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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Tramp's ego, dishonesty, and stupidity......... on full and shameless public display. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/trump-admits-making-information-meeting-trudeau-article-1.3875581 Will the White House even try to spin this one? Quite the challenge.
  2. He simply broke the cardinal rule of the Trump White House. Told the truth. Not a team player. Bad.
  3. So many contradictions ......so little time.
  4. He dared to criticize the Russians, on a regular basis. Not a Trump Team player.
  5. Yup, my social experiment of briefly posting there, still gives me the willies.. In that vein, you would love Infowars and The Daily Caller, as well.
  6. Hell, I thought there was no election interference.....so I learned something as well.
  7. Vladimir Putin Suggests Jews Were Behind Election Interference .....a headline in today's Breitbart. I go there often, just to take a break from "fake news"
  8. Only thing is......the right wing and their media megaphones, as well as the bible thumpers.....incessantly painted Clinton as a moral disgrace. Trump? Crickets.
  9. He fires off only a fraction of the neurons, that his dad could.....
  10. The Republican Party has been completely slimed......
  11. Your last sentence can be applied in a historical fashion, as well.
  12. Trump will keep this tariff thing alive.....well, until perhaps after the special election in Pennsylvania.....
  13. The thing about compulsive narcissists is that they crave attention 24/7 and every issue or debate ends up having to be about them.
  14. If anyone recalls..... my earlier posts about what is required from a Trump WH communication person. Well.... Trump upset with Sarah Sanders's inability to keep all the lies straight... http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/377346-cnn-trump-upset-with-sarah-sanders-over-handling-of-stormy-daniels Serial lying can be a pretty thankless and tiring job.
  15. ....and this is just the stuff of public record.
  16. Communication people in the Trump White House, always remind me of Sir Winston Churchill's quote about a government back bencher:
  17. So, are we going to do something.....so I can take a rest from bashing Trump on the Pol board?
  18. In Trumpland......even the lawyers....need lawyers.
  19. Putin: 'I have no disappointment at all' with Trump http://thehill.com/policy/international/377172-putin-i-have-no-disappointment-at-all-with-trump ....and why the hell would he? Trump just ignored a congressional vote of 517-5 to avoid placing further sanctions on Russia. Vlad is a happy guy http://nationalpost.com/news/world/putin-praises-trump-says-us-political-system-eating-itself
  20. Trump in the morning: "This White House has tremendous energy.” “It is a great place to be working. Many, many people want every single job." Cohn in the evening: "I quit"
  21. Ethics violation? In the day to day activities of the Trump Administration.....this would almost be counted as a nothing burger.
  22. Nunberg is actually not the ultimate target here......Roger Stone is.
  23. Trump stiffs everyone, eventually.
  24. Nunberg: "Do you think I should cooperate? Tapper: "If it were me, I would." http://thehill.com/homenews/media/376829-ex-trump-aide-asks-cnns-tapper-if-he-should-cooperate-with-mueller-subpoena
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