...and is as follows: ‘Hitler Youth’ Student Gun Control March Invades Washington: Follows in footsteps of Nazis who disarmed Jews before the Holocaust
  6. In Trump's first year, counting this budget......around 3 Trillion bucks added to debt. Now he is starting a trade war with China, who holds the bulk of the paper on existing US debt.
  7. Watching Trump's legal beagles with the Stormy and Bunny business.....these guys actually remind me of Mafia retainers. There will always be openings with the Trump legal team. Simply check in your dignity, integrity, self respect, and ethics at the door.
  8. Being a Trump lawyer...... can potentially put you into some kind of legal jeopardy, anyways.....
  9. John Dowd has resigned ..... http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/379731-trump-lawyer-john-dowd-resigns-report Funny.....he was demanding on behalf of the WH, that Mueller must go - then backtracked and said it was only his own opinion..........then days later, quits.
  10. Another "white Christian patriot" Just waiting for Armageddon. Film at 11.
  11. Trump only heeds his master's voice (Putin)
  12. At this point, all these posts can only mean one thing. Believe me......the Unknown Poster is obviously a Deep State operative, paid for by George Soros. His agenda is Fake News, and his postings should be shut down. He is simply working the system. After all, this board only features the best people. The mods need to be very strong, very strong on this.
  13. At least Henoc got his 35K from the Riders.....
  14. The Mueller Perjury Trap Mueller: "Your full name, sir" Trump: "John Smith"
  15. Just a matter of putting the right people in the right places.
  16. As I referred to in my last post.......MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Bang up job.
  17. Why the almost maniacal and desperate attempts to kibosh Mueller's investigation? The endless attempts to discredit Mueller, the Justice Department and the FBI, on a daily basis. Firing Comey over "that Russian thing" Trying to get WH council to co-op on firing Mueller The meetings with Russians that virtually every single member of Trump's transition team had... and then endlessly lied about? The carrier pidgon flight across the WH lawn to initiate the phony masking issue, then the put up memo job from Nunes. The blind mice act from the House Committee, that won't bother subpoenaing any of the witness who refuse to testify about the transition period Not sure what it would look like if these guys were NOT trying to hide some stuff. After all, Trump simply hired the best people who could deal with Russia.
  18. Was tired of lusting after big receivers, anyways....
  19. Fox consists of Chris Wallace and Shep Smith. Those people just might be confused with actual journalists/news reporters. The rest is a total steaming mess.....
  20. Stay tuned for the next installment of the hit reality TV series....Trump and Friends. In tonight's episode. Donald loses his pacifier, wandering around the House, creating a tricky situation for his advisers. A porn star leaves a message....and there are face plants all around......
  21. Actually, Fox is not registered with the FCC as a news station. Their is also this. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/04/01/fox-news-for-entertainment-purposes-only-disclaimer_n_15727044.html So, this is the organization that influences Trump on policy making (Fox & Friends) and has some potential Cabinet candidates (according to Trump)...... Beyond a bad joke.
  22. That party needs severe punishment in the mid-terms. Bigly.
  23. I would like to see some other people in the Republican Party held to account......at least politically
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